Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

Mental illness is on the rise--------
You are wrong about PTSD btw pumpkin, I remember seeing brochures for PTSD in the mid 90's in the base doctor offices wondering why everyone thought that it was such a grand new thing following the gulf. (For those that don't know---the bases put up a lot of miscellaneous brochures on different medical conditions, morale and welfare etc type brochures and place them in racks around the bases.)

No you won't turn my kid gay, but they will certainly try and then do as the libs do now when you don't follow their mentally ill mantras and attack. ERgo kids who are highly suspectible to peer pressures such as the low self-esteen will submit to it thusly messing them up for life. I remember the 70's and how the communists (bisexual ones) operated---they would brag that if they could control one's sexuality that they knew they controlled them completely. SEE Charlie Manson and JIm JONES for reference.

Kids accepting what is wrong is a big issue that will mess with their morals and psyche for life.

Leave the kids alone you old pervert---if you actually believed that they will be what they are meant to be you wouldn't be obsessed with sexually manipulating them when they are young.
With enough training/grooming even our most basic biological drives and survival instincts can be defeated.

This isn't new to anyone who ever took a 2 or 3 level psyche course.
Except Bush removed people who had been living at those addresses for years.

Showing people as they are is "peversion"? Hey, check this scene out... this is a scene that happened in our lifetimes and it was considered controversial. It involved a white man kissing a black woman.

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And yes, people like you were outraged by it.

Here's the problem. Teachers don't work for the State. They work for their individual school districts.
It doesn't matter how long they lived there state law says if you fail to vote in either two or three consecutive elections you are to be removed form the rolls.
Except Bush removed people who had been living at those addresses for years.

Showing people as they are is "peversion"? Hey, check this scene out... this is a scene that happened in our lifetimes and it was considered controversial. It involved a white man kissing a black woman.

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And yes, people like you were outraged by it.

Here's the problem. Teachers don't work for the State. They work for their individual school districts.
Interracial sex and marriages have been part of human history for as long as we've distinguished between races and ethnicities.

There's nothing unnatural or aberrant about such relationships.
Why do I get the feeling that you were one of the people who was upset when Captain Kirk kissed Lt. Uhura?

Ironically, Actress Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, wanted to leave the show because they weren't giving her enough to do. Dr. Martin Luther King talked her out of it, because it was a groundbreaking role, even a minor one.

25 years later, Star Trek Deep Space Nine premiered, with Avery Brooks- a black man - as the lead. My opinion, it was the best Trek show produced up to that point or since. It featured one of the first same sex kissed on TV.

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Today, you have Star Trek Discovery, which is generally an awful show, but it does include a Gender Fluid character as well as several gay characters.

The difference is that parents can monitor what their children watch at home, but not what's going on inside their classroom, hence the need for such a law.
My dad passed in 1981... long before PTSD became a watch-word and even then, mostly to describe vets of Vietnam, not WWII.

You are working on the assumption that sexual orientation can be programmed. If that were the case, no kids who ever grew up in a strictly religious household would ever grow up to be gay, and we know that simply isn't the case.

Why go back to the 1970's... All through history there have been cults that have preyed on the weak minded, but it's not like we are going to ban religion.

What I remember about the 70's is that the Priests and Brothers in the Catholic Church had a reputation and you never wanted to be left alone with one of them. But the Church kept moving the bad actors around when they got caught.

Except you really haven't told me why being gay is "wrong".

So why is being gay wrong, other than you think it's icky and your imaginary fairy in the sky says it's wrong.
Well if it helps, my father (and several of his brother/cousins --he and his 4 siblings were raised by his aunt who had 12 kids of her own) was in Nam as well-----he told me that the ones who developed head issues also tended to be the ones using drugs when they went in. He and his brother/cousins were not infantry (they volunteered so got to chose their fields---and killing was something that none cotton to despite being poor starving hillbillies). I realize that others saw far more death than they would have, but they didn't develop PTSD or anything close to it. I also know that after nam that the military did not want draftees because they had higher incidents of drugs and mental instability.

What I noticed as I aged and watched the people around me age as well-----is that the people around me that I knew were alcoholics and did serious drugs both legal and illegal also tended to have the most kids with both autism and homsexuality as they grew up. I've seen studies on these as well--that always tend to get buried. I strongly suspect that your father had issues before going in---
Why do I get the feeling that you were one of the people who was upset when Captain Kirk kissed Lt. Uhura?

