Despite Being A Dementia-Ravaged, Plagiarizing Liar, Perhaps So Many Americans Don't Trust The Vaccines Becausre They Don't Trust Joe Won

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So you know what was in the shot?
No you dont,and theres been several vids of people supposedly recieving the jab when it was obvious they didnt.
I didn't see your videos. It was a terribly painful jab, either time, but they definitely stuck me and pump something in. I could not possibly count the number of times the government has stuck me in the arm or pressure injected into my skin. Vaccines are not something I have much reaction to, except maybe the black plague shot I had before an overseas assignment. It did not last more than a day. I do recommend you don't get the plague shot and then fly for 12 hours the same day.
No. I do not know what was in the shot, even though I can tell you the Moderna batch and lot numbers. My only reactions were being tired and running a 99.5 fever part of the next day, and then the reaction was over. I had it March 12 and April 10. I can tell you I haven't had Covid-19 since then. I would know it, as I had it last year, and it truly sucked.
Trump said everyone should get the vaccine. Are you saying you don't trust him either?
I wasn't going to get it when Trump recommended everyone to get it and I'm definitely not going to when biden tells me to. He and Harris were against the vaccine when Trump was getting credit for it.
The fact is that a majority of the country has taken the vaccine. The only people who don't are Republicans. Republicans are the know nothing party. They hate everybody. Worth noting that Trump received the vaccine.
You are an idiot----its blacks and the young that are the largest unvaccinated population at this time-------both groups tend to vote dem ignorantly. On top of this, China Joes illegal spread across the US are one of if not the biggest Delta strain spreader like they were for the old Covid Virus.
The fact is that a majority of the country has taken the vaccine. The only people who don't are Republicans. Republicans are the know nothing party. They hate everybody. Worth noting that Trump received the vaccine.
The fact that people hate you does not mean that they hate EVERYBODY.

It's really just a case of not suffering fools gladly.
I almost died from Covid last November. The Delta variant is supposed to be worse. I probably wouldn’t survive if I got it so I did get the vaccine.
You have got to make decisions on if the vaccine is right for YOU. No one else knows you and circumstances Better than you...........
You are an idiot----its blacks and the young that are the largest unvaccinated population at this time-------both groups tend to vote dem ignorantly. On top of this, China Joes illegal spread across the US are one of if not the biggest Delta strain spreader like they were for the old Covid Virus.
He must be the self liberal described stupid minority like mac on here.
I sure as hell dont trust the government.
Especially when they're pushing so hard to get people vaccinated.
When has the gov ever been this adamant about a vaccine to the point of going door to door?
We're talking about a very small percentage of deaths and yet they are pushing the vac as if it will save the world.
There are way to many fishy things going on for me to trust em.
So you're for drastically cutting defense spending....right? Or do you want to keep funding and weaponizing this thing you supposedly "don't trust"?
The fact is that a majority of the country has taken the vaccine. The only people who don't are Republicans. Republicans are the know nothing party. They hate everybody. Worth noting that Trump received the vaccine.

So, you are saying that Blacks and Hispanics are Republicans?

You are one stupid hack of a troll.
I wasn't going to get it when Trump recommended everyone to get it and I'm definitely not going to when biden tells me to. He and Harris were against the vaccine when Trump was getting credit for it.

Now that is a fair answer.
I almost died from Covid last November. The Delta variant is supposed to be worse. I probably wouldn’t survive if I got it so I did get the vaccine.

So although you probably have natural immunity, this is a decision based on YOUR health history and YOUR experience, which I find rational. Unlike so many shaming posts here which is, "if you don't get the vaccine you're a poo poo head!" repeated a thousand time a day
The fact is that a majority of the country has taken the vaccine. The only people who don't are Republicans. Republicans are the know nothing party. They hate everybody. Worth noting that Trump received the vaccine.

The data says otherwise.

Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.
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