Despite Being A Dementia-Ravaged, Plagiarizing Liar, Perhaps So Many Americans Don't Trust The Vaccines Becausre They Don't Trust Joe Won

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I call people like you 'snowflakes' because you are easily offended and lash out at people who not only disagree with you but debunk your lies, disprove your propaganda, and call out your unsubstantiated emotional OPINIONS.

I can make comments without being so emotionally invested in topics the way you snowflakes are. I can easily debunk your lies and propaganda out of, at times, personal amusement yet without really giving a f* about it. For instance, I don't give a f* if you are offended by the truth / facts., and I find it amusing that you feel so passionate about projecting how you feel onto me. It's because you snowflakes take everything so personally, as if pointing out an actual fact is a personal attack against you. that is FUNNY.
I call you’re whining whining because you whine like a little bitch. By reading that little ironic rant about snowflakes it very apparent that you aren’t emotionally invested at all! Haha
What about that statement is confusing you? And why do you think Trump is recommending everybody take the vaccine?
It is not confusing me but if I have the antibodies because I recovered from COVID and you do not, we are not in the same boat. Trump didn't have the data when he said it. This came out in June 2021. Are you always such a snide little leftist?

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

I call you’re whining whining because you whine like a little bitch. By reading that little ironic rant about snowflakes it very apparent that you aren’t emotionally invested at all! Haha
You call my pointing out your lies, propaganda, and emotional rants 'whining' because you are embarrassed at being exposed as having done so and feel the need to project onto me as a distraction. And having been caught doing so, it is your hurt pride that prevents you from just stfu and going away - you HAVE to keep coming back repeating the same thing to save face. It's really just sad....and funny as hell.


Keep it up, snowflake. Your emotional political theatrics represent the other emotionally troubled snowflakes on the board well. I'm just going to sit back now and watch you continue to meltdown.

It's also partly because this administration and liberals have flip-flopped, lied, been CAUGHT lying so many times, have been caught using the virus to intentionally violate Constitutional and Civil rights while being caught hypocritically violating their own edicts, etc....
Haha, you’re talking about lying about COVID? I got the answer, let’s do it Jeopardy style…

What is the reason Trump lost the 2020 election?!
It is not confusing me but if I have the antibodies because I recovered from COVID and you do not, we are not in the same boat. Trump didn't have the data when he said it. This came out in June 2021. Are you always such a snide little leftist?

No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests​

What’s snide?, I’m just asking a question. The issue going on right now are variants. What happens if a variant presents itself that beats the vaccine? Think about that. The vaccines are 90% effective so 10% will still catch the virus. We need to squash this thing while we can and there are way too many dumb asses out there playing politics and being selfish
What’s snide?, I’m just asking a question. The issue going on right now are variants. What happens if a variant presents itself that beats the vaccine? Think about that. The vaccines are 90% effective so 10% will still catch the virus. We need to squash this thing while we can and there are way too many dumb asses out there playing politics and being selfish
You don't get it. Variants aren't impacting those who had COVID-19 and if they are the symptoms are super mild from what I understand. Having had COVID is not the same protection as the vaccines. You seem to be the one who is confused. If you do catch the delta variant, my understanding is that if you're vaccinated your symptoms are not life threatening. It will feel like a cold. So what do you not understand?
Haha, you’re talking about lying about COVID? I got the answer, let’s do it Jeopardy style…

What is the reason Trump lost the 2020 election?!
Thank you for demonstrating you are so emotionally unbalanced right now that you are INTENTIONALLY VIOLATING USMB RULES by trying to hijack the thread and change the topic of discussion.

I hope the Mods delete your post and help you get back to / refocus on the thread topic.

You don't get it. Variants aren't impacting those who had COVID-19 and if they are the symptoms are super mild from what I understand. Having had COVID is not the same protection as the vaccines. You seem to be the one who is confused. If you do catch the delta variant, my understanding is that if you're vaccinated your symptoms are not life threatening. It will feel like a cold. So what do you not understand?
I don’t understand your confusion, that’s why I’m asking about it.

am I correct by saying that you don’t get why the CDC recommends getting the vaccine if you’ve had COVID before?
Thank you for demonstrating you are so emotionally unbalanced right now that you are INTENTIONALLY VIOLATING USMB RULES by trying to hijack the thread and change the topic of discussion.

I hope the Mods delete your post and help you get back to / refocus on the thread topic.

You can always report me if you care enough to do so
Haha, you’re talking about lying about COVID? I got the answer, let’s do it Jeopardy style…

What is the reason Trump lost the 2020 election?!

Thank you for demonstrating you are so emotionally unbalanced right now that you are INTENTIONALLY VIOLATING USMB RULES by trying to hijack the thread and change the topic of discussion.

I hope the Mods delete your post and help you get back to / refocus on the thread topic.


It's hardly a hijack. In fact it goes to the heart of the OP.

If Trump created the vaccine (operation warp speed)
And Biden promoted the vaccine

Why are republicans against Trumps vaccine?
It's hardly a hijack. In fact it goes to the heart of the OP.

If Trump created the vaccine (operation warp speed)
And Biden promoted the vaccine

Why are republicans against Trumps vaccine?
Progs gave him not just a hard time, but put a wall in front of everything he did. All of those political lifers could have put out the olive branch at the time and gotten together to get an answer to the problem. It was attack, attack attack all the time. The Prog media/entertainers who are now on the FOX news hunt killed many people with their obstructions. Now of course the road is clear for all of the so called cures. You deserve for this to become a full blown plague.
I didn't see your videos. It was a terribly painful jab, either time, but they definitely stuck me and pump something in. I could not possibly count the number of times the government has stuck me in the arm or pressure injected into my skin. Vaccines are not something I have much reaction to, except maybe the black plague shot I had before an overseas assignment. It did not last more than a day. I do recommend you don't get the plague shot and then fly for 12 hours the same day.
No. I do not know what was in the shot, even though I can tell you the Moderna batch and lot numbers. My only reactions were being tired and running a 99.5 fever part of the next day, and then the reaction was over. I had it March 12 and April 10. I can tell you I haven't had Covid-19 since then. I would know it, as I had it last year, and it truly sucked.

Getting the jab doesnt mean you wont get covid.
So you're for drastically cutting defense spending....right? Or do you want to keep funding and weaponizing this thing you supposedly "don't trust"?

I'm not afraid of our this point.
Although leftist are doing all they can to undermine and change our military into a bunch of weirdos.
Progs gave him not just a hard time, but put a wall in front of everything he did. All of those political lifers could have put out the olive branch at the time and gotten together to get an answer to the problem. It was attack, attack attack all the time. The Prog media/entertainers who are now on the FOX news hunt killed many people with their obstructions. Now of course the road is clear for all of the so called cures. You deserve for this to become a full blown plague.
You’re right the Dems vowed to stop Trumps agenda. Do you feel like the Cons set a good example with Obama, do you think they are extending the olive branch to Biden?
I'm not sure it even does that.
6 Dems that were fully vaccinated got the covid when they ran away to avoid a vote.
I thought somebody on here said they had not been vaccinated. Of course, that could have been BS. Guess I will still have to watch crowded places in Florida next month. I read, they have like, 20% of the new cases, mostly the new variant, but hospitalizations only on less than 1% of those cases.
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