Ironically, Actress Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, wanted to leave the show because they weren't giving her enough to do. Dr. Martin Luther King talked her out of it, because it was a groundbreaking role, even a minor one.

25 years later, Star Trek Deep Space Nine premiered, with Avery Brooks- a black man - as the lead. My opinion, it was the best Trek show produced up to that point or since. It featured one of the first same sex kissed on TV.

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Today, you have Star Trek Discovery, which is generally an awful show, but it does include a Gender Fluid character as well as several gay characters.
You are gay obsessed----

Story line in Discovery sucked---it lacked originality and relied more on the woke nonsense to get it through. Ohara and Kirk having an affair made sense to their story line. However, I am glad that they opted out of the affair on film as William Shatner was notorious for over acting which fit with the show but would have been tasteless with a serious relationship on the show. Nichols deserved a better love interest and intimate actor as her steady relationship. Having her and Shatner would have killed the show.
With enough training/grooming even our most basic biological drives and survival instincts can be defeated.

This isn't new to anyone who ever took a 2 or 3 level psyche course.
Much harder to do with kids with strong self esteem and parents and grands that would make the manipuilating adult go away.
Much harder to do with kids with strong self esteem and parents and grands that would make the manipuilating adult go away.
True, but the teachers get them for 40hrs a week and most families don't spend 10 waking hours togher on average through the week or even on weekends.

We aren't really raising our kids like past generations did when only one parent worked and families stayed close so the grandparents could step in to lend a hand whenever needed.
What I noticed as I aged and watched the people around me age as well-----is that the people around me that I knew were alcoholics and did serious drugs both legal and illegal also tended to have the most kids with both autism and homsexuality as they grew up. I've seen studies on these as well--that always tend to get buried. I strongly suspect that your [Incel Joe's] father had issues before going in---

Think that might have some bearing on how his son turned out?
Think that might have some bearing on how his son turned out?
How kids are treated by their parents usually has a significant impact on how they turn out as adults.

Kids who's moms are drunks and druggies during their pregnancies produce a lot of kids with both physical and mental disorders and developmental delays.
Interracial sex and marriages have been part of human history for as long as we've distinguished between races and ethnicities.

There's nothing unnatural or aberrant about such relationships.

Except they were against the law in this country up until 1969. NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE. Like, WITHIN MY LIFETIME. Yes, it sounds amazing that we would have such laws, but we did.

The difference is that parents can monitor what their children watch at home, but not what's going on inside their classroom, hence the need for such a law.

I noticed you avoided the issue of how interracial relationships freak you out.
Nobody is going to "make your kid gay" because they acknowledge gay people in school.

What I noticed as I aged and watched the people around me age as well-----is that the people around me that I knew were alcoholics and did serious drugs both legal and illegal also tended to have the most kids with both autism and homsexuality as they grew up. I've seen studies on these as well--that always tend to get buried. I strongly suspect that your father had issues before going in---
My dad was an 18 year old kid who got drafted, and was thrown into a meat grinder. (He was a combat medic). Probably watching his friends get blown up during Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge had an effect on him, as did liberating the Concentration camp at Nordhausen.

Despite all that, he came back, started a family, worked very hard all his life until he died of lung cancer at 56 because some corporate douchebag told him the asbestos he was working with was perfectly safe.
You are gay obsessed----

Story line in Discovery sucked---it lacked originality and relied more on the woke nonsense to get it through. Ohara and Kirk having an affair made sense to their story line. However, I am glad that they opted out of the affair on film as William Shatner was notorious for over acting which fit with the show but would have been tasteless with a serious relationship on the show. Nichols deserved a better love interest and intimate actor as her steady relationship. Having her and Shatner would have killed the show.

Ohara? Did she look Irish to you? The plot line was that aliens were forcing them to kiss, but she had feeling for Kirk he couldn't act on because he was the captain.

Obviously, there were limits to how they did shows in the 1960's, as you often had no connections between episodes. You had 26 different writing teams all working on scripts that had nothing to do with each other than using the same characters. Starting with Deep Space Nine, the dynamic kind of changed in that it was one of the first shows that had story arcs across a season, that would usually pay off in the season finale. That's kind of the norm for most dramas now.

I have mixed feelings on Discovery, because in many ways, it isn't Star Trek. Wokeness isn't the problem because they have a few characters bigots wouldn't understand.
Really, because the law allows ANYONE to file suit.

