Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump

Last I heard Joe has accepted the 3 debates and we're still waiting on the obnoxious one.

It's no wonder a crooked piece of shit like Trumpybear is afraid to debate an honest man like good old Joe. Shit DonnieDipshit almost got knocked out by that lightweight Hillary in the 2016 debates. Joe will eat him up, if he shows up that is......

Hillary didn't even bump President Trump yet alone knock him out. The first presidential debate is set up about ten minutes from my house in downtown Cleveland.

Biden's people stated when he said he would debate Trump that there will be no negotiations. Biden will debate Trump on Biden's terms. If the President wants different moderators, different networks, different times or dates, the deal is off.

She was a lightweight.

So do you think Biden controls the Commission on Presidential Debates?

and then......

A Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday the president has agreed to participate in three scheduled debates against Joe Biden organized by an independent commission.

Trump spokeswoman Erin Perrine appeared on Fox News and said the campaign has come to an agreement with the commission. “Yes, we have agreed with the debate commission,” Perrine said in response to a Fox interviewer’s

She was a lightweight? What do you think Biden is?

I'm glad they're going to debate. If it went anything like the Democrat primary debate, it's going to be worth inviting people over and popping some pop corn.
...Tax returns are not a legal requirement. Make them a requirement or shut up.
I was referring to 'tradition'... vis-a-vis the 'tradition' of debating.

If it is 'kasher' to throw rocks at Sleepy Old Uncle Joe for violating the 'tradition' of debating, then...

It is 'kasher' to throw rocks at your Orange Baboon-God for violating the 'tradition' of disclosing his income tax returns...

The 'tradition' knife cuts both ways, doesn't it? :p

Hardly a tradition to display your tax returns. It started with Nixon. There were 36 presidents before him who did not. Only 8 after him who did.
"Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump"

How about just admitting Biden is too mentally and physically unfit to stand next to a fellow American on a stage and coherently debate the issues?!

If he can not even do that there is no way in hell he can stand up to our nation's enemies (of which he is one).

"Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump"

How about just admitting Biden is too mentally and physically unfit to stand next to a fellow American on a stage and coherently debate the issues?!

If he can not even do that there is no way in hell he can stand up to our nation's enemies (of which he is one).


So insecure, this trash had to be reposted I see! Since Biden's accepted those 3 lame debates, Trump and his minions think they can "shake it up" by demanding a 4th! What a bunch of A-Holes! Repuklicans and conservatives are always changing the rules and moving the goal posts! They're just too despicable to even acknowledge as human beings! Got notice my mail-in ballot would arrive next month sometime and have stations to drop them off if USPS not trusted with Trump trying to sabotage them! :dunno:
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump


Can't find any from a respected source. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Trump and his followers are going to lie their way through this campaign.
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump


Can't find any from a respected source. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Trump and his followers are going to lie their way through this campaign.

IDK who'd hire anyone that has worked for and gone along with the insanity that's been on display from this orange cretin for the past few years! To save their jobs they have to lie to him, us, and themselves! I wouldn't do that to save the planet from inevitable annihilation; which is the course we're on at the moment! :(
...The problem is all those people since Nixon showed their returns because they had them tailored to be viewed in the event they would run for President. Trump not only never did that because he never thought he'd seriously run, but he won the presidency...
Oh, he's had plenty of time to "tailor" them (snicker) rather than bull$hit the American People about imaginary audits underway.

...Trump may have paid little taxes, he may not have been as charitable as somebody in his position would otherwise be, but there is nothing nefarious in his returns because he (like all wealthy people) get audited all the time...
Nothing nefarious? We do not know this. It's long-past time for your boy to keep his promise to the American People.

...So why the big deal by you TDS people with his returns?...
Because your boy is highly unethical and a consummate liar and folks want to know who (if anybody) pulls his strings or who he might be beholden to?

Because you're just looking for something more to bash him for...
Not just bash, but un-seat... given his properties and unethical behaviors, it's highly likely that he has grotesquely violated the Emoluments Clause.

If there's nothing there, then, fine... all done... however, if he's violated Emoluments at taxpayer expense, his own Party will turn on him in a heartbeat.

It's time to learn the answer to that question, as the Southern District for New York is preparing to do.

Tell me, if you were in an alley at night and somebody was going to mug you, would you find him a stick to beat you with?
No. I'd do whatever I could to separate his brains from his skull and then pi$$ on what's left. Why?
...Hardly a tradition to display your tax returns. It started with Nixon. There were 36 presidents before him who did not. Only 8 after him who did.
Yes. Tradition. Reinforced over the course of a half-century and more of such voluntary full disclosures as a matter of public trust.
Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump


Can't find any from a respected source. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Trump and his followers are going to lie their way through this campaign.

