Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

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Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't matter one fucking bit.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.
Wrong. Statements made by the directors of the DOJ and FBI hold a hell of a lot more weight than your idiotic analysis.

And the point of this thread which was appropriately moved into the conspiracy theory section is the implication that Dems sent Fake bombs to help them in elections. Just look at the title
Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

So what we know now are 3 things:
1. A trump supporting right wingnut was responsible and not the Dems
2. The bombs were not fake or a hoax, they were real and multiple were deemed unstable and were detonated, the others are being analyzed
3. You are a complete moron
I'm tired of discussing this with sleazy lying morons.

We're done.
They also blow up "suspicious" backages all the time. Using the appeal to authority is a non sequitur in this discussion, moron. No one is disputing what the police said. What were disputing is your idiotic understanding of what they said. Your pathetic straw man attacks aren't fooling anyone.

Cries the fucking moron who appeals to his own made up bullshit.

Have you forgotten? You never were able to produce a single link which shows the police blew up a harmless, non-explosive, envelope using "other explosives."

You bullshitted and got caught. Now you're whining incessantly hoping that will suffice in lieu of your inability to prove your bullshit.
You keep asking for a link because you can't answer the questions that prove you're an idiot. Very simple logic proves you are wrong, but that's exactly why you can't figure it out.

Fucking moron, there’s no question of yours I need to answer. My many links corroborated my claims. The only one corroborating yours is you and you’re a fucking moron.

ROFL! Thanks for confirming that you're afraid to answer the questions. Of course, you can't answer them except by admitting that you've been posting pure horseshit since you chimed in on this thread.
Fucking moron, when are you going to prove your bullshit?

Oh, never.

I have no need to prove you wrong simply because you can't prove yourself right.

You have yet to prove yours, dumbass.
They use explosives to blow it up. You don't actually believe they flip some switch or cut some wire to make the bomb go off, do you? You're as dumb as that idiot Faux.
No man, you’re proving to take the idiot award all on your own. You honestly think the FBI got a harmless arrangement of pipes and wires, deemed a few of the bombs unstable and too risky to transport for no reason and then detonated them?!

You are so deep in LaLa land I don’t even think you realize it. Just imagine if it was a left winger making your ridiculous argument. You’d be going nuts on them. Instead you are just going nuts.

How did the bomb squad "detonate" them without using additional explosives? Faux is claiming the mechanics built into the bomb were used to make them explode. He denies that the bomb squad used additional explosives. If you know how that was accomplished, please let us know. Otherwise you will go down as being even dumber than Faux.
The bomb had a detonator and explosives. It did not require any additional explosives to set it off. You are unbelievably rightarded. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark or friction. Why does it matter how the FBI did it? The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool
It matters to the forum's fucking moron because he tried to position this as though it was nothing but a harmless envelope. He got caught on his bullshit and is now clawing like a little girl trying to evade proving the claims he made which he knows he can't prove.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.
If your bullshit resembled reality, you'd be able to corroborate it. Why would anyone take the word of a fucking moron like you with absolutely zero corroboration?
You have to be an enormous dumbfuck to believe that an internet link is the sum total of reality.

I'm not asking anyone to take my word for anything, moron. I'm asking you to answer some very simple questions that you should have the answers to if you were correct. You obviously can't answer them.

Fucking moron, those links are to the press reporting the police informed them they detonated the bomb.

Who do you think you're fooling, moron? Answer the questions I asked, or shut the fuck up.

Fucking moron, I'll do neither. And why should I? I've already backed what I said with a multitude of links spanning from the left to the right.

You? Nada. Zip. Zilch.

You have nothing to back your claims except for you backing your claims. And you're a fucking moron. That's why you're screeching like a banshee.

You have backed nothing. You idiotically repeat your "detonate" mantra and believe that proves something. You're a brain dead NPC - Non player character. You aren't capable of committing logic. That's why you idiotically repeat the same thing over and over and over.
So where are we Republicans?

