Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

Joe may be a very good Leftist, but as far as what people actually think, he is an incompetent fool. He can spin it any way he wishes, but parents are not buying his garbage, or the Lefts.

I really want him to keep defending, it is like shooting clay pigeons, when they are on the ground.

This is supposed to be a free country, and Ho-Ho junior can believe anything he likes. So can mambla, and the rest of these people. But the more they speak, the more Americans understand how they think. That is a good thing!
However when they speak, we welcome what they have to say. Let everybody hear what they are really about. Can we pass out pamphlets for you? Turn up the PA a few notches? What can we do to help get your perverted messages to the public?

The more that left wrong-wing filth such as Incel Joe speak, and the more widely their message is heard, the easier it becomes to show sane people what that side really stands for.
The more that left wrong-wing filth such as Incel Joe speak, and the more widely their message is heard, the easier it becomes to show sane people what that side really stands for.

Correct. When they talk, we get more converts. When we talk, we get more converts. That's why they are so scared to death of us speaking and do everything possible to stop us.
And now you think fictions shows are reality.
You are the one who cited an old TV show... I was mocking you.
So what are you trying to say, that people actually kept their personal life personal? Yeah, that's kind of what we want now.
Um, no, it doesn't matter what you want. You bigots are on the wrong side of history. Gays can get married now, deal with it.
Correct. When they talk, we get more converts. When we talk, we get more converts. That's why they are so scared to death of us speaking and do everything possible to stop us.

Actually, no. You guys are on the losing side.

Hey, Remember when Dubya was going to save us from the evils of gay marriage? He was going to pass a constitutional amendment!!!

Oh. Wait. Not only did we not get an amendment, but gays can get married now. And adopt kids.

You are on the wrong side of history, sorry to break it to you.
Actually, no. You guys are on the losing side.

Hey, Remember when Dubya was going to save us from the evils of gay marriage? He was going to pass a constitutional amendment!!!

Oh. Wait. Not only did we not get an amendment, but gays can get married now. And adopt kids.

You are on the wrong side of history, sorry to break it to you.

Not really, it's just that now the weirdos and freaks have some control. It's why I advocate we have two countries instead of one. Divide this country in half and then we can live without you weirdos and freaks.
You are the one who cited an old TV show... I was mocking you.

Um, no, it doesn't matter what you want. You bigots are on the wrong side of history. Gays can get married now, deal with it.

Ha, ha, ha. The Child protection law in Florida is loved by most people. It's you that's on the wrong side.
Not really, it's just that now the weirdos and freaks have some control. It's why I advocate we have two countries instead of one. Divide this country in half and then we can live without you weirdos and freaks.

In short, you are in the minority right now, can't win an election without cheating, and now that you can't get your way on stuff, you want to take your ball and go home.

Ha, ha, ha. The Child protection law in Florida is loved by most people. It's you that's on the wrong side.

Actually, the polls are all over the map... but once people find their school districts spending huge amounts of money fighting lawsuits from both sides, this law is going to be seen as the turkey it is.
Not really, it's just that now the weirdos and freaks have some control. It's why I advocate we have two countries instead of one. Divide this country in half and then we can live without you weirdos and freaks.

It's fascinating to me that most of us (conservatives) are in favor of this it seems but the Leftists squeal like pigs when we propose it. Why? Don't they hate us? Don't they want their own country with the "racists, xenophobes, homophobes" etc gone?

Actually, no. You guys are on the losing side.

Hey, Remember when Dubya was going to save us from the evils of gay marriage? He was going to pass a constitutional amendment!!!

Oh. Wait. Not only did we not get an amendment, but gays can get married now. And adopt kids.

You are on the wrong side of history, sorry to break it to you.
It seems to me, that you're on the wrong side of your imagination.

First of all, W was a leftist. A Neo-Con, which is a leftist.

Secondly, I'm considered a rightie at the moment, and I'm on record all over the internet supporting gay marriage. From day one. My logic was, and is, that stable committed relationships are better than the hookup scene.

