Detroit: Democrat Government Shutdown


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What we saw in Congress these last few months was a dry run for what Obama and the Dems are looking to do to the USA: Detroitification; that is, the complete collapse of civilized society.

Look at Detroit, that's a for real government ran out of money shutdown. That's the Democrat end game for us.
i am pretty sure that millions of travelers avoid any stop-over in Detroit as possible when booking flights! u couldn't pay me to ever land in Detroit. it would feel like walking into a roach-motel.
Half of Detriot is a great place to visit, hater dupes....thanks for the 2008 Pub corruption/cronyism meltdown, 3 years of disastrous obstruction, and a new Pub bankruptcy lawyer appointed city manager that took away their last chances, dupes of the greedy rich...

Take your brainwashed bs and shove it, Tea Party hater
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Half of Detriot is a great place to visit, hater dupes....thanks for the 2008 Pub corruption/cronyism meltdown, 3 years of disastrous obstruction, and a new Pub bankruptcy lawyer appointed city manager that took away their last chances, dupes of the greedy rich...

Take your brainwashed bs and shove it, Tea Party hater

Pubs have had NOthING to do with Detroit for the past 60 years

It's all Dem Dupes
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Total financial/social collapse is what the 'OJ jury' caused when they repeatedly voted in 'Affirmative Action' Detroit mayors and municipal governments for decades. When you only get a 17% voter turn-out you know the city's effed.
The Feds had to add an extension onto 'Milan' to house all the mayors and city officials who have been sent to prison. (They didn't need to consider 'racial diversity though. All the crooks are/where Black).

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