Devin Nunez is stepping down to be CEO of trump media

Hey Bozo, misinformation has been the product of tabloids on the Internet and cable news, in particular Fox (see the movie Outfoxed for an example).

The MSM prints and broadcasts the news, when it errs it admits it, something alien to Fox News, AM Radio talking heads and all things trump.

That you and others also censor debates on Social Media, in fact they're not debates when hate, BIG LIES and Conspiracy STORIES (all caps to remind the readers that a story purports a fiction; a theory provides probative facts to support a hypothesis, not even yet a theory) which derail any debate.
My apologies for not mentioning mental illness in addition to utter stupidity as a contributing factor to the confusion people display in regards to their ridiculous accusations that promoting free speech is somehow inimical to it.
My apologies for not mentioning mental illness in addition to utter stupidity as a contributing factor to the confusion people display in regards to their ridiculous accusations that promoting free speech is somehow inimical to it.
Nice try, too bad your spin won't turn. Ad hominems ARE NOT rebuttals; of course that too is a form of censorship, often used on social media and too often by faux conservatives and far right wing damn liars.
Nice try, too bad your spin won't turn. Ad hominems ARE NOT rebuttals; of course that too is a form of censorship, often used on social media and too often by faux conservatives and far right wing damn liars.
I am in no position here to censor you, Stalinist.

I do believe I was remiss, however, in my failing to mention complete dishonesty along with utter stupidity and mental illness.
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Ain't that nice....I wish them well in the trumpmosphere....
Nunes must think it's going to be quick and easy money working for Trump. Many who have worked for the psychopath either got screwed over, thrown under the bus, or ended up in prison. Maybe Nunes thinks he's smarter than Donnie boy.
As he should.....any scumbag lifer more interested in staying on the gravy train rather than serving real Americans needs to be dumped.

Loyalty to the Traitor goes only one way. To him, he on other has no loyalty to anyone or anything except money. Nunes may be finding himself out of job before it starts as well. Federal Investigations have a way doing that to people.
Nice try, too bad your spin won't turn. Ad hominems ARE NOT rebuttals; of course that too is a form of censorship, often used on social media and too often by faux conservatives and far right wing damn liars.
The irony!
99% of LibBot posts here are ad hominems and you never object.
Don't you just hate people who run a large business?
Not really. Worked with and for those kind for years, helping make their crap work, and got no problem with them. Guess I got skipped on a requisite jealousy gene, and am really a very simple creature with simple needs, that I have no problem providing for.

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