DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build-Up Intensifies...

Curious = what exactly are you doing to prep?

Big Brother is actually doing the prepping. He's preparing for the Civil Unrest that is coming. He's preparing for the breakdown. You have to destroy it in order to rebuild it. The NWO Global Elite need to destroy America's Constitution and Sovereignty. We're their final obstacle. They will break our Nation by any means necessary.

Civil Unrest will come in many forms and from many different factions. This Civil Unrest will not only come from your dreaded 'Republicans.' The unrest will be expressed by all sorts of Americans who hold different political viewpoints. The NWO just wants Civil Unrest. They're not too concerned with who it comes from. Just remember, you have destroy it in order to rebuild it.

And that trolling lemming will be whining that the people who don't submit are irrationally resisting the government.

Unfortunately, most Americans do live in a state of Goose Stepper Bliss. They're willfully ignorant and oblivious.
And that paranoid irrational fact manufacturer will be screaming about the impending government takeover in 2 years, and 5 years, and 10 years...

Uh, your Government has already taken over. Where you been? They're definitely not done though.
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Make no mistaqke.....our government is antagonizing and HOPING for a pushback. This.....the drone shit.....they will keep going until they get a far right nut group to flip out and then go and label all gun owners as terrorists.

Its coming.........I just worry it'll be a false flag operation and they will announce the offenders are far right guys.

Yes, that is the plan. They fully understand that destroying our Constitution and Sovereignty is going to upset many good Americans. They will keep pushing. They want Civil Unrest. They see it as an opportunity to solidify their power and dominance. Gotta get those bad ole 'Terrorists.' You're dealing with some very evil people. Antagonizing and provoking Civil Unrest is a big part of their plan.
As the DHS snatches up even more ammo the Marines and other branches of the Military are told to "save every round" in an active combat zone. Isn't that special....

Not to worry... it is my understanding that DHS is buying hollow point ammo which can not be employed in combat because it violates the Geneva Convention. Thus, DHS should not be buying up ammo which the military needs.

I am sure that will make you feel better.

And that paranoid irrational fact manufacturer will be screaming about the impending government takeover in 2 years, and 5 years, and 10 years...

Incorrect. I have it on good authority that starting next year the emphasis will be on the "Zombie Apocalypse".

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