Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

DeSantis Da Man! :2up:

Actually, it's very vague on what teachers can talk about regarding alternative families. Even saying "Sally has Two Mommies" would be against this law.

Not unless the teacher went into detail of why two mommies.

Given the fact most people who actually understand this law approve of it, the Democrats have to lie in order to try and convince the ignorant otherwise. Nowhere in this law does it say anything about not saying the word gay. It only restricts perv teachers from teaching it to our kids. How you or anybody else can be against that nobody knows. It wasn't taught when we were kids, it shouldn't be taught now. And since we spend the most per capita on students compared to other first world countries and only have mediocre results to show for it, maybe it's time the teachers focus on that instead of indoctrination of social and sexual issues.
Not unless the teacher went into detail of why two mommies.

Given the fact most people who actually understand this law approve of it, the Democrats have to lie in order to try and convince the ignorant otherwise. Nowhere in this law does it say anything about not saying the word gay. It only restricts perv teachers from teaching it to our kids. How you or anybody else can be against that nobody knows. It wasn't taught when we were kids, it shouldn't be taught now. And since we spend the most per capita on students compared to other first world countries and only have mediocre results to show for it, maybe it's time the teachers focus on that instead of indoctrination of social and sexual issues.

Actually, the law as written can make it a crime to mention alternative lifestyles at all.

Yes, teaching kids about Sally's moms bumping clams would be crude and doesn't belong in a classroom. Telling them that they are married and Sally's parents isn't.

The bill, which passed the Florida House in late February and the state Senate last week, imposes several vague restrictions on classroom instruction. The most notable part of the bill provides that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

The bill, however, does not define key terms like “age appropriate” or “developmentally appropriate.” It doesn’t even define the term “classroom instruction.”

Suppose, for example, that Ms. Smith is a second grade teacher married to a woman. One evening, while Smith and her wife are shopping at the mall, she runs into one of her students and they say hello to each other. The next day, the student asks Ms. Smith who the woman she was shopping with is, and Smith responds, “Oh, that’s my wife.”

Under current law, the Don’t Say Gay bill isn’t just vague, it is unconstitutionally vague. In Keyishian v. Board of Regents (1967), for example, the Court struck down a web of New York laws intended to prevent communists and other “subversives” from becoming teachers or professors — one statute, which barred employment of anyone who “‘advises or teaches the doctrine’ of forceful overthrow of government” was so broadly worded that it could potentially have forbidden state-run universities from teaching the Declaration of Independence.

May a gay teacher display a picture of their spouse on their desk? May a straight teacher do so? Suppose that a third grade student asks a teacher who the highest-ranking openly gay official is in the US government. Is the teacher allowed to respond with the correct answer (Pete Buttigieg), or do they have to blow off the question? What if a book taught in a high school English class has a gay character? Or what if the book has no openly gay characters but a parent reads the book and concludes that it has homoerotic undertones? If a second grade student has two mothers, may a teacher casually mention this fact in the same way they might mention any other student’s parents, or is such a thing forbidden?

As mentioned above, one problem with the Don’t Say Gay bill is that it doesn’t define what constitutes “classroom instruction.” It also doesn’t define inherently subjective terms like what sorts of classroom discussions about sexual orientation or gender identity are “age appropriate” — although the state Education Department may eventually flesh out these terms when it releases new education standards a year after the bill takes effect.
Actually, it's very vague on what teachers can talk about regarding alternative families. Even saying "Sally has Two Mommies" would be against this law.

That you are only a parent if you make a biological contribution, as someone tried to claim.

It says nothing of the sort.

It's amazing how much progressives have to lie when they make their "points"
It says nothing of the sort.

It's amazing how much progressives have to lie when they make their "points"

Actually, it's INTENTIONALLY vague, that's the point. It allows any homophobic parent to complain about any teacher at any time.
Um, okay, so do we treat a female teacher who talks about her husband the same way we treat one who talks about her wife?

I don't recall my teachers in those grades talking about their spouses.

We are talking K to Grade 3 here.

The Florida law allows for age appropriate sex ed after that, as per State standards.
I don't recall my teachers in those grades talking about their spouses.

We are talking K to Grade 3 here.

The Florida law allows for age appropriate sex ed after that, as per State standards.

Okay, except not really.

Frankly, I remember my first grade teacher, Mrs. Smith was married. ( I also know my Art teacher was married, but that was because she was also my mom.) On the other hand, we knew that my second grade teacher, Ms. Ivers, was unmarried. I kind of suspect that my fifth grade teacher was a lesbian, but we were Catholics and pretended that lesbians didn't exist... but she was a 40ish woman with a female roommate she had lived with for years and was heartbroken when she died.
Okay, except not really.

