Despite the media narrative Trump has taken the lead in two recent polls. Dems nervous yet?

Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


There may be more stupid people, more racists, more bigots and more fools in America then I ever thought (I suspected about 25 - 32% of Americans fit one or more of these sets of Americans)

Face the fact, Trump is not a Democrat, not a Republican, not a conservative and not a Libertarian. He's an Authoritarian bully in the mold of fascists who rose to power in Germany, Italy, Spain and in many banana republics in S. America.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

What do you see? up and down gyrations with Hillary consistently coming out ahead.
What I see are old polls. I predicted this in the op

What has fundamentally changed? Nothing.

Nothing except the newer polls show a tightening race. Nope nothing at all....:cuckoo:

Which has so far consistently tightened and un-tightened in Hillary favor.

You fellas look to be desperately grasping for straws.
Why is discussing current events considered "grasping"

Get real
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House
I would agree to a point. But trends can be contagious. It is a sign that she is losing her once solid lead. The question is why? Is it self inflicted or is Trump actually making headway.
You are correct about the drop for Hill and rise for Trump over the past week. My guess is the Mexico trip and immigration buzz that trump had last week while Clinton stayed relatively quiet.

I don't think we are going to get an accurate sense until after the first debate. Right now it's just speculation.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


It's high time the polls start concentrating on state specific polling. A shitload of people voting for Trump in Texas is nowhere near as relevant as whom people in Ohio and Florida will be voting for.

The CNN poll about voter enthusiasm is showing just how strong the Trump vote is and how weak the Clinton vote is.

Put that fact in with the lead Trump has with Independent voters and you have to wonder what Clinton can do to stop her downward slide.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

That didn't stop the demoquacks on this forum from posting every poll showing Cankles winning....strange how they have stopped doing that:rolleyes:
I think I just did.

Though I'm not a democrat. Just an objective observer

Your link shows Clinton trending down. Take away the weeks old polls and she's in deep doo doo
Nice spin
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House
I would agree to a point. But trends can be contagious. It is a sign that she is losing her once solid lead. The question is why? Is it self inflicted or is Trump actually making headway.
You are correct about the drop for Hill and rise for Trump over the past week. My guess is the Mexico trip and immigration buzz that trump had last week while Clinton stayed relatively quiet.

I don't think we are going to get an accurate sense until after the first debate. Right now it's just speculation.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


It's high time the polls start concentrating on state specific polling. A shitload of people voting for Trump in Texas is nowhere near as relevant as whom people in Ohio and Florida will be voting for.

The CNN poll about voter enthusiasm is showing just how strong the Trump vote is and how weak the Clinton vote is.

Put that fact in with the lead Trump has with Inependant voters and you have to wonder what Clinton can do to stop her downward slide.

Stop coughing up hairballs would help
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

That didn't stop the demoquacks on this forum from posting every poll showing Cankles winning....strange how they have stopped doing that:rolleyes:
Clinton holds steady against Trump as campaign enters final weeks

How come none of you Trumptards posted that one?

She's not holding steady,, she's trending down. It is what it is

I'm not seeing the downtrend. lol, help us out:

Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

National polls are pointless. They poll a couple thousand people divide that by 50 and you end up with 20-50 people per state... That tells you nothing... Checking each states poll and the electoral map is a much more accurate way to test the waters.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

That didn't stop the demoquacks on this forum from posting every poll showing Cankles winning....strange how they have stopped doing that:rolleyes:
I think I just did.

Though I'm not a democrat. Just an objective observer

Your link shows Clinton trending down. Take away the weeks old polls and she's in deep doo doo
Nice spin

Spin? Does the goddamn polls show her trending down? Why yes, yes indeed they do. Now stop deflecting, it never works
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


No Not Really.

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Historically the Candidate ahead in polls on Labor Days wins.

Guess what, it sure the hell ain't the Orange Faced Facist.

538 is better at determining a winner than two very conservative news/entertainment outlets.

der Trumpenfucker will lose, get used to it.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.

No. Trump has done what he needed to in order to close things up, but there's still the fact that the Stein and Johnston are pulling more from Clinton than Trump. Once the first debate hits, those candidates will fade (at least that's the history there) and it's likely those gains will go to Clinton.

The only thing I'm nervous about is Trump having a good night at the first debate and then cancelling out of the rest. Trump has a pretty low bar to clear in order to look like he's having a good night, while Clinton has a lot more pressure on her.

There's still a while left to go so this race could still go either way. Trump University is gearing back up to go into the news cycle as that moves closer to trial. Trump bribing DA's to not investigate hasn't gained traction yet but still could. Trump is also Trump, and is likely to open his mouth and say something stupid. Hillary has the email scandal still grinding on and a few new things related to the Foundation. So there's still a race to be had.
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


No Not Really.

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Historically the Candidate ahead in polls on Labor Days wins.

Guess what, it sure the hell ain't the Orange Faced Facist.

538 is better at determining a winner than two very conservative news/entertainment outlets.

der Trumpenfucker will lose, get used to it.
Calling CNN "very conservative" relegates you to the looney bin
Both CNN's new poll as well as Fox's most recent poll has Trump ahead. He has overcome Hillary's near double digit lead.

Now I know the vapid left will come in & point to other polls and I have no doubt those polls were probably accurate at the time they were taken but this thread is about the new polls and the trend they are suggesting we are seeing.


No Not Really.

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Historically the Candidate ahead in polls on Labor Days wins.

Guess what, it sure the hell ain't the Orange Faced Facist.

538 is better at determining a winner than two very conservative news/entertainment outlets.

der Trumpenfucker will lose, get used to it.

Cankles is trending down in 538 also. Even Aug 28th she was up 80-20, a week later it's 69-30?
Why is discussing current events considered "grasping"

Get real

Current events: Trump is heading towards his 5th peak, in the last four peaks he briefly tied Hillary who overall remained a steady front-runner.

Get your politico blinders off for one second.

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