DHS Chief to Marxist Terrorist in Portland: Come Take This Courthouse

This could be interesting if the rioters get aggressive.
10-years each for damaging federal property. Lock'em up DHS! Lots of empty cages at the wall.
This could be interesting if the rioters get aggressive.
10-years each for damaging federal property. Lock'em up DHS! Lots of empty cages at the wall.

sadly---it's not happening. YOU MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN------moratorium on arrests
sadly---it's not happening. YOU MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN------moratorium on arrests
No moratorium on federal crimes, DHS and FBI can make federal arrests.
Only in some blue cities with weenie mayors have moratoriums.
who is a marxist in Portland? Marxism barely exists in the USA, if any.

Demanding that our LEO's be clean has nothing to do with choosing an economic system. There are good cops everywhere. then there are some that got caught out making racist statements on their radios, etc. n-words, talking dirty about the citizens they are supposed to be protecting. It's not about cops,, it's about bad cops. Grow up and start judging people by their behavior.
It is quite funny how these half-witted tRUMP sucking cum licking fools forget the bundy escapades but they thought that was just the right thing for those hillbilly dumb-f*cks to do.
Oh well, you know how it is when you have your head so far up tRUMPS ass...

SO, we will see how long this stays up because one of the whiny little tRUMP bitches will complain.
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who is a marxist in Portland? Marxism barely exists in the USA, if any.

Demanding that our LEO's be clean has nothing to do with choosing an economic system. There are good cops everywhere. then there are some that got caught out making racist statements on their radios, etc. n-words, talking dirty about the citizens they are supposed to be protecting. It's not about cops,, it's about bad cops. Grow up and start judging people by their behavior.
...except for Marxists, of course.

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