DHS Warns of Tea Party and Sovereign Citizen Terror Attacks

Here you go moron...the Atlantic article on isis....you might learn something...oh...what am I saying...you are a lefty....you are incapable of that....but for others who are interested.....this discusses the goals of isis...in depth....

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic
LOL...I once read an article about how the Tea Party wants a white America and are willing to start a race war. ISIS is a threat..I agree...regretfully, teapers already on American soil have already threatened to use women as human shields, killed countless cops, and speak of sedition on a daily basis. They are a threat in many ways...including obstruction, refusing to pay taxes, claiming they are unemployed when they have been retired for years....terrorists indeed.

They have not killed "countless cops". There have been incidents of sovereign citizens killing cops. But minority thug gang members and mentally ill savages are a far more common threat to cops.
Not true at all....in 2014 whites killed more cops than ALL of the races combined.
Considering that in the US whites comprise a larger percentage of the population than all other races combined, well, that's not exactly a surprise.

However, if you'd care to put-up percentages... showing us the ratio of cop-killings, vis-a-vis the total white population, then showing us the ratio of cop-killings for blacks, hispanics, etc., vis-a-vis their own total population... well... I think that would help us to get a better and more honest picture.
I have posted the percentages many a time. The percentages were something like 80% of all cops in 2014 killed by whites. I think blacks were 9%.

Nice how you try to justify white cop killers though...no integrity. I guess it is okay if a white person kills a cop.
To whom are you addressing this comment?
If you think the teapers don't have an army...then you and your other willfully ignorant lemmings.
I have joined or supported a group without properly researching them?

I have joined a group whose army has threatened to use women as a human shield?

I am a member of a group and do not realize that they have a standing army?

I am associating with somebody without researching them?

I claim that everything reported about them is a lie?

I do?


News to me.

Honestly, youngling... "You must learn to govern your passions - they will be your un-doing."
If you are a teaper and don't believe the teapers have an army and threatened to use women as human shields...then yes, YOU have joined a group without knowing who they really are.
You don't honestly believe that shit your're shoveling, do you, sonny?
Does the tea party have an army?
I don't know.

That's why I asked you.

And all I get from you is insinuation about militias.

Are any of these handful of so-called right wing militias officially affiliated with the Tea Party on either the national or regional level?

Or is your concern focused upon an occasional and obscure local-yokel cross-over, here and there?

Big difference.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.

Why do you think the rabid right want to defund the DHS?

So now you're all for the PA?
My how things change....

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Well make up your fucken mind.

I just made an observation.

Everything else is in what passes for your mind.

That is your problem, not mine.
Here you go moron...the Atlantic article on isis....you might learn something...oh...what am I saying...you are a lefty....you are incapable of that....but for others who are interested.....this discusses the goals of isis...in depth....

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic
LOL...I once read an article about how the Tea Party wants a white America and are willing to start a race war. ISIS is a threat..I agree...regretfully, teapers already on American soil have already threatened to use women as human shields, killed countless cops, and speak of sedition on a daily basis. They are a threat in many ways...including obstruction, refusing to pay taxes, claiming they are unemployed when they have been retired for years....terrorists indeed.

They have not killed "countless cops". There have been incidents of sovereign citizens killing cops. But minority thug gang members and mentally ill savages are a far more common threat to cops.
Not true at all....in 2014 whites killed more cops than ALL of the races combined.
Considering that in the US whites comprise a larger percentage of the population than all other races combined, well, that's not exactly a surprise.

However, if you'd care to put-up percentages... showing us the ratio of cop-killings, vis-a-vis the total white population, then showing us the ratio of cop-killings for blacks, hispanics, etc., vis-a-vis their own total population... well... I think that would help us to get a better and more honest picture.

Oh...now why did you go and ask him to supply truthful information.....his brain is going to explode....
Another one who justifies white savages and terrorism because he thinks blacks kill more cops proportionately...Which is not true. How do you live with yourself, supporting cop killers and terroists. You are worse than a silent muslim saying nothing about killer muslims.
I have said for a long time that this scary fool in the White House wanted to re-define "terrorist" to be ---every white boy with a deer rifle from Montana to Mississippi.

Now he's done it.

He has given his lemmings permission to pretend that right-wingers are more of a threat to this country than Lunatic Muslims, but sane people know better...and the Denial is very dangerous.

We have an ostrich for a President, except our ostrich hasn't got his head in the sand...he has it up the ass of an Ayatollah.
...I have posted the percentages many a time. The percentages were something like 80% of all cops in 2014 killed by whites. I think blacks were 9%...
No... no... no...

The percentage of Whites who have killed a cop, vis-a-vis the total White population...

The percentage of Blacks who have killed a cop, vis-a-vis the total Black population...

The percentage of Hispanics who have killed a copy, vis-a-vis- the total Hispanic population...

...Nice how you try to justify white cop killers though...no integrity. I guess it is okay if a white person kills a cop.
You draw improper conclusions, colored by your inherent prejudices.

I justify no cop-killing, by any person, race or group.

It is disingenuous for you to attempt to portray my participation in this exchange as representative of any such intent.

I have no integrity?

I'm not the one dodging and deflecting and provoking and insulting, simply because your opinion differs from my own.

I implied that it's OK if a White person kills a cop?

Enough, already.

You lie.

You are a liar.
Everyone who discredits white terrorism....doesn't love the United States of America. They would rather be partisan hacks than prevent LEO's and white children from dying.
...I have posted the percentages many a time. The percentages were something like 80% of all cops in 2014 killed by whites. I think blacks were 9%...
No... no... no...