In spite of days of chanting “Fake Bombs”, the FBI is on TV right now saying the bombs were not hoax devices

After days of following the direction of RW media and chanting that this is a Democratic False Flag operation to influence the election........the culprit is an avid Trump supporter with a van covered in conservative propaganda
Not only that, Trump still brought up Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi the day after they were threatened with bombs to Trump's minions booing and you can hear someone in the background shouting "kill her" and then "kill her too".

These deplorables are just awful.
No man, you’re proving to take the idiot award all on your own. You honestly think the FBI got a harmless arrangement of pipes and wires, deemed a few of the bombs unstable and too risky to transport for no reason and then detonated them?!

You are so deep in LaLa land I don’t even think you realize it. Just imagine if it was a left winger making your ridiculous argument. You’d be going nuts on them. Instead you are just going nuts.

How did the bomb squad "detonate" them without using additional explosives? Faux is claiming the mechanics built into the bomb were used to make them explode. He denies that the bomb squad used additional explosives. If you know how that was accomplished, please let us know. Otherwise you will go down as being even dumber than Faux.
The bomb had a detonator and explosives. It did not require any additional explosives to set it off. You are unbelievably rightarded. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark or friction. Why does it matter how the FBI did it? The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool
It matters to the forum's fucking moron because he tried to position this as though it was nothing but a harmless envelope. He got caught on his bullshit and is now clawing like a little girl trying to evade proving the claims he made which he knows he can't prove.
The envelope obviously had something in it, but it was virtually harmless. You have failed to prove otherwise.

I didn't "try to position" anything, dumbfuck. I simply called you on your claim that the when the bomb squad blew it up, that proved that it wasn't a fake bomb. You're the one who is trying to "position" the use of the word "detonate" as proof that the bomb was a real danger to Soros. It wasn't, and only dumb fucks like you refuse to admit it.

Now you believe repeating the same idiocy over and over means you have won the argument. All you've done is prove that you're incapable of committing logic.
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Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't matter one fucking bit.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.
Wrong. Statements made by the directors of the DOJ and FBI hold a hell of a lot more weight than your idiotic analysis.

And the point of this thread which was appropriately moved into the conspiracy theory section is the implication that Dems sent Fake bombs to help them in elections. Just look at the title
Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

So what we know now are 3 things:
1. A trump supporting right wingnut was responsible and not the Dems
2. The bombs were not fake or a hoax, they were real and multiple were deemed unstable and were detonated, the others are being analyzed
3. You are a complete moron
I'm tired of discussing this with sleazy lying morons.

We're done.
Haha. Ok buddy. Call me a liar and run away. I’ve laid out nothing but facts but I understand that your ego can’t handle it so run along.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.
Seriously man where are you trying to go with this? You are on a dead end street. Sessions and Wray said that the bombs were not a hoax. They were real, end of story. Do you think they are lying?? Who cares if they were poorly constructed? Who cares how they were detonated by the FBI? Those are desperate attempts for you to pivot away from your stupid implication that they were fake bombs sent by the Dems to help an election. Go stand in the corner for a bit and reflect on how dumb you are sounding.
Sessions and Wray are a couple of politicians who say what they think they are supposed to say. The subject of this thread is whether the bombs were capable of exploding on their own. All the evidence indicates they weren't, which means the targets were in no danger.

I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims. That's purely your spin.

Only a snowflake would claim that pointing out facts makes you sound stupid.
Look at the title of the thread dumbshit.
Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't matter one fucking bit.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.
Wrong. Statements made by the directors of the DOJ and FBI hold a hell of a lot more weight than your idiotic analysis.

And the point of this thread which was appropriately moved into the conspiracy theory section is the implication that Dems sent Fake bombs to help them in elections. Just look at the title
Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

So what we know now are 3 things:
1. A trump supporting right wingnut was responsible and not the Dems
2. The bombs were not fake or a hoax, they were real and multiple were deemed unstable and were detonated, the others are being analyzed
3. You are a complete moron
I'm tired of discussing this with sleazy lying morons.

