UPDATE: Eric Trump Says Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras Captured FBI Agents Behaving Improperly

I am so fed up with this. I used to be a democrat back until the 1990's. I lost my political virginity when at a political event, the Democrats STOPPED listening to Us and started dictating what the issues "should be". 2008 , I get a bunch of California liberals (My relatives in California) with a huge necrotic guilt complex's proudly announce they voted for an INCOMPETENT TWIT (Obama) because...he had a darker melanin level! I abandoned the Democrats then . Life moves on, I learned a lot. So in 2016, I voted for Trump. I see Democrats NOW pandering con artists that will sell ANYTHING FOR a buck/vote. Pedophilia? Cannibalism? Tribalistic fantasy gender bending made up stuff? Democrats are this corrupt, there is no cause so low they won't fight for, if they profit monetarily or otherwise. get votes. as trying to negate and penalize ANYONE that isn't Democrat. Arsonist, cannibals, ANYTHING goes with liberals to fight "Oppression".
you forgot the worst of the worst:

the way they not only accept but LOVE abortion

sick puppies doesn't begin to say it
They don't care though. The only penalty for an illegal search and seizure is that you don't get to use the evidence when prosecuting.

Now, if the FBI tries to introduce evidence, even planted evidence, and the court disallows it, they can say that Trump got off "on a technicality."

It is crazy that only one FBI Agent has been found guilty of a crime in all of this. I guess that's what happens when you are the only law enforcement able to investigate the crimes you commit and you're best pals with the only prosecutorial agency able to prosecute them.
I have not h eard of any fbi being prosecuted

for the raid?

who has that story? fox?
you'd certainly THINK SO!

How the hell can they search the place, the whole damn place which likely is NOT mentioned in hte warrant (not the kitchen, I am sure and other places)

and... well, it's like everything else those demonrats do: ONE SIDED

search and seizure without representation of both parties.. victim and victimizer (or whatever labels u give them)
In other words, a search warrant. Welcome to earth, enjoy your stay.
Your crybabying is not support of your lie. But that's all you have.

Says ^ the only one crying. 😂
Looks like this is about more than just presidential records, per the warrant... I'll post it so you have more to throw yout tantrum about...
No; it only “seems” like that to the willingly or hopelessly gullible. Like you.
"POLITICO, meanwhile, reported that the warrant reveals that the FBI is investigating Trump for "removal or destruction of records, obstruction of an investigation, and violating the Espionage Act." Conviction of those statutes, notes the outlet, "can result in imprisonment or fines."" - People

Zzzz. Such nonsense. Spoon fed propaganda to “People” and “Politico” by the very ones smearing President Trump. And drooling libtards like you lap that shit right up. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Says ^ the only one crying. 😂

Non it only seems like that to the willingly or hopelessly gullible. Like you.

Zzzz. Such nonsense. Spoon fed propaganda to “People” by the ones smearing President Trump. And drooling tards like you all that shot right up. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
So, while the daily tantrum continues, let's review:

Trump can do anything with his copy of the warrant that he likes, including giving it to Fox and Breitbart. Which he did.

And no amount of cultist cybabying or attention begging (see above) will change that.
So, while the daily tantrum continues,

You’re allowed to stop. Why do you persist in your tantrum? Curious.
let's review:
Beyond your abilities.
Trump can do anything with his copy of the warrant that he likes, including giving it to Fox and Breitbart. Which he did.
False. It’s under seal. And you’ve yet to show how he gave it to anybody. 😂
And no amount of cultist cybabying or attention begging (see above) will change that.
Nothing will make your lies anything but lies. That much is true.
Well, as it turns out, shockingly enough, the daily cult tantrum from the board tumor hasn't changed reality.

Trump can do anything he likes with his copy of the warrant. Including giving it to media outlets to be published. Which he did.

The warrant has to be specific and the thugs... ooops, I mean the fbi can only seize what is authorized to be seized. I believe the scotus case was called Mapp? I'll look it up...

But the case i have in mind was about how

You can't use evidence of another crime (found at searched site) if the search warrant does not include such evidence

ok, I Searched it:

can't use any evidence not specified in warrant

If you find evidence of another crime not covered by you warrant you call the judge and get a second warrant but all of that smoke and mirrors in your post does not refute a thing I have stated.
Eric Trump said that the security cameras at Mar-a-Lago caught FBI agents behaving improperly during Monday’s raid, alleging that investigators were accessing parts of former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence that they “shouldn’t have been.”

In an interview with DailyMail.com, Eric Trump said that because staff refused to turn off the surveillance cameras at the request of the FBI, the Mar-a-Lago cameras captured agents raiding areas that they weren’t authorized to.

So the staff did not turn off the cameras! Good on them!:up:

So, FBI say "turn off the cameras", Mar a Lago says "no", so then the FBI, knowing they're being watched, go into places they shouldn't go.

AND not only that, Trump's son "says" this happened, but doesn't actually show it with the evidence there is.

Sounds like bullshit to me.
No you retard. Wrong again. The reason they are sealed is multifaceted. But again, there would still be zero reason for them to ask for sealing. You’re so fucking stupid, it’s painful. They could (all on their own with no court order required) seal their own application. They don’t need to ask a court for permission to shut the fuck up, you retard.

They need to ask a court to have it sealed so that the subject doesn’t speak about it.

You claim to be a lawyer, right?

What kind of lawyer spends hours and hours pushing baseless I-say-so,-other-experts-are-wrong and can't cite law or any case to make a concise, backed up argument?

A stupid, know nothing lawyer, that's who.

You can keep huffing and puffing and pounding that table, but you haven't gotten even an inch closer to seriously proving that subject of a sealed search warrant can't legally disclose his copy.
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Funny you said nothing to moonglow who claims there is no President Trump.

Technically we are correct, once they leave office, they don’t hold that title.


Formally Addressing the Former President​

When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well. When talking about the person to a third party, on the other hand, it’s appropriate to say, “former President LastName.” This holds for introductions, as well: A current state governor is introduced as “Governor Tom Smith,” while you’d introduce an ex-governor as “former Governor Jim Bell.”

Informally Addressing the Former President​

Now, let’s look a little closer. In an informal setting (such as a private lunch), it’s acceptable to use the title the ex-official held. Here, you could refer to former President Jimmy Carter as either “President Carter” or “Mr. Carter.” In reality, many people ignore this convention and refer to former Presidents as "President Last Name" when they are in settings where nearly everyone would afford them the honor of the title. Technically, this is still incorrect but there are enough former Presidents allowing this that it has become a somewhat common mistake.
Eric Trump said that the security cameras at Mar-a-Lago caught FBI agents behaving improperly during Monday’s raid, alleging that investigators were accessing parts of former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence that they “shouldn’t have been.”

In an interview with DailyMail.com, Eric Trump said that because staff refused to turn off the surveillance cameras at the request of the FBI, the Mar-a-Lago cameras captured agents raiding areas that they weren’t authorized to.

So the staff did not turn off the cameras! Good on them!:up:

All Trumps lie. It's in their reptile DNA.

The DoJ subpoenaed the security camera footage and received it in June. It shows who went into the room where the stolen documents were.

Trump is fucked.

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