Demtards have so many stereotypes, it's all that's left at this point.
"[T]hink the Catholic Church has a problem?" she said. "The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."

So, in order to better protect children, did media outlets start hounding the worse menace of the school systems, with headlines about a "Nationwide Teacher Molestation Cover-up" and by asking "Are Ed Schools Producing Pedophiles?" Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?
It's fascinating to me that most of us (conservatives) are in favor of this it seems but the Leftists squeal like pigs when we propose it. Why? Don't they hate us? Don't they want their own country with the "racists, xenophobes, homophobes" etc gone?


Such hypocrites. Citizens and businesses alike are leaving left-wing shit holes like CA and NY and headed for Republican states like Florida and Texas. That's not the problem. The problem is when they get to our states they vote the same way to F them up as well.

I think it would be heaven on earth to live in a state with no liberals at all. No more whining about low taxes, gun possession and the climate among other things. No teaching our children about gay sex or cross dressing. No more weirdos in dresses using our facilities for females. And if we did divide our country in half and I'm already on the Republican side where the liberals had to move from, my property value would triple overnight.
Agreed ^^^^^^^^,

But you still want God put back in the school......Correct?
If they fight and win with this bill, teachers will be able to teach about God. Since this is about the first amendment, right?
In short, you are in the minority right now, can't win an election without cheating, and now that you can't get your way on stuff, you want to take your ball and go home.

We're not the ones with a pending bill to fix elections so we almost never lose. We're not the ones bringing in illegals to eventually make them citizens so they vote for us. We're not the people who are now allowing criminals to vote. We are not the ones who suggested adding states to our country to get more representatives on our side. We're not the ones who talked about packing the court.

It's you that can't win without cheating. That's why the Communists want to make mail-in a standard whether we have a virus or not.

Actually, the polls are all over the map... but once people find their school districts spending huge amounts of money fighting lawsuits from both sides, this law is going to be seen as the turkey it is.

Nobody is going to be suing anybody. Teachers will just have to do their jobs is all and keep their personal and social issues to themselves. If you don't like it, leave the state because it's under Republican control and people love their Governor. As for polls, the only ones that had a majority objection are those that actually bought the lie that the bill was about not being able to say "gay" in schools. A majority of recent polls (after word got out about the leftist lie) show that people overwhelmingly support it, and that includes Democrats.
It's fascinating to me that most of us (conservatives) are in favor of this it seems but the Leftists squeal like pigs when we propose it. Why? Don't they hate us? Don't they want their own country with the "racists, xenophobes, homophobes" etc gone?

Nope. We want you to finally be decent people.

We're not the ones with a pending bill to fix elections so we almost never lose. We're not the ones bringing in illegals to eventually make them citizens so they vote for us. We're not the people who are now allowing criminals to vote. We are not the ones who suggested adding states to our country to get more representatives on our side. We're not the ones who talked about packing the court.

So how about just one person, one vote... done? No gerrymandering, no electoral college, the side that gets the most votes wins.

Oh, wait, no, that would suck for you guys.

Nobody is going to be suing anybody. Teachers will just have to do their jobs is all and keep their personal and social issues to themselves. If you don't like it, leave the state because it's under Republican control and people love their Governor. As for polls, the only ones that had a majority objection are those that actually bought the lie that the bill was about not being able to say "gay" in schools. A majority of recent polls (after word got out about the leftist lie) show that people overwhelmingly support it, and that includes Democrats.

DeSatan's approval rate is barely above 50%.

The first time some Church lady sues a gay teacher for talking about her wife, you are going to see how awful this law is.

Such hypocrites. Citizens and businesses alike are leaving left-wing shit holes like CA and NY and headed for Republican states like Florida and Texas. That's not the problem. The problem is when they get to our states they vote the same way to F them up as well.

Because they realize that nicer weather kind of sucks when you have shitty behavior. Eventually, FL and TX will be blue states... Then your side is done and we are better off for it.