We're done.
Haha. Ok buddy. Call me a liar and run away. I’ve laid out nothing but facts but I understand that your ego can’t handle it so run along.
What more can I do? You aren't capable of committing logic. You have demonstrated that beyond all doubt. All you and Faux can do is repeat your "detonate" mantra over and over and insist that I'm stupid. You prove absolutely nothing. You're an NPC - non player character.
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.
Seriously man where are you trying to go with this? You are on a dead end street. Sessions and Wray said that the bombs were not a hoax. They were real, end of story. Do you think they are lying?? Who cares if they were poorly constructed? Who cares how they were detonated by the FBI? Those are desperate attempts for you to pivot away from your stupid implication that they were fake bombs sent by the Dems to help an election. Go stand in the corner for a bit and reflect on how dumb you are sounding.
Sessions and Wray are a couple of politicians who say what they think they are supposed to say. The subject of this thread is whether the bombs were capable of exploding on their own. All the evidence indicates they weren't, which means the targets were in no danger.

I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims. That's purely your spin.

Only a snowflake would claim that pointing out facts makes you sound stupid.
Look at the title of the thread dumbshit.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't matter one fucking bit.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.
Wrong. Statements made by the directors of the DOJ and FBI hold a hell of a lot more weight than your idiotic analysis.

And the point of this thread which was appropriately moved into the conspiracy theory section is the implication that Dems sent Fake bombs to help them in elections. Just look at the title
Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

So what we know now are 3 things:
1. A trump supporting right wingnut was responsible and not the Dems
2. The bombs were not fake or a hoax, they were real and multiple were deemed unstable and were detonated, the others are being analyzed
3. You are a complete moron
I'm tired of discussing this with sleazy lying morons.

We're done.
Haha. Ok buddy. Call me a liar and run away. I’ve laid out nothing but facts but I understand that your ego can’t handle it so run along.
What more can I do? You aren't capable of committing logic. You have demonstrated that beyond all doubt. All you and Faux can do is repeat your "detonate" mantra over and over and insist that I'm stupid. You prove absolutely nothing. You're an NPC - non player character.
I’ve shown statements by the directors of our top agencies who were responsible for capturing the suspect and handling the bombs. They say the bombs were real. You e got nothing but empty insults.

Why are you scrambling so much and trying so hard to prove these bombs were fake? It’s becaise this thread was started on a narrative that they were fake bombs sent by Dems to help their election. That con theory is now busted but you can’t let go. You’ve done your best to dodge and weave and spin this into an argument of semantics but it’s obvious what you’re doing. Just give it up and admit you and the other trump puppets got this one wrong.
No man, you’re proving to take the idiot award all on your own. You honestly think the FBI got a harmless arrangement of pipes and wires, deemed a few of the bombs unstable and too risky to transport for no reason and then detonated them?!

You are so deep in LaLa land I don’t even think you realize it. Just imagine if it was a left winger making your ridiculous argument. You’d be going nuts on them. Instead you are just going nuts.

How did the bomb squad "detonate" them without using additional explosives? Faux is claiming the mechanics built into the bomb were used to make them explode. He denies that the bomb squad used additional explosives. If you know how that was accomplished, please let us know. Otherwise you will go down as being even dumber than Faux.
The bomb had a detonator and explosives. It did not require any additional explosives to set it off. You are unbelievably rightarded. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.

Fucking moron, the FBI says the bombs were real. Who on planet Earth is going to take the word of a fucking moron like you over the word of the FBI??

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How did the bomb squad "detonate" them without using additional explosives? Faux is claiming the mechanics built into the bomb were used to make them explode. He denies that the bomb squad used additional explosives. If you know how that was accomplished, please let us know. Otherwise you will go down as being even dumber than Faux.
The bomb had a detonator and explosives. It did not require any additional explosives to set it off. You are unbelievably rightarded. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago
"What are you pointing to?"

He's pointing to himself and he's a fucking moron.
They do it all the time, moron. Blowing up a suspicious package is normally the safest course of action. Those griping dramas they show on TV where the hero saves everyone by cutting the blue wire just before the digital timer reaches zero are 99% bullshit. Normally what they do is just blow the thing up.

The bombs were said to contain "pyrotechnic powder." That's not the kind of thing that blows up from the slightest bump. They also weren't hooked up to any kind of functional detonator. They were fake.