Frankly, I remember my first grade teacher, Mrs. Smith was married. ( I also know my Art teacher was married, but that was because she was also my mom.) On the other hand, we knew that my second grade teacher, Ms. Ivers, was unmarried. I kind of suspect that my fifth grade teacher was a lesbian, but we were Catholics and pretended that lesbians didn't exist... but she was a 40ish woman with a female roommate she had lived with for years and was heartbroken when she died.

I doubt there will be prosecutions for someone saying my wife or my husband.

What people are pissed at is idiots like the recent twitter guy claiming 20 out of 32 of his students are LGBTXYZ#$(%👽 which obviously shows peer and probably teacher pressure for some of these kids to just go along with the new hip trends. And of course, not to tell their parents.

The whole thing stinks like that Different Strokes episode with the kid toucher.
I doubt there will be prosecutions for someone saying my wife or my husband.

Really, because the law allows ANYONE to file suit.

What people are pissed at is idiots like the recent twitter guy claiming 20 out of 32 of his students are LGBTXYZ#$(%👽 which obviously shows peer and probably teacher pressure for some of these kids to just go along with the new hip trends. And of course, not to tell their parents.

Um, "the Twitter Guy"? really?

The whole thing stinks like that Different Strokes episode with the kid toucher.

Now you are citing old TV shows as sources.

Hey, I remember that episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk switched bodies with an old girlfriend, and.....
Really, because the law allows ANYONE to file suit.

Um, "the Twitter Guy"? really?

Now you are citing old TV shows as sources.

Hey, I remember that episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk switched bodies with an old girlfriend, and.....

Joe, Joe.....AKA........Ho-Ho Junior, right behind the Huntermeister--------------> You keep on keeping on, we like it! We show parents what people like you say, and they are like WTF!

You bare your a**, and we are going to make sure people see it! You believe what you say? Then please, continue on. Most of Americans do not, but that is ok, any help you give us to prove a point, is greatly appreciated!

By the way, how is that dizzy DISNEY stock doing, lol. You are your own worst enemies, and we THANK you for your support! The days of "foolin them" is over, histwa, done! You now have to stand on policy, and America thinks your policy sucks!
Okay, except not really.

Frankly, I remember my first grade teacher, Mrs. Smith was married. ( I also know my Art teacher was married, but that was because she was also my mom.) On the other hand, we knew that my second grade teacher, Ms. Ivers, was unmarried. I kind of suspect that my fifth grade teacher was a lesbian, but we were Catholics and pretended that lesbians didn't exist... but she was a 40ish woman with a female roommate she had lived with for years and was heartbroken when she died.

So what are you trying to say, that people actually kept their personal life personal? Yeah, that's kind of what we want now.
So what are you trying to say, that people actually kept their personal life personal? Yeah, that's kind of what we want now.

Joe may be a very good Leftist, but as far as what people actually think, he is an incompetent fool. He can spin it any way he wishes, but parents are not buying his garbage, or the Lefts.

I really want him to keep defending, it is like shooting clay pigeons, when they are on the ground.

This is supposed to be a free country, and Ho-Ho junior can believe anything he likes. So can mambla, and the rest of these people. But the more they speak, the more Americans understand how they think. That is a good thing!

I say it is simple------------> you like the policies of Ho-Ho, the Huntermeister, and Ho-Ho junior..........AKA joe, then vote for them, and their ideas. Let us see after they bare their a**es, how that works out for them!
Joe may be a very good Leftist, but as far as what people actually think, he is an incompetent fool. He can spin it any way he wishes, but parents are not buying his garbage, or the Lefts.

I really want him to keep defending, it is like shooting clay pigeons, when they are on the ground.

This is supposed to be a free country, and Ho-Ho junior can believe anything he likes. So can mambla, and the rest of these people. But the more they speak, the more Americans understand how they think. That is a good thing!

I say it is simple------------> you like the policies of Ho-Ho, the Huntermeister, and Ho-Ho junior..........AKA joe, then vote for them, and their ideas. Let us see after they bare their a**es, how that works out for them!

And the polls are showing that as well. Overwhelming support for this DeSantis bill, Dementia with huge negative approval ratings.

It's funny because the left is constantly trying to silence conservative points of view. They have their buddies on major social media delete conservative posts, college kids protest a conservative speaker when they come to campus, the MSM not reporting stories that favor the Republican party.

However when they speak, we welcome what they have to say. Let everybody hear what they are really about. Can we pass out pamphlets for you? Turn up the PA a few notches? What can we do to help get your perverted messages to the public?

