Deshaun Watson Suspension: 6 Games

We are in a very sad time, when women's rights seem to be rolling backwards.

Its not the same thing..and in some ways it's more egregious but a Youtube Channel called MsMojo ranked the USA Gymnastics molestation scandal as #7 on the top 20 list of Biggest Scandals in Sports History. #7. 140 young women were sexually assaulted and it came in #7.

#6 was the basketball betting referee.
#5 was the Astros sign stealing.
#4 was Lance Armstrong
#3 Blacksox Scandal
#2 MLB Steroids
#1. 2015 FIFA Corruption Scandal

In the supposed top six scandals precisely zero people were molested and precisely zero innocent people had their lives ruined

So is the NFL saying he is guilty of what he is being accused of?... and they are still letting him stay in the league?....
This is one of the reasons people have turned off the NFL....
I stopped watching football entirely after that Adrian Peterson atrocity and also some LA guy on their team who beat up his baby-mama at a pizza party for her birthday. So I've missed all the black uglinesses since that year, the kneeling to show how much they hate America, all the many, many rapes and drug crimes and on and on.

It's quite a relief, it turns out. I can't be watching people like that. I remember when there were white players and football was fun; it's just crime, crime, crime now.
I don’t know if he is guilty or not. But I am always perplexed at punishment before any official adjudication. Presumption of guilt in the NFL?
I agree with you that I want to see every woman either report it to the police when it happens, right away, or shut up. Don't come back thirty years later with it; don't do "civil suits."
Yea... Cleveland structured the deal so that $44.965 million of the $46 million that Watson is owed for the 2022 NFL season will be paid in the form of a signing bonus. There is no additional fine included in Robinson’s ruling.
So you were wrong then?
maybe trump could take him under his wings. Teach him how to grab them pussy and they like it
Donald, William and Watson at a massage parlor is a criminal investigation dream come true and a Asian Hooker worse nightmare!

Anyhoo, he was never convicted and Harris county couldn’t get the Grand Jury to bring charges, so let it go by now and let Cleveland have another stain on their sports history…

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