I think it would be heaven on earth to live in a state with no liberals at all. No more whining about low taxes, gun possession and the climate among other things. No teaching our children about gay sex or cross dressing. No more weirdos in dresses using our facilities for females. And if we did divide our country in half and I'm already on the Republican side where the liberals had to move from, my property value would triple overnight.

Actually, your city would still be a slum.
Nope. We want you to finally be decent people.
“Decent”? Are you sure you know what decent is?

So how about just one person, one vote... done? No gerrymandering, no electoral college, the side that gets the most votes wins.

Oh, wait, no, that would suck for you guys.
Why would conservatives EVER pander to the filth you’ve cultivated in your dangerous, disgusting blue shitholes full of human cockroaches? Why would anyone sane want America to become one giant Los Angeles or Baltimore?
Because they realize that nicer weather kind of sucks when you have shitty behavior. Eventually, FL and TX will be blue states... Then your side is done and we are better off for it.
Point us to all those “blues” communities, cities or states that America as a whole should emulate?
Which ones are safe, productive, clean and united?
So how about just one person, one vote... done? No gerrymandering, no electoral college, the side that gets the most votes wins.

Oh, wait, no, that would suck for you guys.

Sure it would because then large cities would control the entire country, something our founders didn't want to see happen. Yeah, one person one vote, and you have to show up in person to cast that vote. I'm all for that. The lazy welfare people will just stay home.

DeSatan's approval rate is barely above 50%.

The first time some Church lady sues a gay teacher for talking about her wife, you are going to see how awful this law is.

If it were down to DeSantis and Crist, 55% of people said they would vote DeSantis, 34% said they would vote Crist, and 11% were unsure.

If it were down to DeSantis and Fried, 55% said they would vote DeSantis, 32% said they would vote Fried, and 12% were unsure.

Almost by a 2 to 1 margin over the Communists.

Because they realize that nicer weather kind of sucks when you have shitty behavior. Eventually, FL and TX will be blue states... Then your side is done and we are better off for it.

California has the nicest weather in the country. The commies are not moving there.

Actually, your city would still be a slum.

How is that possible with no Democrats? It's Democrats who make areas slums.
Why would conservatives EVER pander to the filth you’ve cultivated in your dangerous, disgusting blue shitholes full of human cockroaches? Why would anyone sane want America to become one giant Los Angeles or Baltimore?

Who said you inbreds were sane?

Point us to all those “blues” communities, cities or states that America as a whole should emulate?
Which ones are safe, productive, clean and united?

Rather live in a blue city than a red rural area where there are no job opportunities and you all wait for your government checks.
Sure it would because then large cities would control the entire country, something our founders didn't want to see happen. Yeah, one person one vote, and you have to show up in person to cast that vote. I'm all for that. The lazy welfare people will just stay home.

Why do we care what a bunch of dead slave rapists wanted? The Founders lived in a time when the country was mostly rural... there were no real "big cities". The population of NYC in 1776 was 25,000.

If it were down to DeSantis and Crist, 55% of people said they would vote DeSantis, 34% said they would vote Crist, and 11% were unsure.

If it were down to DeSantis and Fried, 55% said they would vote DeSantis, 32% said they would vote Fried, and 12% were unsure.

That just tells me he was more popular than Crist, who used to be a Republican governor.... That's really not that impressive.

How is that possible with no Democrats? It's Democrats who make areas slums.
Says the guy who collects a check every month.
Rather live in a blue city than a red rural area where there are no job opportunities and you all wait for your government checks.
A blue state like Mexifornia where 12% of Americas population resides with 33% of our welfare leeches?
Why do we care what a bunch of dead slave rapists wanted? The Founders lived in a time when the country was mostly rural... there were no real "big cities". The population of NYC in 1776 was 25,000.

Why do we care? Because they founded this country, that's why. I care much more about what they thought than the Communists today.

That just tells me he was more popular than Crist, who used to be a Republican governor.... That's really not that impressive.

You're not going to find many Governors with that kind of lead over their opponent.

Says the guy who collects a check every month.

Failure to prove I'm wrong noted.

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