Despite the media narrative Trump has taken the lead in two recent polls. Dems nervous yet?

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

That didn't stop the demoquacks on this forum from posting every poll showing Cankles winning....strange how they have stopped doing that:rolleyes:
I think I just did.

Though I'm not a democrat. Just an objective observer

Your link shows Clinton trending down. Take away the weeks old polls and she's in deep doo doo
Nice spin

Spin? Does the goddamn polls show her trending down? Why yes, yes indeed they do. Now stop deflecting, it never works
Yes and I addressed that. Trump got a bump and she took a dip. She was sitting on a near impossible to lose lead and now the gap has narrowed a bit, however, Clinton is still sitting with the advantage. Trump needs to grab all the toss up or battle ground states which is no easy feat.

It will be very interesting to see how the debates go and what voters respond to... Policy or rhetoric

Trump needs ALL the tossup states plus one to win.
Can Hillary do well in the debates....
Will Donald spend most of his time making faces,hurling insults like he did in the primary debates.
Donald loves to say the media can't figure him out...
Trumps supporters love this about him....

Trump has sent mixed messages about his immigration plan for weeks now
changing his position or sending mixed messages almost daily....
Is that the person we want running the country...
Changing his mind every day???
National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

That didn't stop the demoquacks on this forum from posting every poll showing Cankles winning....strange how they have stopped doing that:rolleyes:
I think I just did.

Though I'm not a democrat. Just an objective observer

Your link shows Clinton trending down. Take away the weeks old polls and she's in deep doo doo
Nice spin

Spin? Does the goddamn polls show her trending down? Why yes, yes indeed they do. Now stop deflecting, it never works
Funny I just turned on Fox and all I hear during this poll talk is about this "trend"... Can you say talking point parrot?

They also admitted that if the election was today Clinton would have 325 electoral votes out of the 270 needed. That's after trumps recent bump
Romney led in "SOME" polls in 2012 (a lot more than Trump has), that didn't help him much.

2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

Trump is in a much worse position than Romney.
Yeah, he's closed the lead enough you'll see some polls with him either tied or up. There are crazy results the other way too. For example, there's a poll out either today or just recently that shows Clinton in a tie with Trump in Texas. IF that's true, then Trump's in deep trouble as there's no way he wins if a state like Texas flips. The most likely outcome though is that the poll is an outlier with Clinton close to, but still behind, Trump in Texas.

Best thing to do is not to focus on just one poll. The election models and polling averages have tightened but still have Clinton up. Trump can probably still pull this up to a tie or even a slim lead but he has work to do.
The calls from the right to kill the electoral college will become deafening as this election draws near.
They better be nervous. Trump seems to be gaining steam while spending a fraction of what Clinton is.

Question, is Clintons coughing spells equal to Dukakis's tank ride?
so he is spawning more bitter uneducated crackas? in what laboratory ?
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.



Dems should not get comfortable and stay home.

Scare the living shit out of them, get them to the polls with the horror show that is Trump.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.



Trumpies and GOPs can relax now.

Trump has got it in the bag.

If you're busy that day, don't worry, it's a gimme. Trump will win. Other voters will cover for you.
The calls from the right to kill the electoral college will become deafening as this election draws near.
Nearly every single model I've seen predicts that if there is an Popular vote Vs. Electoral Vote split, Trump wins. He's under performing in Red States he will certainly win while Clinton is running up massive totals in the Blue states she has in the bag.

If anyone should be pissed about the Electoral college is should be....well...everyone. It's in place specifically to stop a demagogue like Trump and it may be what hands him the win.
The calls from the right to kill the electoral college will become deafening as this election draws near.
Nearly every single model I've seen predicts that if there is an Popular vote Vs. Electoral Vote split, Trump wins. He's under performing in Red States he will certainly win while Clinton is running up massive totals in the Blue states she has in the bag.

If anyone should be pissed about the Electoral college is should be....well...everyone. It's in place specifically to stop a demagogue like Trump and it may be what hands him the win.

What? You think Trump is more likely to win the electoral college than the popular vote?
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

I think all thinking Americans should be concerned about a President Trump.
The calls from the right to kill the electoral college will become deafening as this election draws near.
Nearly every single model I've seen predicts that if there is an Popular vote Vs. Electoral Vote split, Trump wins. He's under performing in Red States he will certainly win while Clinton is running up massive totals in the Blue states she has in the bag.

If anyone should be pissed about the Electoral college is should be....well...everyone. It's in place specifically to stop a demagogue like Trump and it may be what hands him the win.

What? You think Trump is more likely to win the electoral college than the popular vote?
Yes. It's roughly the same way he won the Primaries. Ride a small coalition to victory in the Red states, make a narrow win in the swing states, call it a day.

Again, this isn't just my call. Go check out the models and the stat analysis on the race so far. Nearly everyone concludes that if there's a split, it's Trump in the Electoral not vice versa. Hillary will easily carry the blue states by wide margins while Trump is really struggling in the Red states to carry them at Romney levels. He may win Utah (may) and will likely win Texas, for example, but the margin will be among the narrowest a GOP candidate has every won by in those states.

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