Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US

We never had illegals competing with Americans for low wage jobs before Obama took office.
Not on this wide spread number and during a bad economy and with 92 million Americans out of work.

American workers are not going to take those jobs for those wages.
No but Hispanics will at the expense of the negro who won't.
When was the last time anyone saw a hundred negroes harvesting cauliflower in 110F heat?
It's called amnesty
Obama has not granted amnesty to anyone and has no authority to do so.

Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to some the ones who have been here since they were kids.
You're a fucking liar!
Get your tounge out of BOBO's asshole.
The bill BOBO signed allows THE PARENTS!!!!!!!! of kids who were born in the US to stay for three years.
They can get a green card and apply legally for any job they want.........including for the jobs that negroes were doing flipping burgers and making beds and cleaning toilets.
This I guarantee. Any employer looking to hire say a 'fast food worker' when given two from a negro and the other from a Hispanic is 100% of the time going to hire the Hispanic.
In a couple of years most of the parents of the 'anchor babies', when they get a job, it will be at the expense of a negro getting that job.
I have worked with both groups.
I can attest to the fact that virtually every Hispanic employee FAR out produces what a negro does in the same job.
And that simple fact is at the heart of a great many of the 'issues' facing the negro race.

Another person I would love to see grab a Go Pro......head down to the home of the nearest black person.....knock on the door and ask if he can talk to the "negro" who runs the house.

I'd pay good money.

Yeah...those black chicks are mean as hell!
How much confidence does anyone have that we know who these people are, where they are and what they are doing relative to working, education, paying taxes and not engaging in criminal activity.

How do you know that about Americans?
We don't...but they are not illegal by definition and therefore not part of this deliberation.

You're casting as assumption about people not born in this country and that they should somehow be viewed as mongrels.
No, GERTRUDE, I am casting an assumption that our government can't manage a ham sandwich.
American workers are not going to take those jobs for those wages.

Evidently, the 92 million unemployed you claim are not hungry enough to pick lettuce or clean hotel rooms.

Why would they when many of them can sit back and collect a welfare check?

The ubiquitous "many" strikes again. How many? How many sit back and collect a check?

What's ubiquitous about it? The numbers are provided by the federal government.

109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News

Cool. many of them are adults who are able bodied, mentally capable and refuse to work a job that is available to them?

Let's go. Learn exactly how bad the problem is. It guides your political should be able to give me a number.
"Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US"

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, and is yet another example of rightwing lies and demagoguery.

You're a dumbfuck. Are these illegals going to work in America or not?
Simple question....

They already have jobs. That is why they are here. They got jobs.

Think first....then type.
"Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US"

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, and is yet another example of rightwing lies and demagoguery.

You're a dumbfuck. Are these illegals going to work in America or not?
Simple question....

They already have jobs. That is why they are here. They got jobs.

Think first....then type.

That they've taken from Americans. Think first...before flapping your gums.
What an imbecile.
oh well for you legal citizens here. Dear Leader has spoken and just sold you out.

posted at 4:01 pm on November 21, 2014 by Bruce McQuain
It simply doesn’t make sense in any sort of context that says the job of the President of the United States is to look after the welfare of the country’s citizens:

The official U.S. unemployment rate has indeed fallen steadily during the past few years, but the economic recovery has created the fewest jobs relative to the previous employment peak of any prior recovery. The labor-force participation rate recently touched a 36-year low of 62.7%. The number of Americans not in the labor force set a record high of 92.6 million in September. Part-time work and long-term unemployment are still well above levels from before the financial crisis.
Worse, middle-class incomes continue to fall during the recovery, losing even more ground than during the December 2007 to June 2009 recession. The number in poverty has also continued to soar, to about 50 million Americans. That is the highest level in the more than 50 years that the U.S. Census has been tracking poverty. Income inequality has risen more in the past few years than at any recent time.