The percentage of Whites who have killed a cop, vis-a-vis the total White population...

The percentage of Blacks who have killed a cop, vis-a-vis the total Black population...

The percentage of Hispanics who have killed a copy, vis-a-vis- the total Hispanic population...

...Nice how you try to justify white cop killers though...no integrity. I guess it is okay if a white person kills a cop.
You draw improper conclusions, colored by your inherent prejudices.

I justify no cop-killing, by any person, race or group.

It is disingenuous for you to attempt to portray my participation in this exchange as representative of any such intent.

I have no integrity?

I'm not the one dodging and deflecting and provoking and insulting, simply because your opinion differs from my own.

I implied that it's OK if a White person kills a cop?

Enough, already.

You lie.

You are a liar.
If you care about whites killing cops...why are you pointing your stinky finger at blacks? You hate America.
Tea party doesn't threaten anyone but the OP.
And little Liberal children, afraid to come out from under their beds.

Oh, goody, let's serve-up a Hyper-Right-Wing militia nut-job, and pretend that he's representative of the mainstream Tea Party movement...

You know the handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots are desperate when they start pulling this kind of shit...

Then again, after losing both the House AND Senate, and now quickly slipping into Lame Duck mode and increasing marginalization and irrelevancy, such a 'grasping at straws by a drowning man' (and his handful of remaining minions) is to be expected...

A pathetic end-game for the once mighty army of Hopey-Changey folk... now fast-becoming a standing joke.
If you care about whites killing cops...why are you pointing your stinky finger at blacks? You hate America.
Answer the percentage questions, please.

Assuming that you have the Nuts to do it.
I don't have the stats in front of me...can't give you accurate stats. DO the research yourself...got to OMDP.com...look at all of the news stories where cops were killed, find the race of the suspect...and get the percentages. That is what I did. But, you are a lemming...devoid of independent research. You would rather justify white coop killers by pointing your stinky little finger at blacks.

I know...lemmings can't do ndependnt research...they don't lke raw numbers...they like being spoon fed someone else's interpretation that fits their narrative.
Tea party doesn't threaten anyone but the OP.
And little Liberal children, afraid to come out from under their beds.

Oh, goody, let's serve-up a Hyper-Right-Wing militia nut-job, and pretend that he's representative of the mainstream Tea Party movement...

You know the handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots are desperate when they start pulling this kind of shit...

Then again, after losing both the House AND Senate, and now quickly slipping into Lame Duck mode and increasing marginalization and irrelevancy, such a 'grasping at straws by a drowning man' (and his handful of remaining minions) is to be expected...

Your ilk APPLAUDED him...did you ever hear anyone condemn t??? Did you? Dd you even know about it, or are you a lemming who didn't research the terrorists that you support.
If you care about whites killing cops...why are you pointing your stinky finger at blacks? You hate America.
Answer the percentage questions, please.

Assuming that you have the Nuts to do it.
I don't have the stats in front of me...can't give you accurate stats. DO the research yourself...got to OMDP.com...look at all of the news stories where cops were killed, find the race of the suspect...and get the percentages. That is what I did. But, you are a lemming...devoid of independent research. You would rather justify white coop killers by pointing your stinky little finger at blacks.

I know...lemmings can't do ndependnt research...they don't lke raw numbers...they like being spoon fed someone else's interpretation that fits their narrative.
You were quick enough with the percentage-of-all-cop-killings-done-by-Whites stats, weren't you?

You were merely asked to complete the picture that you began to paint, so that a more complete, open and honest conversation could occur, in a racial context.

Your unwillingness to complete your own picture speaks volumes about your motives and reliability.

All your disingenuous attempts at deflection aside and notwithstanding.
If you care about whites killing cops...why are you pointing your stinky finger at blacks? You hate America.
Answer the percentage questions, please.

Assuming that you have the Nuts to do it.
I don't have the stats in front of me...can't give you accurate stats. DO the research yourself...got to OMDP.com...look at all of the news stories where cops were killed, find the race of the suspect...and get the percentages. That is what I did. But, you are a lemming...devoid of independent research. You would rather justify white coop killers by pointing your stinky little finger at blacks.

I know...lemmings can't do ndependnt research...they don't lke raw numbers...they like being spoon fed someone else's interpretation that fits their narrative.
You were quick enough with the percentage-of-all-cop-killings-done-by-Whites stats, weren't you?

You were merely asked to complete the picture that you began to paint, so that a more complete, open and honest conversation could occur, in a racial context.

Your unwillingness to complete your own picture speaks volumes about your motives and reliability.
As I said...I don't have the stats with me. But of course, you are a lemming and can't independently research yourself. I have educated you...if you don't believe me...who cares....you wouldn;t believe it anyway. Hell, you still don't believe the teapers threatened to use women as human shields. YOu still don't believe the tea party has an army...even though the evidence is indisputable.

Michael JOhns...a teaper leader...even admitted to me via Twitter that the teapers have an army. He said it was to protect tea party officials. :lol:

They are terrorists.
...Your ilk APPLAUDED him...
My ilk?

What ilk is that?

And just who was it that applauded him?

...did you ever hear anyone condemn t??? Did you?...
Hell, I didn't even know the little wanker existed, nor, I venture, did the exceeding vast majority of the Nation or its People... Left, Right or Center.

Not everybody sees the obscure Youtube shit you hurriedly google and serve-up during your political debating (so-called).

...Dd you even know about it, or are you a lemming who didn't research the terrorists that you support.
Already answered.

And, refresh my memory... just who is it, again, that I'm supporting?
What color or ideology is an ILK again? Missed that in school.


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