Developing: Elon’s Twitter Is Still Infiltrated with Former FBI and CIA Agents – These Agents Are Frantically Scrubbing Their LinkedIn Accounts, Read

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
The treacherous bastards are caught and erasing their files.


I'd have advised Musk the same way I'd have advised Trump on his first day in the White House --

THROW ALL THEIR ASSES OUT! Anyone who was still working there when Musk took over IS THE PROBLEM!

Gateway Pundit links are like the poster holding a sign that reads "I'm a moron"
Gateway Pundit links are like the poster holding a sign that reads "I'm a moron"

But GP is still smarter than the guy who believed that the Bible was upside down.

Now, who could that have been? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... Let me think................

Oh yeah! I know who it was!


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