The true indicator of the actual unemployment rate is the labor participation rate. It is at a 36 year low. The fudged numbers used by the US government hides the actual depth of joblessness problem. And, frankly, it’s a “buyers market” in the labor market. Lots of labor competition for few jobs. That’s one reason you don’t see incomes rising and you do see underemployed Americans.

all of it here:
Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US Hot Air

Rather than limited our compassion to those who belong within our borders and giving the finger to everyone outside our borders, we should instead see everyone as equal regardless of what side of the line they're on. Nationalism sucks. We're all citizens of the same planet sharing in identical fate. Pretending there's a fundamental difference between Americans and Mexicans is believing an arbitraily defined construct is real, the lines on a map. Rather we're all just people, no better or worse than anyone else.

the problem is these new illegal immigrants bring with them their culture...which created the country they are desperately trying to leave, and the liberals in this country see no reason to try to inculcate in these new illegal aliens any of our values that made our country the fastest rising, most powerful country on the planet with more freedom and wealth for all of our citizens than any of the other nations which are much older than we are........

so, the new immigrants will create voters for the democrats who have the same view of government as the government the illegal aliens are fleeing....and the new illegal aliens will be empowering the same sort of politicians who created the conditions in Mexico the illegal aliens are trying to escape....

that is the difference between Americans and the illegal aliens from Mexico....the illegal aliens from Mexico will empower democrats...and hat will diminish our country...

I am all for legal immigration, but that means that new immigrants must adapt to our country and its culture and values....the new illegal aliens....and too often the new legal immigrants, want our country to adopt the very values and culture they are fleeing....

as to the democrats...they do not want to educate these new illegal aliens or to adapt new legal aliens to our culture.....poor, uneducated, non English speaking illegal and legal aliens work for the democrats...where as illegal aliens and legal aliens who speak English and embrace the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and history of our country work against the democrats....
It's called amnesty
Obama has not granted amnesty to anyone and has no authority to do so.

Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to some the ones who have been here since they were kids.
You're a fucking liar!
Get your tounge out of BOBO's asshole.
The bill BOBO signed allows THE PARENTS!!!!!!!! of kids who were born in the US to stay for three years.
They can get a green card and apply legally for any job they want.........including for the jobs that negroes were doing flipping burgers and making beds and cleaning toilets.
This I guarantee. Any employer looking to hire say a 'fast food worker' when given two from a negro and the other from a Hispanic is 100% of the time going to hire the Hispanic.
In a couple of years most of the parents of the 'anchor babies', when they get a job, it will be at the expense of a negro getting that job.
I have worked with both groups.
I can attest to the fact that virtually every Hispanic employee FAR out produces what a negro does in the same job.
And that simple fact is at the heart of a great many of the 'issues' facing the negro race.

Another person I would love to see grab a Go Pro......head down to the home of the nearest black person.....knock on the door and ask if he can talk to the "negro" who runs the house.

I'd pay good money.
You mean to the house wherein they call each other 'n*****s' all day everyday?
'Negro' is the scientifically accepted term when referring to a negro.
"Person of colour"?
"Black"? "African American"?
What's wrong? Aren't they proud enough of their race to be referred to properly?
"Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US"

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, and is yet another example of rightwing lies and demagoguery.

You're a dumbfuck. Are these illegals going to work in America or not?
Simple question....

They already have jobs. That is why they are here. They got jobs.

Think first....then type.

That they've taken from Americans. Think first...before flapping your gums.
What an imbecile.

They aren't going to be taking jobs then, are they? They have them already. Figure it out.
Obama has not granted amnesty to anyone and has no authority to do so.

Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to some the ones who have been here since they were kids.
You're a fucking liar!
Get your tounge out of BOBO's asshole.
The bill BOBO signed allows THE PARENTS!!!!!!!! of kids who were born in the US to stay for three years.
They can get a green card and apply legally for any job they want.........including for the jobs that negroes were doing flipping burgers and making beds and cleaning toilets.
This I guarantee. Any employer looking to hire say a 'fast food worker' when given two from a negro and the other from a Hispanic is 100% of the time going to hire the Hispanic.
In a couple of years most of the parents of the 'anchor babies', when they get a job, it will be at the expense of a negro getting that job.
I have worked with both groups.
I can attest to the fact that virtually every Hispanic employee FAR out produces what a negro does in the same job.
And that simple fact is at the heart of a great many of the 'issues' facing the negro race.

