Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump

Do you even begin to comprehend how stupid your comment is??? I would not be surprised to learn you are no more than 15-18 years of age, certainly you are clueless as to just why your comment is literally spectacularly stupid! Here's an idea, I think you need to make an extreme political protest, you need to pour fuel oil over self and ignite it in protest of yourself having been gypped in the IQ sweepstakes, otherwise known as "natural selection!"
He speaks stupid but is confused by it
I don't know what you're on about. This is a statement from the general counsel of the National Archives. It's a government site.

If you want Congressional Testimony, this is what we have:

I don't think they released the testimony from Stern.
what I'm about is factual information what you have shown here is a highly redacted site ... again they have no part with the government ... they are a site that they restor goverment allegations some proved some not ... its a baseless site to be used as factual information ...
the post here is about Biden allowing the use of deadly force in mar-a-largo not about Biden’s memory issues … maybe you need to go the the site that discuses memory issue … and buddy memory issue, trump will lose that one … as for the document about the use of deadly force … Biden hand nothing to do with that document … the FBI, the police, any law enforcement that has a warrant has this document in each and every warrant … it to let the people know what they can an can’t do …. Only the stupid people who would fall for Donald trims rants about this document … when they got a warrant for Joe Biden home for documents, the same document was in his warrant … it’s required by law you morons
Fun fact to know and tell. Use of force by the FBI at Shti-A-Lagp the MAGA MAGGOTS are all up about, that same use of force order was in place at Mr. Biden's Delaware home. It is in fact a standard practice when a presidential residence.
Think about that....just think!:mad-61:

So basically biden was ordering a hit on the former presiden but used veiled speech to hide his true intent
Whadda piece of work.

Its cuz Trump's a threat to our democracy democrats
At the moment, it seems that the two most likely outcomes are either (a) they succeed in creating an unconstitutional, authoritarian political structure, or (b) they fuck this up and we go careening to the Left. They've gone pure binary, pure caveman.

Neither outcome is a good one.
There is an authoritarian political structure in power right now. Your statement is ridiculous.
make America happy again
Criminality had not been determined.
This was a more deadly version of the witch hunt-an armed one. Hell they murdered an unarmed veteran .
we are talking about trump having a document attach to his warrant … a document that is attached to all warrants … nobody murdered a vet … maybe you can’t take that debate to the site that discuses the murder of vets…
What an incredibly stupid thought.

The GOP has won the popular vote ONCE in the past 30 years.

Reagan won 49 states. On his re-election. He actually INCREASED his success. Do you know how rare that is?

So think about the incredible stupidity of being stupid and how that's working out for the GOP.

As I often point out, a conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now they are the dumbest, sniffing each others asses in the corner.

The GOP now runs the smart ones out of town on a rail.
and which states are loosing their citizenry
your conclusion is worse than false
C'mom man.
boy you guys are nuts just plain nuts... every state numbers every ballot they are sent to registered voters by request ... that's the only way you can get a mail-in ballot ... every ballot has an SKU number to identify the ballot that it's which registered to whatever state ... now once the ballot has gone through the counter that's it ... it can't be sent through a second time or in any of the other counters ...

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