There's no such charge as "sending fake bombs," so what do you imagine they are going to charge him with? Every way you look at it, you and Faux are full of shit.
Ok buddy... send a link to where you got that intel and I’ll easily show you why you are full of shit. Let me guess. Somebody looked at a photo and fed you that BS talking point. Prove me wrong
If the fucking moron could have posted even one single link claiming "other explosives" were used to detonate that bomb, he would have. He posts feigned bluster instead because there are no articles describing what he's claiming. Not one.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.

"We can confirm that 13 IED's were sent to various individuals across the country. Each device consisted of roughly six inches of PVC pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material, which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock, or friction. Though we're still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices." ~ Christopher Wray, FBI Director

"Nuh-uh!" ~ The USMB's fucking moron

The bomb had a detonator and explosives. It did not require any additional explosives to set it off. You are unbelievably rightarded. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't prove a fucking thing.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.

Who the fuck knows better if they were real bombs or not?

The head of the FBI?

The head of the Justice Department?

Or the head of the fucking moron's here at the USMB? You have no idea just how rightarded you sound, do ya?

If the fucking moron could have posted even one single link claiming "other explosives" were used to detonate that bomb, he would have. He posts feigned bluster instead because there are no articles describing what he's claiming. Not one.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.
Seriously man where are you trying to go with this? You are on a dead end street. Sessions and Wray said that the bombs were not a hoax. They were real, end of story. Do you think they are lying?? Who cares if they were poorly constructed? Who cares how they were detonated by the FBI? Those are desperate attempts for you to pivot away from your stupid implication that they were fake bombs sent by the Dems to help an election. Go stand in the corner for a bit and reflect on how dumb you are sounding.
Sessions and Wray are a couple of politicians who say what they think they are supposed to say. The subject of this thread is whether the bombs were capable of exploding on their own. All the evidence indicates they weren't, which means the targets were in no danger.

I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims. That's purely your spin.

Only a snowflake would claim that pointing out facts makes you sound stupid.
Fucking moron....

Christopher Wray is not a politician. You are fucked in the head beyond all repair.
Ok buddy... send a link to where you got that intel and I’ll easily show you why you are full of shit. Let me guess. Somebody looked at a photo and fed you that BS talking point. Prove me wrong
If the fucking moron could have posted even one single link claiming "other explosives" were used to detonate that bomb, he would have. He posts feigned bluster instead because there are no articles describing what he's claiming. Not one.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.

"We can confirm that 13 IED's were sent to various individuals across the country. Each device consisted of roughly six inches of PVC pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material, which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock, or friction. Though we're still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices." ~ Christopher Wray, FBI Director

"Nuh-uh!" ~ The USMB's fucking moron

Do you think he is too dumb to know that he has lost or do you think his ego is preventing him from being able to admit it?
If the fucking moron could have posted even one single link claiming "other explosives" were used to detonate that bomb, he would have. He posts feigned bluster instead because there are no articles describing what he's claiming. Not one.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.
Seriously man where are you trying to go with this? You are on a dead end street. Sessions and Wray said that the bombs were not a hoax. They were real, end of story. Do you think they are lying?? Who cares if they were poorly constructed? Who cares how they were detonated by the FBI? Those are desperate attempts for you to pivot away from your stupid implication that they were fake bombs sent by the Dems to help an election. Go stand in the corner for a bit and reflect on how dumb you are sounding.
Sessions and Wray are a couple of politicians who say what they think they are supposed to say. The subject of this thread is whether the bombs were capable of exploding on their own. All the evidence indicates they weren't, which means the targets were in no danger.

I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims. That's purely your spin.

Only a snowflake would claim that pointing out facts makes you sound stupid.
"I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims."


Fucking moron ... you're a fucking moron...
Democrats did it, moron.
Notice that all the bombs were intercepted. Not a single one blew up. Only Dims are that inept at technical tasks.
The fact that all you forum snowflakes have leaped on it to blame Trump and Republicans shows that it is probably a false flag operation. Dims have learned well from the Nazis and the Reichstag fire.
This will blow up in their faces. I guarantee it.
We have lots of proof that the bombs are a false flag operation.

It couldn't be more obvious that the perp was trying to make sure Republicans got the blame.

