Despite repeated repudiations by the American people, leftists (in both parties) are trying it again


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
In 2005-2007, various open-borders leftist fanatics and RINOs introduced bill after bill in the House and Senate designed to let illegal immigrants stay. Every time, the American people sent them huge blasts of protests and threats of non-election, so much so that nearly every bill failed.

The only people who want the illegals to stay, are those leftist fanatics and RINOs in Congress. Actual Americans want no part of it, and said so time and again.

Nothing has changed in 2014. The same fanatics want the borders opened, and the American people do not.

Wikipedia said:
DREAM Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Members of Congress have introduced several forms of this bill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. A previous version of the bill, S. 2205, which required 60 votes to gain cloture, failed on a 52-44 vote in 2007, 8 votes short of overcoming a filibuster by senators opposed to the bill.[
A similar version of the DREAM Act was introduced on April 25, 2001 by Representative
Luis Gutiérrez as the "Immigrant Children's Educational Advancement and Dropout Prevention Act of 2001" (H.R. 1582) during the 107th Congress. One month later, on May 21, 2001, Gutiérrez's version of the bill was scrapped
In September 2007, Durbin filed to place the DREAM Act as an amendment to the
2008 Department of Defense Authorization Bill (S. 2919). In light of the criticism, Durbin tabled the amendment

Every time the leftists have tried this, it has been shoved down their throats by the American people, so powerfully that they have quailed and run away from their own bills, failing to enact them.

Even attempts to do it by executive fiat, with transportation of illegal aliens to various locations in the U.S. such as Murrieta, CA by Barack Obama, have been met with large and noisy protests by more and more Americans, so much that the buses had to turn around and leave.

And now the leftists' latest wholesale rejection last Tuesday, shows the American people are ready to do it again, to the kinds of legislation these people keep trying to put over.

Go ahead, try it again. We're waiting.
Was Reagan a RINO when he gave amnesty? I don't think this is a left/right thing. More of a payoff to big business who just loves the cheap labor. It drives down the average wages and hurts unions. Most of the rhetoric seems to be directed against the immigrants and not against the businesses who hire them. If employment laws were enforced, and offending businesses fined, most of these illegals would probably move back where they came from.
simple minded idiots like Little nut somehow imagine this country can just close the borders and that's that.

guess what Little nut ... you're an idiot.
Was Reagan a RINO when he gave amnesty?
Nope. He signed Amnesty in exchange for the Democrat congress's promise to seal the border tight.

Then as soon as it was signed, the Democrats reneged on their half of the deal, cancelled the border reinforcement, and started letting in millions of illegal aliens.

And they have been lying, bringing in more and more illegals (often secretly to avoid the voters finding out), and breaking every promise they make, ever since.
simple minded idiots like Little nut somehow imagine this country can just close the borders and that's that.
As long as Democrats have any influence or veto in the legislative process, the country CAN'T close the border. Because the Democrats have been lying about their intentions, breaking their promises, pushing for more illegal aliens to break our laws and come in, and blocking every attempt to reinforce the borders, for more than 30 years.

And they're not about to stop.

The only solution is to throw the Democrats completely out of power.

Tuesday, Nov. 4 was a good first step.

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