They live in their own little world. I'm a liberal, all my family is liberal, all my friends are liberal, everybody at my Starbucks are liberals, therefore the majority of this country must be liberal! :eusa_shhh:

So I ask again, little Sally has two moms, and little Timmy calls them "dykes" because that's the shit he hears at home, you think teachers should be disciplined for setting his little ass straight?

This funny thing about gays... they keep existing even if you don't want them to.

That's about how old they are when they figure out how to bypass whatever "parental protections" they put on the internet. Seems like they might have a few questions about what they encounter in the sick sad world of internet porn.

Firstly it made no mention of grooming kids in the sense they were teaching them to be gay etc.

There is no left wing agenda to make everyone gay. Its your filthy religion and hatred of democrats forcing you to say that.
Youre as ignorant as a stump.

What you mean to say is the DuhDumbASS ,is once again pandering to the most moronic and hateful members of the GQP.

You're welcome for the assist.

But you are still OK with teaching religion in public school? Or NOT?

Please show me some proof that sex is being taught in ANY public school to 5 to 8 year old's.

I agree with the bill. Teaching children is justified when they're about to hit puberty at say, 11 years old. So they don't freak out when their bodies start changing. But five to eight is too young. No need for that
Filthy, disgusting Libs are all pissed off about this Bill…they know the Lib Mind Virus uses sexual deviance as the gateway for programming. Sick fucks!
And the polls are showing that as well. Overwhelming support for this DeSantis bill, Dementia with huge negative approval ratings.

It's funny because the left is constantly trying to silence conservative points of view. They have their buddies on major social media delete conservative posts, college kids protest a conservative speaker when they come to campus, the MSM not reporting stories that favor the Republican party.

However when they speak, we welcome what they have to say. Let everybody hear what they are really about. Can we pass out pamphlets for you? Turn up the PA a few notches? What can we do to help get your perverted messages to the public?

They live in their own little world. I'm a liberal, all my family is liberal, all my friends are liberal, everybody at my Starbucks are liberals, therefore the majority of this country must be liberal! :eusa_shhh:

LOL, conservatives are working; I know to some Leftists, a novel concept.

I refuse to go into the polls much because that all can change in 72hrs, although I used to be partially in the business. But, if I was a Leftist, I would hide under my bed come November from everything I am hearing from former co-workers. Americans are pi**ed, and the Left is their object of total disgust.

The power of the American people will either come forth in November, or we really have lost the country. Conservatives don't want to hear it, but it really is true. With the parameters that Biden and the Left has given us to deal with, if they do not show to vote, then it is over.

I believe they will, and the polls show this, and yet........I have a wait and see attitude. I am not worried about being overwhelmed by Leftist voters if there is no consensus for mail in voting, but rather I am more concerned about Conservatives actually trying through snow, rain, and everything else to throw these bums out!
Actually, it's INTENTIONALLY vague, that's the point. It allows any homophobic parent to complain about any teacher at any time.
Any homophobic parent, and any other parent too.

Amazing how the left can read so many minds. And fail so many times.

No one hates gays, fagboy. We call you names 'cause you're weird, that's all. Pretty typical of the anal types to attach significance to it.

Just keep your shit to yourself, that's all. Is it so much to ask? Why do you have to go sticking your nose into other peoples' business?

Leave my kids alone! They're perfectly fine without you. You think they need YOU to tell them Sally has two mommies? They don't. They know already. And YOU don't have the right to make a big deal out of it.

Get over yourself.

And leave my kids alone
LOL, conservatives are working; I know to some Leftists, a novel concept.

I refuse to go into the polls much because that all can change in 72hrs, although I used to be partially in the business. But, if I was a Leftist, I would hide under my bed come November from everything I am hearing from former co-workers. Americans are pi**ed, and the Left is their object of total disgust.

The power of the American people will either come forth in November, or we really have lost the country. Conservatives don't want to hear it, but it really is true. With the parameters that Biden and the Left has given us to deal with, if they do not show to vote, then it is over.

I believe they will, and the polls show this, and yet........I have a wait and see attitude. I am not worried about being overwhelmed by Leftist voters if there is no consensus for mail in voting, but rather I am more concerned about Conservatives actually trying through snow, rain, and everything else to throw these bums out!

The entire plot is to get as many politically ignorant voters as possible, and mail-in does just that. Did you read what's inside their so-called Voters Rights act? It would almost guarantee them every election from this point forward regardless how God awful their leadership is. Yes, it would go to court in violation of States Rights, but it would still be law until it makes it's way to the Supreme Court to overturn which would likely be after the next election.

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