Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

Which was never the point to start with.

The problem here is that you folks on the right think that gay people do nothing but have sex. You can actually talk about gay - or straight - people without talking about sex.

The problem with "Don't Say Gay" is that it tries to pretend gay people don't exist.

View attachment 625094
Since sex is what being gay is all about you have no point.
Actually- as pointed out, the law is vague. Ms. Smith can talk about her wife, and that would be grounds for a complaint under this law.

The founders also shit in chamberpots, bled themselves when they got sick, thought slavery was a nifty idea. Why exactly do we need to follow the reasoning of 18th century savages in a 21st century world.

There is no good reason for an electoral college giving extra votes to rural areas. The current system doesn't allow for "equal" representation, it gives extra representation to rural areas. Not something the Founding Slave Rapists would have thought of, because Urban centers would have been an alien concept.

Says a guy who lives on the taxpayers dime.

Last condo I lived at, we had 30 HUD families in a 256 unit complex. Funny thing happened. The area wasn't destroyed. The town itself is still fine.

If a town like yours is becoming a slum, it's because of bad policy in retaining jobs. I've been to your city, you can see what happened. Industry used you up and threw you away. But of course you blame poor people of color to what rich white people did to you.
Actually there is and always will be which is to temper the will and tyranny of the majority and to ensure that massive social changes are not forced upon the population by a simple majority vote.
Actually- as pointed out, the law is vague. Ms. Smith can talk about her wife, and that would be grounds for a complaint under this law.

Good, then let Ms. Smith talk about her wife with friends and family, not with our children.

The founders also shit in chamberpots, bled themselves when they got sick, thought slavery was a nifty idea. Why exactly do we need to follow the reasoning of 18th century savages in a 21st century world.

There is no good reason for an electoral college giving extra votes to rural areas. The current system doesn't allow for "equal" representation, it gives extra representation to rural areas. Not something the Founding Slave Rapists would have thought of, because Urban centers would have been an alien concept.

What it actually does is give rural areas more equal representation to large populated areas so they don't dominate the entire country. Like I said, the same concept is used in our Congress in the Senate. Why should we adhere to our founders concept? Because that Constitution and their philosophy is what helped make us the greatest, strongest and most wealthiest country in the world. That's why. If you want to change it, have the commies offer a constitutional amendment, another brilliant concept by those very wise people of yesteryear.

Says a guy who lives on the taxpayers dime.

Last condo I lived at, we had 30 HUD families in a 256 unit complex. Funny thing happened. The area wasn't destroyed. The town itself is still fine.

If a town like yours is becoming a slum, it's because of bad policy in retaining jobs. I've been to your city, you can see what happened. Industry used you up and threw you away. But of course you blame poor people of color to what rich white people did to you.

We have plenty of jobs here and plenty of areas that are virtually crime free and beautiful. So you are wrong as always. In fact 15 minutes down my street you would find an entirely different world than where I live. Slums don't happen by themselves. It's people that create them, especially when government assists.
Normally, no. The problem is that the law is so vaguely worded that answering little Timmy's question about something he saw on Will and Grace last night could be a violation of the law.

There was only one country in the history of the world that executed people for performing abortions. That was Nazi Germany.
You are known by the company you keep.
Why the hell would teachers be discussing what happened on Will and Grace in class instead of teaching the prescribed curricula?
How is your family destroyed by gay folks being a thing? I think we had this same discussion during the Gay Marriage debate, that you all insisted allowing gay marriage would destroy the family.

What you want is government to affirm your values, and reject other people's values.

Look, if one is determined to raise their kid to be homophobic, and he doesn't have the misfortune of actually being gay (because sexual orientation isn't really a choice nor can it be learned), then nothing he is going to hear in school is going to change his mind about his bigotries. He is probably going to have as much of a hard time coping with the real world as a kid raised by Klan Nazis will when they encounter black people at work
It isn't the job of the gov't to affirm anyone's values.

The purpose of the Federal Gov't is to pass and enforce laws fairly for all, not social engineering promoting Homosexuality, transwhateverism, or any other perversion.

Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida​

Pretty shocking that you actually need to create a law AGAINST such a thing so that leftwing subversives don't start imposing sexuality upon children who are another 5-10 years away yet from even having their first sexual urges!

What next? Teaching masturbation theory to 3 year olds?
How is your family destroyed by gay folks being a thing? I think we had this same discussion during the Gay Marriage debate, that you all insisted allowing gay marriage would destroy the family.

What you want is government to affirm your values, and reject other people's values.

Look, if one is determined to raise their kid to be homophobic, and he doesn't have the misfortune of actually being gay (because sexual orientation isn't really a choice nor can it be learned), then nothing he is going to hear in school is going to change his mind about his bigotries. He is probably going to have as much of a hard time coping with the real world as a kid raised by Klan Nazis will when they encounter black people at work
If that's true then there's no such thing as a true bisexual.

