Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Watch: Palestinian mothers in Gaza dress their toddlers in Hamas uniforms, hoping they will grow up to kill Jews for Jihad (Islam's holy war). This interview was filmed during a rally in support of female Hamas politician Maryam Mohammad. She became popular in Gaza after she was filmed celebrating with her 3 armed sons their last moments before blowing themselves up in suicide attacks against Jews in Israel. As you can see in the video, she explains that Palestinian Muslims are willing to sacrifice their children for the sake of Allah (God of Islam) while waging jihad against Jews.At the end of the interview she sent a message to all Jews in Israel, urging them to hand over all of Israel's lands to the Palestinians and flee before they will be blown up into pieces by Palestinian suicide bombers.

Link to the video:

So you want to recognize the state of Palestine? By all means. Go ahead. Just make sure to note that since Palestine is a state, no-one living in it is or can be or will be recognized by your country as a "refugee from Palestine", that you are therefore defunding UNRWA, that there is no such thing as a "right of return" into another sovereign state in which one has never been a citizen or ever lived.

If you're not ready to so as a package, then please don't pretend that the purpose of recognizing Palestine is to promote "a two state solution". Given that there was never a moment in the last century when there was an Arab Palestinian vision of peace and two states where one of the states is Jewish - which means acceptance that no-one is a "refugee from Palestine" when already living there or as citizens of Jordan and other countries, and that there is no such "right of return" into the territory of the sovereign state of Israel of people who were never its citizens - then now might be a great time to start clarifying that.

A recognition of a state of Palestine is a great way to finally clarify - is the other state in the "two state solution" the Jewish state of Israel? Or, is it, as Palestinians continue to believe, a temporary aberration that will revert to being Arab in due course?It is high time to ensure that any vision of peace by two states means that one of these two state is Jewish. And if not, it would be nice to finally know that your country recognizes Palestine because it believes that "from water to water Palestine will be Arab" - the original Arab version of "From the River to the Sea" - and that there is no room for Jewish sovereignty anywhere. Precisely the vision that animated Hamas October 7th attack and the continued support it enjoys among Palestinians. If this is why your country is recognizing Palestine, it would be a good time for Israel to finally know that.

If not, if you genuinely believe in a two-state solution where one of the two is Jewish, then get off your bum and make it clear - that recognition of Palestine comes with a strong declaration and policy that no-one living in it is or can be or will be recognized by your country as a "refugee from Palestine", that you are therefore defunding UNRWA, that there is no such thing as a "right of return" into another sovereign state in which one has never been a citizen or ever lived. Then we'll know you're serious. Anything else is lazy virtue signaling, worthy of an Anthropology student in the US, not a government of a proper country.

The motion narrowly passed through parliament with a 74-73 vote and says the slogan “comes right off the H*mas charter and is therefore a call for violence against all Jews worldwide.”

Whilst the motion is not binding in Dutch courts, it is still the strongest official motion passed in the country since widespread anti-Israel protests erupted.

It comes after Dutch politician Geert Wilders announced his Party for Freedom had put together a government ruling coalition under his leadership.

Wilders and his party have been strong supporters of Israel.

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