Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US

Obama is promising certain classes of immigrants that they won't be deported for a three-year span of time. The program will also issue work permits that are valid for the same amount of time. And in most states, deferred action is also enough to make someone eligible for a driver's license. But as soon as the three years are up, if an immigrant hasn't applied for renewal, he or she is vulnerable to deportation again.
So you admit the GOP plans to block reform for the next 3 years.
Thank you.

Nope! However you are showing that the far left religious propaganda rules over reality..

Evidently, the 92 million unemployed you claim are not hungry enough to pick lettuce or clean hotel rooms.

Why would they when many of them can sit back and collect a welfare check?

The ubiquitous "many" strikes again. How many? How many sit back and collect a check?

What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News

Cool. many of them are adults who are able bodied, mentally capable and refuse to work a job that is available to them?

Let's go. Learn exactly how bad the problem is. It guides your political should be able to give me a number.

I never said all 109 million aren't working and I don't need to give you an exact number of those who aren't because the fact that 109 million are getting one or more types of assistance IS the problem and supports exactly what I said. Are we really to believe that if all of this assistance was suddenly pulled away these people wouldn't start picking the lettuce and cleaning the hotel rooms if that's what they had to do to live?

The fact that you don't consider one third of the country receiving welfare benefits as a bad problem says all about your political philosophy and it's not good.

That was truly a poor attempt at a bait and switch on your part. Maybe you'll have better luck next time, but never with me.
What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.
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Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to the ones who have been here since they were kids.
ex·ec·u·tive or·der
  1. a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
It's still not amnesty because their immigration status is unchanged from "in the country illegally".
Define amnesty?
I already did a few posts back. No one has been issued permanent visas and green cards by his actions, that would constitute an amnesty.
I'm not searching define amnesty
What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.
Try again link within the link
Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States
oh well for you legal citizens here. Dear Leader has spoken and just sold you out.

posted at 4:01 pm on November 21, 2014 by Bruce McQuain
It simply doesn’t make sense in any sort of context that says the job of the President of the United States is to look after the welfare of the country’s citizens:

The official U.S. unemployment rate has indeed fallen steadily during the past few years, but the economic recovery has created the fewest jobs relative to the previous employment peak of any prior recovery. The labor-force participation rate recently touched a 36-year low of 62.7%. The number of Americans not in the labor force set a record high of 92.6 million in September. Part-time work and long-term unemployment are still well above levels from before the financial crisis.
Worse, middle-class incomes continue to fall during the recovery, losing even more ground than during the December 2007 to June 2009 recession. The number in poverty has also continued to soar, to about 50 million Americans. That is the highest level in the more than 50 years that the U.S. Census has been tracking poverty. Income inequality has risen more in the past few years than at any recent time.

The true indicator of the actual unemployment rate is the labor participation rate. It is at a 36 year low. The fudged numbers used by the US government hides the actual depth of joblessness problem. And, frankly, it’s a “buyers market” in the labor market. Lots of labor competition for few jobs. That’s one reason you don’t see incomes rising and you do see underemployed Americans.

all of it here:
Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US Hot Air
I don't care about US citizens that are so useless that they actually have to compete with illegal immigrants for their jobs.

These people should be stripped of their wasted US citizenship, and traded for immigrants from wherever, who have something to offer our economy and communities.
You realize they are going to compete for the types of jobs that YOUR KID WANTS right? Or were you ok with stripping your kids of their rights too?

What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.
Try again link within the link
Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States
According to your own link there are only 33,313 households getting means tested benefits.
obama is the bill cosby of politics He drugs his sycophants and then rapes em.

Obama is a lawless King, with the stroke of his pen and absent approval of Congress. Anything for votes in `16. Anything.

Can the president make fraud and theft legal? How about assault? Cocaine use? Perjury?

You’d have to conclude he can — and that we have supplanted the Constitution with a monarchy — if you buy President Obama’s warped notion of prosecutorial discretion.

Tonight, Mr. Obama will unveil his executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. According to news accounts, the criminal-law doctrine of prosecutorial discretion is the foundation of the president’s legal theory. It is the source of what he purports to be his authority to decree that these aliens have lawful status, a power our Constitution gives only to Congress.

Obama is distorting the doctrine.

more: No Prosecutorial Discretion Does Not Justify Obama s Lawless Amnesty National Review Online
What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.
Try again link within the link
Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States
According to your own link there are only 33,313 households getting means tested benefits.
you were whining about the conservative link taz used I posted the link within the link of the conservative link that taz used.
What bracket did you find that 33,313 from?
  • Thanks
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What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.
Try again link within the link
Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States
According to your own link there are only 33,313 households getting means tested benefits.
you were whining about the conservative link taz used I posted the link within the link of the conservative link that taz used.
What bracket did you find that 33,313 from?
What bracket did you get the 109,631,000 from?
What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.

Ad Hominem. Their data came straight from the U.S. Census Bureau which they linked to.
What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
A perfect example of the gullibility of the Right!

Neither the 35.4% nor the 109,631,000 came from the federal government!!!!
Those numbers came from the ConservativeNewsService dishonestly counting the same people many times. The key to their deception is the word "household."

If a household of 4 get food stamps, they are counted as 4, if one of the children is in a school lunch program the same household is counted as 4 more, and if one of the 4 is a senior on medicaid the same household of 4 is counted as 4 more, so one household of 4 was counted as 12 Americans on welfare by CNS.

Ad Hominem. Their data came straight from the U.S. Census Bureau which they linked to.
Fine, then you will have no trouble linking to that exact 109,631,000 number in the census data!
American Workers just can't catch a break. Who's looking out for them? Wages will decline further and jobs will become even more scarce. Thank you Mr. President.
Foreigners have a "right" to a living wage, medical care, free schooling , IDs, and social justice programs....

Welfare for votes today !
The true indicator of the actual unemployment rate is the labor participation rate
Since the current Labor Force Participation Rate is higher than any month before 1978, are you claiming that the current labor market situation is better than any time before 1978?

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