Basic biology sets the parameters for the human race and what is "Normal and Natural", the promotion of anything else is an abomination that our young children absolutely should not have forced on them by public schools.
Pretty shocking that you actually need to create a law AGAINST such a thing so that leftwing subversives don't start imposing sexuality upon children who are another 5-10 years away yet from even having their first sexual urges!

What next? Teaching masturbation theory to 3 year olds?

Please, don't give them any ideas. That's their next line in the sand to cross after they finish crossing this one unless stopped.

So I ask again, little Sally has two moms, and little Timmy calls them "dykes" because that's the shit he hears at home, you think teachers should be disciplined for setting his little ass straight?

This funny thing about gays... they keep existing even if you don't want them to.

What a surprise that JoeB thinks that teaching 5 YEAR OLDS about transgenderism and homosexuality is just A-OKAY…

He‘s not only deep into anti-Semitism , he’s also a triple A pedophiliac in his spare time.

November is coming Joe, You and your fellow perverted woketards are going to be in for a surprise.
How is your family destroyed by gay folks being a thing? I think we had this same discussion during the Gay Marriage debate, that you all insisted allowing gay marriage would destroy the family.

What you want is government to affirm your values, and reject other people's values.

Look, if one is determined to raise their kid to be homophobic, and he doesn't have the misfortune of actually being gay (because sexual orientation isn't really a choice nor can it be learned), then nothing he is going to hear in school is going to change his mind about his bigotries. He is probably going to have as much of a hard time coping with the real world as a kid raised by Klan Nazis will when they encounter black people at work
Can't you stop with the proggie bullshit for even a microsecond?

Race baiting too? This crap is so transparent it's stupid.

You need a new act.
Which was never the point to start with.

The problem here is that you folks on the right think that gay people do nothing but have sex. You can actually talk about gay - or straight - people without talking about sex.

The problem with "Don't Say Gay" is that it tries to pretend gay people don't exist.

View attachment 625094
You have already admitted what this is really is about even if you don't realize it---its about manipulating the little kids into accepting and exploring homosexuality. NORMAL ADULTS do not obsess with teaching little kids about theirs or anyone else's sex choices. Only those looking to sexualize kids do. LEAVE the kids alone.
So do serial killers.
Are children taught about them?

So you think gays are like serial killers? Wow, that's a stretch of logic.

Do you think if a kid has a question about something they seen or heard they are going to wait the next day for school to ask the teacher? Of course not. Kids don't have that kind of memory. If they have a question, they will ask the parents--not the teacher.

Really, when I grew up, we asked teachers about stuff we saw on TV all the time. And that's when we only had three channels to watch.

It passed through the Florida state house.

Elections have consequences.

It what the majority of Floridians want.

Isnt that what the left says when they pass laws?

you mean after Florida engaged in decades of voter suppression, it got a goofy law that no one really understands the consequences of.
Since sex is what being gay is all about you have no point.

Actually there is and always will be which is to temper the will and tyranny of the majority and to ensure that massive social changes are not forced upon the population by a simple majority vote.

Yeah, guy, social change is good. And inevitable. Delaying it causes more problems than it solves.

Good, then let Ms. Smith talk about her wife with friends and family, not with our children.

Okay, let's do the same with Mrs. Jones, the straight teacher, when she wants to talk about her husband. Oh, wait, no, that's why this is a "don't say gay" bill.

What it actually does is give rural areas more equal representation to large populated areas so they don't dominate the entire country. Like I said, the same concept is used in our Congress in the Senate.

Actually, what it does in disenfranchise most of the states, big and small, and toss the election to a few "Swing" states. Eventually, when Hispanic immigration makes Texas and Florida Blue States, you are going to resent the EC a lot.

Why should we adhere to our founders concept? Because that Constitution and their philosophy is what helped make us the greatest, strongest and most wealthiest country in the world. That's why. If you want to change it, have the commies offer a constitutional amendment, another brilliant concept by those very wise people of yesteryear.

So by that logic WHEN China passes us up as the strongest and wealthiest country, we should all emulate their system?

Our system of government clearly doesn't work when an angry minority can hold up progress, we are 26 TRILLION in debt because our politicians can be easily bought. We are a country in decline and we need to reform, and you don't reform by going backwards.

We have plenty of jobs here and plenty of areas that are virtually crime free and beautiful. So you are wrong as always. In fact 15 minutes down my street you would find an entirely different world than where I live. Slums don't happen by themselves. It's people that create them, especially when government assists.
Uh, dude, I've been to your city. The only thing missing were the Zombies.
Since sex is what being gay is all about you have no point.
So is being straight just about sex? You must think there's a lot of sex going on out there.

Why the hell would teachers be discussing what happened on Will and Grace in class instead of teaching the prescribed curricula?

Because kids have questions...

If that's true then there's no such thing as a true bisexual.

