Deviant LA teacher fed students semen laced cookies

CaféAuLait;8155306 said:
Who told the students they ate semen? Wouldn't it better for them not to know?

I wondered the same. They were 3rd graders. But it would not surprise me if the older students were not harassing the class about it, unfortunately news travels fast and school yard rumors do as well. I sure hope the parents did not tell them. Of course the children would probably need to be tested for disease but that could have happened without their knowledge. On the other hand how long had he been doing this to children. Gag!

The only thing faster than the speed of light is rumors.
Who told the students they ate semen? Wouldn't it better for them not to know?

The boob himself posted pictures of blindfolded children eating the dripping cookies.

How did these young kids have access to such images? And how did they know what semen was, unless someone told them?

You seriously think it's best that the children not know, and that the guy just keep doing what he's doing?

Before I thought you were just confused. Now I know for sure you're deranged.
Who told the students they ate semen? Wouldn't it better for them not to know?

The boob himself posted pictures of blindfolded children eating the dripping cookies.

How did these young kids have access to such images? And how did they know what semen was, unless someone told them?

The teacher was not reported by the students but someone who saw the images posted on line. Miramonte is in a very depressed hispanic neighborhood. Many of the students spoke no english and fewer parents speak English. Miramonte became a refuge for child molesters because no one was likely to complain. Everyone is too afraid of being deported.
I was just reading an article where some eggheads decided to pull a book off the library shelves and discovered it was laced with coke and herpes virus..

Totally a lib phenomenon:

Herpes Virus Found on Library Copies of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

But the real case of life imitating art was revealed when the scientists discovered traces of the herpes virus in the pages of the erotic tale Fifty Shades of Grey. "

Liberal porn bible.

Wow, yer an idiot!

Note: my wife tried to read 50 Shades, and reported it was awful. If you want something actually readable, she would be happy to recommend a few superb E-novels.
One of my kids works for Siemens. His boss told him he once interviewed a guy named Dick Wang.

I once got a call for a dude who had locked himself out of his truck. His name? Dick Hertz.

Was it a rental?

There was an engineer in Philadelphia (maybe still is) whose name appears on many an elevator certificate. His name is Dick Bagg. True story.
What a peculiarly convoluted perversion this is. I don't recall seeing anything like it in Psychopathia Sexualis and I wonder what von Kraft-Ebbing would have to say about it.

We know that delivery of semen is the subliminal impetus of the male sex urge. And we know that fellatio approximates the same impetus. But this extremely warped method of delivery includes the additional twist of pedophilia.

The human mind is quite a fascinating computer.
The boob himself posted pictures of blindfolded children eating the dripping cookies.

How did these young kids have access to such images? And how did they know what semen was, unless someone told them?

You seriously think it's best that the children not know, and that the guy just keep doing what he's doing?

Before I thought you were just confused. Now I know for sure you're deranged.

I think the guy should have been punished, obviously, but there is no need to let the kids know what they ate. Just tell them that they ate something yukky and it won't happen again.
Telling them what semen is and how they ate it is going to cause them emotional distress - which many of them now suffer from simply because their parents decided to make them anxious!
It was more tgan this one guy. The entire school was infested with child predators. I don't think that children were informed of anything. They are very young.

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