Detroit: 7% of Detroit Public School 8th Graders Proficient in Reading


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Detroit: 7% of Detroit Public School 8th Graders Proficient in Reading


Originally Posted by CNS News
( - In the public schools in Detroit, Mich., according to the U.S. Department of Education, only 7 percent of the eighth graders are grade-level proficient or better in reading.

Only 7% of Detroit Public-School 8th Graders Proficient in Reading | CNS News

This is how blacks run a school system....Anymore questions? Same reason why Haiti is a fuck hole.
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It's somehow always white racism even with a total black educational system. You can't make this shit up!
Hey, matthew - asshole, what evidence do you have that YOU are proficient in reading?
All you have are insults against my facts and data points. Enjoy being defeated with reality.

I've passed everything that's reading put before
This is because we have an educational system that produced FrancoWtf and Truthmatter and they are now the ones teaching the younger generation.

Perfect Progressive success story!
All you have are insults against my facts and data points. Enjoy being defeated with reality.

I've passed everything that's reading put before me...


You can't even post that in proper English and I'm supposed to believe your proficiency in reading is any better?

Well, 'surprisingly' the whole story is not being told; "The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 7 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (7 percent).
The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 43 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (40 percent)."

The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.
It's all a matter of the attitude the students bring to the classroom.

Usually in the worst of the worst inner city schools there's still a few who come day in and day out to work hard and achieve. They don't know it's cool to just show up and do nothing but work on their street cred with their peers all day.
Well, 'surprisingly' the whole story is not being told; "The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 7 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (7 percent).
The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 43 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (40 percent)."

The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

These parents were educated by the same Progressive educational system. Can you image what happens when this current crop of failure become parents?

Democratic Nirvana!
The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.
The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.

How about YOU, douche? How could YOU possibly "keep up"?
The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.

Could it be the wars this country starts,and the missing fathers were killed fighting in these wars.
with all this negative about Blacks,this is why I say Matthew is Black and a race hater.
The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.
How about YOU, douche? How could YOU possibly "keep up"?

Insults are all you have to say in response to valid criticisms of the Negro race. I suspect that you are black. Aren't you ashamed to belong to a race that has a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate, and much lower scores on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed?

Because you are able to write complete sentences, I assume that you earned a meaningful high school degree. Unfortunately, you seem to be lacking in general knowledge.
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For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.
How about YOU, douche? How could YOU possibly "keep up"?

Insults are all you have to say in response to valid criticisms of the Negro race. I suspect that you are black. Aren't you ashamed to belong to a race that has a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate, and much lower scores on all the mantel aptitude tests however they are designed?

Because you are able to write complete sentences, I assume that you earned a meaningful high school degree. Unfortunately, you seem to be lacking in general knowledge.

Thanks for proving that you CAN'T keep up. This is the third or fourth time you've tried to 'guess' about my 'race.' You are wrong (as if it matters one way or the other). The fact that you immediately attempted to address me as if you had received confirmation of your pointless assumption goes to show what a juvenile, weak-minded fool you are. You don't display much "mantel aptitude" :rolleyes:

You mentioned something about a "degree." Here is a direct question; answer it, or openly declare yourself a coward: What is the highest degree you have earned?
How about YOU, douche? How could YOU possibly "keep up"?

Insults are all you have to say in response to valid criticisms of the Negro race. I suspect that you are black. Aren't you ashamed to belong to a race that has a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate, and much lower scores on all the mantel aptitude tests however they are designed?

Because you are able to write complete sentences, I assume that you earned a meaningful high school degree. Unfortunately, you seem to be lacking in general knowledge.

Thanks for proving that you CAN'T keep up. This is the third or fourth time you've tried to 'guess' about my 'race.' You are wrong (as if it matters one way or the other). The fact that you immediately attempted to address me as if you had received confirmation of your pointless assumption goes to show what a juvenile, weak-minded fool you are. You don't display much "mantel aptitude" :rolleyes:

You mentioned something about a "degree." Here is a direct question; answer it, or openly declare yourself a coward: What is the highest degree you have earned?

If it is not higher than yours you benefited from social promotion, or you went to a diploma mill. :tongue::banana:
Well, 'surprisingly' the whole story is not being told; "The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 7 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (7 percent).
The percentage of students in Detroit who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 43 percent in 2011. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2009 (40 percent)."

The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

These parents were educated by the same Progressive educational system. Can you image what happens when this current crop of failure become parents?

Democratic Nirvana!

Well, maybe my experience and family was unique. My maternal Grandparents and paternal grandmother didn't make it past high school. All five of my maternal grandparent's daughters and one son went through college. They were a product of the NYC school system. My Dad was sent through prep school in New Hampshire (Proctor Academy) and went through college to get his Master's degree. Again a product of the NYC school system. My paternal grandfather managed the Saint James Theater in NYC, and he was a product on the NYC school system. My sister and I went through college and own our own businesses, the Long Island public and parochial schools were our experience. . Learning was and is always a focus in our homes.

That's the reason I stated that learning begins at home, in my opinion, school is supposed to be a supplement for the foundation of learning started and continued in the home.
The results are still pathetic. Learning starts at HOME, it's primarily a FAILURE of the parents.

For most black children there is only one parent. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. Many of their mothers are not sure either. Lest we blame this on "white racism" it is worth mentioning that before the civil rights legislation was passed the vast majority of black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony.

The real problem facing blacks is significantly lower average intelligence. This is once again obvious in the failure of No Child Left Behind. It has left most black children behind because they lack the native intelligence to keep up.

Where did you get those stats? There are 'stats" within those stats. For instance, say a guy git his girlfriend pregnant and decides to marry her and she has the baby before the marriage, wouldn't that statistically be an "out of wedlock" birth? What about a guy who has a brief relationship with a woman and gets her pregnant, supports and cares for the baby, wouldn't that statistically be labeled as an "out of wedlock" birth? I am willing to be that there are plenty of people from many races who tell the government that they are not together so the female can collect the befits from the government, when in fact they actually live as husband and wife.

Your second paragraph is the type of paragraph that a person who has an inferiority complex uses to make him or herself somehow feel valid because they can hide behind the 'intelligence' of their group while trying to shield their own stupidity and inferiority to the very group or groups they condemn because they lack those qualities of the group that they are touting, yet they have all or most of the qualities or lack thereof , of the group that they are mocking and condemning.

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