Basic biology sets the parameters for the human race and what is "Normal and Natural", the promotion of anything else is an abomination that our young children absolutely should not have forced on them by public schools.

You do realize that homosexuality and bisexuality exist in the animal Kingdom, right? What doesn't exist in the animal Kingdom is homophobia. Animals just don't care.

November is coming Joe, You and your fellow perverted woketards are going to be in for a surprise.

November is coming. Then REpublicans will remind everyone how crazy they are, and Biden will get re-elected. Just like Clinton and Obama did.

Can't you stop with the proggie bullshit for even a microsecond?

Race baiting too? This crap is so transparent it's stupid.

You need a new act.

Duly noted that you couldn't answer the question. You guys insisted that gay marriage would "Destroy the family'. Well, Gay marriage happened. Families were not destroyed. Imagine that.

You have already admitted what this is really is about even if you don't realize it---its about manipulating the little kids into accepting and exploring homosexuality. NORMAL ADULTS do not obsess with teaching little kids about theirs or anyone else's sex choices. Only those looking to sexualize kids do. LEAVE the kids alone.

Why is accepting other people a bad thing. As far as exploring, kids will explore. 1 in 8 men and 25% of women ADMIT to have tried gay sex at some point. And that's the ones who will admit it. The actual numbers are probably a lot higher.
Pretty shocking that you actually need to create a law AGAINST such a thing so that leftwing subversives don't start imposing sexuality upon children who are another 5-10 years away yet from even having their first sexual urges!

What next? Teaching masturbation theory to 3 year olds?

So is being straight just about sex? You must think there's a lot of sex going on out there.

Because kids have questions...

You do realize that homosexuality and bisexuality exist in the animal Kingdom, right? What doesn't exist in the animal Kingdom is homophobia. Animals just don't care.

November is coming. Then REpublicans will remind everyone how crazy they are, and Biden will get re-elected. Just like Clinton and Obama did.

Duly noted that you couldn't answer the question. You guys insisted that gay marriage would "Destroy the family'. Well, Gay marriage happened. Families were not destroyed. Imagine that.

Why is accepting other people a bad thing. As far as exploring, kids will explore. 1 in 8 men and 25% of women ADMIT to have tried gay sex at some point. And that's the ones who will admit it. The actual numbers are probably a lot higher.
Kids also have parents and grandparents with whom they can have those discussion after the reach what their family determines to be the proper age.

Homosexuality and bisexuality are both aberrant behaviors in wild populations of higher mammals that's why they are generally shunned by the pack or herd.

If sexual preference is not about sex just what is it about?
So you think gays are like serial killers? Wow, that's a stretch of logic.

Really, when I grew up, we asked teachers about stuff we saw on TV all the time. And that's when we only had three channels to watch.

you mean after Florida engaged in decades of voter suppression, it got a goofy law that no one really understands the consequences of.
Elaborate on Florida’s voter suppression.
How is your family destroyed by gay folks being a thing? I think we had this same discussion during the Gay Marriage debate, that you all insisted allowing gay marriage would destroy the family.

What you want is government to affirm your values, and reject other people's values.

Look, if one is determined to raise their kid to be homophobic, and he doesn't have the misfortune of actually being gay (because sexual orientation isn't really a choice nor can it be learned), then nothing he is going to hear in school is going to change his mind about his bigotries. He is probably going to have as much of a hard time coping with the real world as a kid raised by Klan Nazis will when they encounter black people at work
Core American values, principles and what is normal was established in this nation for this society long ago. This shit isn’t normal and it should never be considered normal. A family unit consists of one man and one woman...and possibly children.
This is nothing new, the Left has been trying to tear down and rewrite the unwritten rules for this society for sick fucks won’t give up on pushing anything and everything abnormal, indecent, immoral and filthy…it’s why good, real core Americans long for the day when Leftists are contained to Auschwitz type concentration camps. (I'll volunteer to be the gasser)

“We swear, just think faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

The good news for you is; nutless conservatives will continue to allow you to shove whatever you want up their pussified asses...You just have to be patient, let them pretend to resist for a short period...they always fall into full me, they do.
Kids also have parents and grandparents with whom they can have those discussion after the reach what their family determines to be the proper age.

Homosexuality and bisexuality are both aberrant behaviors in wild populations of higher mammals that's why they are generally shunned by the pack or herd.

If sexual preference is not about sex just what is it about?

And what if they are gay and their parents and grandparents are raging homophobes?

Actually, animals don't really care... they don't shun other animals over sex. Getting hung up about sex is a human thing.

It's not just bout sex, that's the point.

So I ask again, little Sally has two moms, and little Timmy calls them "dykes" because that's the shit he hears at home, you think teachers should be disciplined for setting his little ass straight?

This funny thing about gays... they keep existing even if you don't want them to.

so do lying assholes who misrepresent things so they can be a lying asshole.

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