Detroit Absentee Ballots, ‘So Inaccurate We Can’t Even Attempt to Make Right’


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.

Wayne County, Michigan, leaders want the Secretary of State to intervene after there was chaos while counting absentee ballots on primary election night. ...
Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit’s absentee voting precincts didn’t match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan’s largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.
Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office to examine the “training and processes” used in Detroit’s Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a “perfect storm” of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.
Forty-six percent of all precinct numbers were askew, canvassers were told.
According to state law, precincts cannot be counted where poll books — that is, a list of registered voters in that precinct — are not matched with the ballots.
Data presented to the board said 81 precincts, including 73 absentee voter precincts, were +/- 5 votes “without explanation.”
Monica Palmer, one of the Republican members of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, told the News procedures were not followed.
“It was so inaccurate that we can’t even attempt to make it right,” she said.
Breitbart News obtained an affidavit from Bob Cushman, who was appointed as a “poll challenger” by the Michigan Republican Party and was present as ballots were being counted at the TCF Center, formerly known as the Cobo Center. Cushman said he stayed on site until 5:10 a.m. after Election Day.
Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check whether the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.

Wayne County, Michigan, leaders want the Secretary of State to intervene after there was chaos while counting absentee ballots on primary election night. ...
Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit’s absentee voting precincts didn’t match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan’s largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.
Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office to examine the “training and processes” used in Detroit’s Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a “perfect storm” of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.
Forty-six percent of all precinct numbers were askew, canvassers were told.
According to state law, precincts cannot be counted where poll books — that is, a list of registered voters in that precinct — are not matched with the ballots.
Data presented to the board said 81 precincts, including 73 absentee voter precincts, were +/- 5 votes “without explanation.”
Monica Palmer, one of the Republican members of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, told the News procedures were not followed.
“It was so inaccurate that we can’t even attempt to make it right,” she said.
Breitbart News obtained an affidavit from Bob Cushman, who was appointed as a “poll challenger” by the Michigan Republican Party and was present as ballots were being counted at the TCF Center, formerly known as the Cobo Center. Cushman said he stayed on site until 5:10 a.m. after Election Day.
Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check whether the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.
A 46% failure rate and discrepancies that invalidate (adding pages to precint books after the fact) the election in general.... And they were caught doing it.... Holy Shit!
which is why universal unrequested ballotting cannot possibly work, as there is absolutely no verification possible.
And why democrats want it... The only way you can steal the election and cover your tracks doing it...
A 46% failure rate and discrepancies that invalidate (adding pages to precint books after the fact) the election in general.... And they were caught doing it.... Holy Shit!
which is why universal unrequested ballotting cannot possibly work, as there is absolutely no verification possible.
Right, no chain of custody
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.

Wayne County, Michigan, leaders want the Secretary of State to intervene after there was chaos while counting absentee ballots on primary election night. ...
Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit’s absentee voting precincts didn’t match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan’s largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.
Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office to examine the “training and processes” used in Detroit’s Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a “perfect storm” of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.
Forty-six percent of all precinct numbers were askew, canvassers were told.
According to state law, precincts cannot be counted where poll books — that is, a list of registered voters in that precinct — are not matched with the ballots.
Data presented to the board said 81 precincts, including 73 absentee voter precincts, were +/- 5 votes “without explanation.”
Monica Palmer, one of the Republican members of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, told the News procedures were not followed.
“It was so inaccurate that we can’t even attempt to make it right,” she said.
Breitbart News obtained an affidavit from Bob Cushman, who was appointed as a “poll challenger” by the Michigan Republican Party and was present as ballots were being counted at the TCF Center, formerly known as the Cobo Center. Cushman said he stayed on site until 5:10 a.m. after Election Day.
Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check whether the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.

They need to cheat to stay competitive. This is why they reject an honest, accurate vote. The DNXi is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.

And nothing stops you commies for making claims that Trump is trying to steal the election by not supporting universal balloting. It should be rather obvious this can lead to mis-counts and people voting that shouldn't. The ONLY reason Democratic politicians want it is because they KNOW they can and will cheat.
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.
prove what in court?
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.

And nothing stops you commies for making claims that Trump is trying to steal the election by not supporting universal balloting. It should be rather obvious this can lead to mis-counts and people voting that shouldn't. The ONLY reason Democratic politicians want it is because they KNOW they can and will cheat.
because they always have cheated. it's the party of cheaters. I live in Chiraq, the poster city for corruption by demofks. prove it in court, what a stupid comment Darryl. BTW, how's your other brother Daryl doing?
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.
prove what in court?
This is the playbook response from them.