Actually it's not clear that the bomb did have a detonator. Assuming it did, how did the bomb squad trigger the detonator without blowing themselves up? You keep evading an answer to that question.

The additional explosives are used because the bomb squad doesn't want to push the "blow up the bomb" button with their fingers.
Bombs can be triggered by spark, friction, or other explosives. Why does it matter. The bombs were real. If you are going to try and stay with the hoax narrative then you are continuing to sound like a fool

Wrong, turd. We don't know whether the bombs were real. That's part of what we're trying to establish here. You don't get to beg the question by assuming your conclusion is correct.

The question here is how the bomb squad triggered the bomb. Faux claims the fact the bomb squad "detonated" them proves they are real. Of course, he doesn't want to have an anyone examine that claim because the result shows that he's an idiot.

We have reached the stage in Faux threads where he continues to repeat the same already discredited argument over and over again. You and he simply will not respond to any questions on your "logic" because you know it's bogus.

If you are agreeing with Faux, a proven fool, then you are one also. You're obviously as stupid as he is, because you don't even understand the point of the questions.
I pointed to statements made by trumps appointed directors of the DOJ and FBI saying that the bombs were not a hoax. What are you pointing to?

I don’t care about the semantics game you and faux are playing about how they were detonated. I’m looking at what matters. Were the bombs real or not. Puppets like you tried to say they were fakes and sent by Dems to help with the election. That conspiracy deflection theory has long passed. Yeah, you lost this one pages ago

Statements by political appointees on technical issues don't prove a fucking thing.

The whole point of this thread is whether the bombs were real or not, dumbass. If you aren't interested in that subject, then shut the fuck up and get lost. So far, all the evidence indicates they weren't capable of self detonating. In other words, they were fake. Whether the Dims are responsible isn't being discussed.

Who the fuck knows better if they were real bombs or not?

The head of the FBI?

The head of the Justice Department?

Or the head of the fucking moron's here at the USMB? You have no idea just how rightarded you sound, do ya?

The FBI and the DOJ never even saw the bombs, you fucking dumbass. Only the bomb squad saw them, and they have reported very few details of what they say or what they did. You're basing your entire narrative on the word "detonate," and you are too fucklng stupid to understand what a bomb squad means when it uses that word.
If the fucking moron could have posted even one single link claiming "other explosives" were used to detonate that bomb, he would have. He posts feigned bluster instead because there are no articles describing what he's claiming. Not one.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.

"We can confirm that 13 IED's were sent to various individuals across the country. Each device consisted of roughly six inches of PVC pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material, which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock, or friction. Though we're still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices." ~ Christopher Wray, FBI Director

"Nuh-uh!" ~ The USMB's fucking moron

Do you think he is too dumb to know that he has lost or do you think his ego is preventing him from being able to admit it?
ROFL! You guys are killing me with this irony.
Only a moron would think that posting a link is required to prove that your claims are idiotic.

Here are the two questions you refuse to answer because you can't.
  1. How did the police cause the bomb's fusing mechanism to "detonate" the bomb?
  2. Why did the police say they didn't know whether the bomb was fake when they supposedly knew how to trigger the fuse?
I’ll answer:
1. The detonate by applying spark or friction to the explosive element. There are a variety of ways to do this. Why do you care how?

What did they "apply spark or friction" to? What "explosive element?" if you mean the "pyrotechnic material," that doesn't prove the bomb was functional since the bomb techs would be bypassing the fusing mechanism intended to set off the bomb. How did they "apply spark or friction" to material that was inside a plastic pipe?

Furthermore, you have no fucking idea how they set it off because the method was never discussed. However, anyone who knows anything about how bomb squads operate knows they used additional explosives with their own fusing mechanism.

2. I don’t know what police statement you are talking about, how about you post the quote. I do know that Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray made a public statement specifically saying the the bombs contained explosive material, timers and wiring and they were not a hoax or fake.