Another person I would love to see grab a Go Pro......head down to the home of the nearest black person.....knock on the door and ask if he can talk to the "negro" who runs the house.

I'd pay good money.
You mean to the house wherein they call each other 'n*****s' all day everyday?
'Negro' is the scientifically accepted term when referring to a negro.
"Person of colour"?
"Black"? "African American"?
What's wrong? Aren't they proud enough of their race to be referred to properly?

They are proud enough to punch your teeth in if you do as I suggested. You are a coward. You wouldn't call a black man a negro to his you come here and overuse the term.
"Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US"

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, and is yet another example of rightwing lies and demagoguery.

You're a dumbfuck. Are these illegals going to work in America or not?
Simple question....

They already have jobs. That is why they are here. They got jobs.

Think first....then type.

That they've taken from Americans. Think first...before flapping your gums.
What an imbecile.

They aren't going to be taking jobs then, are they? They have them already. Figure it out.

So if we threw them out those jobs would no longer be available?
Your pathetic attempts too twist the truth are just that....pathetic.

As usual, and right on cue, the Republicans' messaging on this whole episode has been horrific.

They could have responded to this in two ways:

1. By calmly explaining and reinforcing their desire to enforce existing law, ultimately deporting anyone who is here illegally and indirectly causing them to "self deport".

2. By screaming "AAAUUUGHHH! He's a Marxist! He's a dictator! He can't do that! AAAUUUGHHHH! That's unconstitutional! He's an emperor! AUUUUUGHHHH!"

Which route do you s'pose they chose?

Maybe they know that the first option would be a lousy political move and have decided to just go postal, who knows.
What does it matter when both are correct?
"Despite highest poverty numbers in 50 years, Obama okays illegals to compete for jobs in US"

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, and is yet another example of rightwing lies and demagoguery.

You're a dumbfuck. Are these illegals going to work in America or not?
Simple question....

They already have jobs. That is why they are here. They got jobs.

Think first....then type.

That they've taken from Americans. Think first...before flapping your gums.
What an imbecile.

They aren't going to be taking jobs then, are they? They have them already. Figure it out.

So if we threw them out those jobs would no longer be available?
Your pathetic attempts too twist the truth are just that....pathetic.

You are changing your comment now. Allowing them to stay is not going to cost citizens jobs.....unless the people who hire them decide that they want to hire Americans. That will mean that they will have to pay at least minimum wage and be subject to the laws that govern legal employment.

Once these people get their green cards......and they start getting paid more and treated legally.....the jobs they do might become more appetizing for Americans.
The racist, nationalistic poopheads are going to be the first against the wall when the revolution comes ya know.
Really? Seems to me the ones that are ARMED won't be against any wall. It'll be all the second amendment hating progtards like you that were too stupid to arm yourselves.

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Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to some the ones who have been here since they were kids.
You're a fucking liar!
Get your tounge out of BOBO's asshole.
The bill BOBO signed allows THE PARENTS!!!!!!!! of kids who were born in the US to stay for three years.
They can get a green card and apply legally for any job they want.........including for the jobs that negroes were doing flipping burgers and making beds and cleaning toilets.
This I guarantee. Any employer looking to hire say a 'fast food worker' when given two from a negro and the other from a Hispanic is 100% of the time going to hire the Hispanic.
In a couple of years most of the parents of the 'anchor babies', when they get a job, it will be at the expense of a negro getting that job.
I have worked with both groups.
I can attest to the fact that virtually every Hispanic employee FAR out produces what a negro does in the same job.
And that simple fact is at the heart of a great many of the 'issues' facing the negro race.