Them: We need universal mail-in voting.
Us: That will open up the election to all sorts of fraud and problems.
Them: That never happens. You just want to cheat.
Us: Here are some examples of fraud and cheating that were caught.
Them: Those are just one-offs. They don't count. You just want to cheat.
Us: Here are some examples of much more wide-spread fraud.
Them: That never happened. Fake news.
Us: Here's another example of massive vote fraud and cheating.
Them: Prove it in court.

And on it goes, excuse after excuse after denial after yet another shift of the goal posts.
Then prove it inn court. You can't because all your claims are just BS. While Rump is barred from making those claims since the most recent court ruling, you rumpsters are free to make those same stupid unfounded claims.
prove what in court?
This is the playbook response from them.

Them: We need universal mail-in voting.
Us: That will open up the election to all sorts of fraud and problems.
Them: That never happens. You just want to cheat.
Us: Here are some examples of fraud and cheating that were caught.
Them: Those are just one-offs. They don't count. You just want to cheat.
Us: Here are some examples of much more wide-spread fraud.
Them: That never happened. Fake news.
Us: Here's another example of massive vote fraud and cheating.
Them: Prove it in court.

And on it goes, excuse after excuse after denial after yet another shift of the goal posts.
yep. one can't help their kind of stupid. tolerate it we must.
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.
Democrats have the same incentives to cheat as Republicans, but this example might be due to incompetence instead of fraud:

Detroit primary election irregularities may lead to state stepping in

"Earlier this month, there were a lot of new election workers.

"They replaced many who were concerned about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Board of Canvassers member Norm Shinkle called the situation horrible and tragic.

"Poll workers are supposed to stay until all the vote counts are accurate and everything balances. That didn’t happen.

"The Board of Canvassers decided to certify the Aug. 4 election results and then sent a message to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to step in and make sure there is good training for the fall."
They need to cheat to stay competitive. This is why they reject an honest, accurate vote. The DNXi is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"
That is also why they fight against cleaning the registered voter rolls in any state that tries too. Obviously we need to purge these databases of invalid voter records prior to enacting any Universal mail-in ballot.

But the Dims wont stand for it.

The kind of thing that makes you go, 'Huh?'
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.

Wayne County, Michigan, leaders want the Secretary of State to intervene after there was chaos while counting absentee ballots on primary election night. ...
Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit’s absentee voting precincts didn’t match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan’s largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.
Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office to examine the “training and processes” used in Detroit’s Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a “perfect storm” of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.
Forty-six percent of all precinct numbers were askew, canvassers were told.
According to state law, precincts cannot be counted where poll books — that is, a list of registered voters in that precinct — are not matched with the ballots.
Data presented to the board said 81 precincts, including 73 absentee voter precincts, were +/- 5 votes “without explanation.”
Monica Palmer, one of the Republican members of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, told the News procedures were not followed.
“It was so inaccurate that we can’t even attempt to make it right,” she said.
Breitbart News obtained an affidavit from Bob Cushman, who was appointed as a “poll challenger” by the Michigan Republican Party and was present as ballots were being counted at the TCF Center, formerly known as the Cobo Center. Cushman said he stayed on site until 5:10 a.m. after Election Day.
Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check whether the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.

They need to cheat to stay competitive. This is why they reject an honest, accurate vote. The DNXi is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"
Frank, naw, they invoke Russia Russia. See they cheated and still lost. so, in their fked up minds, Russia Russia is the reason.
And these are requested ballots. The Democrats just cant help cheating for their candidate so bad that they do it even if it undermines their own national policy.

Wayne County, Michigan, leaders want the Secretary of State to intervene after there was chaos while counting absentee ballots on primary election night. ...
Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit’s absentee voting precincts didn’t match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan’s largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.
Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office to examine the “training and processes” used in Detroit’s Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a “perfect storm” of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.
Forty-six percent of all precinct numbers were askew, canvassers were told.
According to state law, precincts cannot be counted where poll books — that is, a list of registered voters in that precinct — are not matched with the ballots.
Data presented to the board said 81 precincts, including 73 absentee voter precincts, were +/- 5 votes “without explanation.”
Monica Palmer, one of the Republican members of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, told the News procedures were not followed.
“It was so inaccurate that we can’t even attempt to make it right,” she said.
Breitbart News obtained an affidavit from Bob Cushman, who was appointed as a “poll challenger” by the Michigan Republican Party and was present as ballots were being counted at the TCF Center, formerly known as the Cobo Center. Cushman said he stayed on site until 5:10 a.m. after Election Day.
Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check whether the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.
But Trump lied about mail in voting. No problem at all

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