What's he like to live with? I say that because you must be holed up with Joe Biden in his basement bunker. Is he down there alone or does his wife come to visit him?
Oh, he's had plenty of time to "tailor" them (snicker) rather than bull$hit the American People about imaginary audits underway.

Really? He's been President for a little over three and a half years. You think that's time to adjust the last several years of your tax returns?

Nothing nefarious? We do not know this. It's long-past time for your boy to keep his promise to the American People.

You mean like DumBama kept his promise that nobody making under 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind? Or like by supporting Commie Care, families will see a savings of $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance? You can keep your doctor, hospital, healthcare plan?

During the last presidential debates, Donald Trump said he would show his tax returns, if Hillary would provide a transcript of her speech to Wall Street. Guess what? She didn't even consider the offer.

You may not know if Trump's dealings were nefarious, but the IRS sure would. Nary a word from that agency.

Not just bash, but un-seat... given his properties and unethical behaviors, it's highly likely that he has grotesquely violated the Emoluments Clause.

If there's nothing there, then, fine... all done... however, if he's violated Emoluments at taxpayer expense, his own Party will turn on him in a heartbeat.

It's time to learn the answer to that question, as the Southern District for New York is preparing to do.

They are shooting off their mouths. You don't become a successful businessman by screwing the government or making backdoor deals; none of which would ever be revealed in tax returns.

That's about the sorriest claim I've ever heard about Trump's returns. Watch some CNN to see if you can find something more realistic.

No. I'd do whatever I could to separate his brains from his skull and then pi$$ on what's left. Why?

And that's what Trump is doing with his tax returns. Because you leftists are not worried about illegalities, foreign investments or dealings (which has never been illegal) you are looking for a reason to use those returns to show how little tax he paid, or how chintzy he was with charities, or some other activity that has nothing to do with him being President or a successful businessman.
Not just bash, but un-seat... given his properties and unethical behaviors, it's highly likely that he has grotesquely violated the Emoluments Clause.

If there's nothing there, then, fine... all done... however, if he's violated Emoluments at taxpayer expense, his own Party will turn on him in a heartbeat.

It's time to learn the answer to that question, as the Southern District for New York is preparing to do.

The EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE? I'd wager that you never even heard the word before January 2017. Even the far-left Liberals threw that one over years ago. How about COLLUSION? That to was proven bogus.
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

JOE BIDEN: You have to ELECT Joe Biden to find out what is IN Joe Biden.

Hey, it worked for Obamacare.

Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 2.49.43 AM.png
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

He shouldn't debate, heck he shouldn't even run a campaign ....most are sick of the shit show ran by the orange clown. And I say replace Biden the 1st day with his VP whoever it is.
Strange year. One's looking for ways to cancel the debates while the other to cancel the election.
"Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump"

How about just admitting Biden is too mentally and physically unfit to stand next to a fellow American on a stage and coherently debate the issues?!

If he can not even do that there is no way in hell he can stand up to our nation's enemies (of which he is one).


So insecure, this trash had to be reposted I see! Since Biden's accepted those 3 lame debates, Trump and his minions think they can "shake it up" by demanding a 4th! What a bunch of A-Holes! Repuklicans and conservatives are always changing the rules and moving the goal posts! They're just too despicable to even acknowledge as human beings! Got notice my mail-in ballot would arrive next month sometime and have stations to drop them off if USPS not trusted with Trump trying to sabotage them! :dunno:

I heard on the radio this morning that Biden isn't even going to go to his own 'coronation' at the DNC Convention. The man just gets more pathetic each passing day. His handlers are pushing the idea that keeping him locked in his basemen makes him seem strong, independent.... Snowflakes buy that shit because they are gullible sheep who will buy anything - the Democrat leadership could piss on them and tell them it was raining, & they'd buy it.

Biden is too weak to go to his party's own convention. I will believe he will attend the debates when I see it.

If Biden can't face a fellow American in a debate...and can't even show up at his own 'coronation', our enemies are going to 'eat him for lunch'.

In 2016 the sheep supported the Socialist Party crime Syndicate's female 'Don' they are supporting a dementia patient Cuomo would shove in a nursing home if he showed up in NY.

"How can voters be sending in Ballots starting one month before the 1st debate. Move the 1st Debate up. A debate, to me, is a Public Service. Joe Biden and I owe it to the American People!" - President Trump, public servant
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

He shouldn't debate, heck he shouldn't even run a campaign ....most are sick of the shit show ran by the orange clown. And I say replace Biden the 1st day with his VP whoever it is.

So correct. Biden is going to win by a landslide. That's why it's a waste of time for you to vote. Stay home that day, or recycle your mail in ballot. Tell your liberal friends to do the same.

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