Another person I would love to see grab a Go Pro......head down to the home of the nearest black person.....knock on the door and ask if he can talk to the "negro" who runs the house.

I'd pay good money.
You mean to the house wherein they call each other 'n*****s' all day everyday?
'Negro' is the scientifically accepted term when referring to a negro.
"Person of colour"?
"Black"? "African American"?
What's wrong? Aren't they proud enough of their race to be referred to properly?

They are proud enough to punch your teeth in if you do as I suggested. You are a coward. You wouldn't call a black man a negro to his you come here and overuse the term.
I lived in some of the worst inner city neighborhoods in Chicago pal.
Calling someone a negro in those precincts to their face is taken as a compliment compared to what they call each other habitually.
The true indicator of the actual unemployment rate is the labor participation rate.
Of course the LPR isn't even a VALID economic indicator because it is affected by demographics which can skew it dramatically. If the LPR was the "true" indicator of unemployment it would have been used for all past presidents and not dredged up suddenly because all the true unemployment indicators show improvement since the Bush Regime was ousted.

You can be sure if a Republican is elected in 2016, when the LPR continues to decline due to the demographics of the Boomers, the LPR will suddenly no longer be an indicator of unemployment, or the Right will factor out the Boomer influence to jack it up.
Limbaugh theorem here folks. King obama is not responsible for anything
Don't you mean the Noah Rothman Theorem that your lying POS MessiahRushie Limbola plagiarized from Rothman and claimed as his own?
Why yes, yes you do!
Obama said over and over and there's video to prove it that he could not do what he ended up doing.
To not enforce a law and say to someone I'm not taking action against you is granting amnesty. right?

Amnesty (from the Greek ἀμνηστία amnestia (Amnesty, Wm Chrichton Μεγα Ελληνο-Αγγλικον Λεξικον 1960) is defined as: "A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
No, Obama's order is not officially law and can be changed with a stroke of a pen by the next president. An amnesty would involve making it entirely legal to stay with the full force of law behind it and be like a permanent visa. These people are still subject to deportation, we are just not going to do it to some the ones who have been here since they were kids.
You're a fucking liar!
Get your tounge out of BOBO's asshole.
The bill BOBO signed allows THE PARENTS!!!!!!!! of kids who were born in the US to stay for three years.
They can get a green card and apply legally for any job they want.........including for the jobs that negroes were doing flipping burgers and making beds and cleaning toilets.
This I guarantee. Any employer looking to hire say a 'fast food worker' when given two from a negro and the other from a Hispanic is 100% of the time going to hire the Hispanic.
In a couple of years most of the parents of the 'anchor babies', when they get a job, it will be at the expense of a negro getting that job.
I have worked with both groups.
I can attest to the fact that virtually every Hispanic employee FAR out produces what a negro does in the same job.
And that simple fact is at the heart of a great many of the 'issues' facing the negro race.

Another person I would love to see grab a Go Pro......head down to the home of the nearest black person.....knock on the door and ask if he can talk to the "negro" who runs the house.

I'd pay good money.
You mean to the house wherein they call each other 'n*****s' all day everyday?
'Negro' is the scientifically accepted term when referring to a negro.
"Person of colour"?
"Black"? "African American"?
What's wrong? Aren't they proud enough of their race to be referred to properly?

They are proud enough to punch your teeth in if you do as I suggested. You are a coward. You wouldn't call a black man a negro to his you come here and overuse the term.
So I should "punch someone's teeth out" for referring to me as a 'Caucasian'? Yeah right.
What is it with negroes? Why can't they make their minds up about how a want to be referred to as?
Hint: 'Special Needs'.
Obama is promising certain classes of immigrants that they won't be deported for a three-year span of time. The program will also issue work permits that are valid for the same amount of time. And in most states, deferred action is also enough to make someone eligible for a driver's license. But as soon as the three years are up, if an immigrant hasn't applied for renewal, he or she is vulnerable to deportation again.
So you admit the GOP plans to block reform for the next 3 years.
Thank you.

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