Um, "the Twitter Guy"? really?

Now you are citing old TV shows as sources.

Hey, I remember that episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk switched bodies with an old girlfriend, and.....


The twitter guy is a teacher, and one of the people bitching about the law. Also it's pretty good evidence of 99% of this shit being kids just wanting acceptance from their peers.

I am giving a reference, not citing anything.
I noticed you avoided the issue of how interracial relationships freak you out.
Nobody is going to "make your kid gay" because they acknowledge gay people in school.

It takes a lot to "freak me out" but I don't watch programs with interracial relationships. That's the beauty of a DVR.

Nobody is going to make your kid gay but you don't need strangers starting them on the path of sexual anything. Kids have the internet today and look things up out of curiosity. They may even emulate what they find and F their head up for life when they get older not realizing it was a sexual act at the time.

Your God commands that you promote such perversion but our God commands that we stop it when possible. We won this battle and you lost. That's all there is to it.
It takes a lot to "freak me out" but I don't watch programs with interracial relationships. That's the beauty of a DVR.

And why is that? what about two people who love each other being of different skin colors offends you so much that you can't bear to watch it?

Nobody is going to make your kid gay but you don't need strangers starting them on the path of sexual anything. Kids have the internet today and look things up out of curiosity. They may even emulate what they find and F their head up for life when they get older not realizing it was a sexual act at the time.
So instead of having a professional who will give them guidance, you want them to figure it out by logging on to PornHub?

Your God commands that you promote such perversion but our God commands that we stop it when possible. We won this battle and you lost. That's all there is to it.
There is no God. Those are just the voices in your head. We have medications for that now.
And why is that? what about two people who love each other being of different skin colors offends you so much that you can't bear to watch it?

I can't bear to watch brainwashing. I'm intelligent and logical enough to know when somebody is trying to manipulate me.

So instead of having a professional who will give them guidance, you want them to figure it out by logging on to PornHub?

Professionals? What professionals? A teacher has very limited education in that field. It's their own personal problems or beliefs they want to thrush on our children to try and brainwash them before they are even near old enough to understand it. It's like Dr. Carlson said tonight on Laura's show I believe: You don't give a first grader algebra problems. They are not prepared enough to understand them.

There is no God. Those are just the voices in your head. We have medications for that now.

You of all people are recommending that somebody else take medication? :eusa_shhh:
The difference is that parents can monitor what their children watch at home, but not what's going on inside their classroom, hence the need for such a law.

I can't bear to watch brainwashing. I'm intelligent and logical enough to know when somebody is trying to manipulate me.
Oh Ray..... My oh My.

Where did you learn your sex ed Ray?
You can select MORE than one answer.
1). Your parents actually sat you down and discussed fucking how babies arrive.
2). You heard it from peers, starting in MS (earlier ray?) and then in HS.
3). Your teachers held lessons and that is where you learned about Sex.
Oh Ray..... My oh My.

Where did you learn your sex ed Ray?
You can select MORE than one answer.
1). Your parents actually sat you down and discussed fucking how babies arrive.
2). You heard it from peers, starting in MS (earlier ray?) and then in HS.
3). Your teachers held lessons and that is where you learned about Sex.

For the most part number 2. Do you have a point with this?
Oh Ray..... My oh My.

Where did you learn your sex ed Ray?
You can select MORE than one answer.
1). Your parents actually sat you down and discussed fucking how babies arrive.
2). You heard it from peers, starting in MS (earlier ray?) and then in HS.
3). Your teachers held lessons and that is where you learned about Sex.

No. One thinks everything's normal and then suddenly one guy has an inexplicable urge to grab another guy's crotch. It usually happens at a moment of domination, for example two kids will be chasing each other around the playground, and when the one catches the other and wrestles him to the ground, that's when it'll happen.

And, "most" boys will play doctor with a younger female at some point, it's a pretty typical adolescent story. Plenty of girls will go along with it even if they know the touching is inappropriate. (Sometimes "especially" if they know).

Kids aren't necessarily aware of this stuff, they just do it.

I had a girlfriend when I was three. (Or four, maybe). She was the little Swedish girl next door, Jessica was her name. She was younger than me... by about a week. We used to kiss each other on the lips because that's what mommy and daddy did.

So like, you think you need to tell a 5 year old that Sally has two mommies? By age 5 I was French kidding a Swedish chick, how do you figure I need education? :p

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