They contained "pyrotechnic material." Along with a timer and wiring, that doesn't mean the bomb was functional. The other bombs included a timer that didn't have an alarm function. That can't set off a bomb. Furthermore, detonating it by "applying spark or friction" certainly wouldn't prove it was a functioning bomb.
Seriously man where are you trying to go with this? You are on a dead end street. Sessions and Wray said that the bombs were not a hoax. They were real, end of story. Do you think they are lying?? Who cares if they were poorly constructed? Who cares how they were detonated by the FBI? Those are desperate attempts for you to pivot away from your stupid implication that they were fake bombs sent by the Dems to help an election. Go stand in the corner for a bit and reflect on how dumb you are sounding.
Sessions and Wray are a couple of politicians who say what they think they are supposed to say. The subject of this thread is whether the bombs were capable of exploding on their own. All the evidence indicates they weren't, which means the targets were in no danger.

I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims. That's purely your spin.

Only a snowflake would claim that pointing out facts makes you sound stupid.
"I haven't claimed they were sent by Dims."


Fucking moron ... you're a fucking moron...
Democrats did it, moron.
Notice that all the bombs were intercepted. Not a single one blew up. Only Dims are that inept at technical tasks.
The fact that all you forum snowflakes have leaped on it to blame Trump and Republicans shows that it is probably a false flag operation. Dims have learned well from the Nazis and the Reichstag fire.
This will blow up in their faces. I guarantee it.
We have lots of proof that the bombs are a false flag operation.

It couldn't be more obvious that the perp was trying to make sure Republicans got the blame.

That was before they found the perp, you fucking moron.

If it wasn't for spin, lies, and deliberate misinterpretation, what would you imbeciles have to argue with?

Cries the fucking moron who appeals to his own made up bullshit.

Have you forgotten? You never were able to produce a single link which shows the police blew up a harmless, non-explosive, envelope using "other explosives."

You bullshitted and got caught. Now you're whining incessantly hoping that will suffice in lieu of your inability to prove your bullshit.
You keep asking for a link because you can't answer the questions that prove you're an idiot. Very simple logic proves you are wrong, but that's exactly why you can't figure it out.

Fucking moron, there’s no question of yours I need to answer. My many links corroborated my claims. The only one corroborating yours is you and you’re a fucking moron.

ROFL! Thanks for confirming that you're afraid to answer the questions. Of course, you can't answer them except by admitting that you've been posting pure horseshit since you chimed in on this thread.
Fucking moron, when are you going to prove your bullshit?

Oh, never.

I have no need to prove you wrong simply because you can't prove yourself right.

You have yet to prove yours, dumbass.
Of course I have, ya fucking moron. Now you're simply lying because you lost this argument; just like you lied when you falsely claimed you never accused Democrats of being behind this even though you actually said that repeatedly.

Here, watch as I post my proof again....

Bomb found at philanthropist George Soros' suburban home

Agents came out and safely detonated the device, which a federal law enforcement official said contained explosive powder.

At George Soros’s Home, Pipe Bomb Was Likely Hand-Delivered, Officials Say

Another official said investigators had photographed the package before detonating the device.

George Soros: Bomb squad destroy explosive device near billionaire's home

Arriving at the scene, police discovered a device that was later confirmed by officials to have contained explosive powder and "had the components" of a bomb. It was then "proactively detonated", police said.

Explosive Device Is Found in Mailbox at Soros’s Home in N.Y. Suburb

The device was “proactively denotated” by bomb squad technicians from the Westchester County Police Department.

Pipe Bomb Found at Billionaire Philanthropist George Soros' Home

A security officer at the compound about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Manhattan became suspicious of the package Monday afternoon and placed it in a nearby wooded area before alerting the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, authorities said. Agents came out and safely detonated the device, which a federal law enforcement official said contained explosive powder.

Would-be attacker hand-delivered pipe bomb to George Soros' mailbox: Source

The FBI photographed the device and then detonated it near Soros' home in Katonah, New York, and were analyzing fragments to determine why the bomb did not go off, the source said.

Someone Put a Bomb n George Soros's Mailbox, and the FBI Is Now on the Case

The Bedford Police Department told NPR that one of Soros’s employees found a suspicious package in the mailbox and opened it, finding the explosive device. They then put the package in the woods and called the cops, who sent a bomb squad to safely detonate it.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said.


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