DHS Warns of Tea Party and Sovereign Citizen Terror Attacks

...Your ilk APPLAUDED him...
My ilk?

What ilk is that?

And just who was it that applauded him?

...did you ever hear anyone condemn t??? Did you?...
Hell, I didn't even know the little wanker existed, nor, I venture, did the exceeding vast majority of the Nation or its People... Left, Right or Center.

Not everybody sees the obscure Youtube shit you hurriedly google and serve-up during your political debating (so-called).

...Dd you even know about it, or are you a lemming who didn't research the terrorists that you support.
Already answered.

And, refresh my memory... just who is it, again, that I'm supporting?
Obscure...the clipped aired on FNC...there was a debate over it. That is hardly obsucure. Just admit...you are low info.
...As I said...I don't have the stats with me...
Translation: I don't dare meet your challenge, because doing so would undermine my own position.

Message received.
Like I said...you deny the teapers have an army and that they threatened to use women as human shields...why would I waste my time on someone who is clearly willfully ignorant and someone who will excuse the actions of terrorists by pointing at black people.
...Your ilk APPLAUDED him...
My ilk?

What ilk is that?

And just who was it that applauded him?

...did you ever hear anyone condemn t??? Did you?...
Hell, I didn't even know the little wanker existed, nor, I venture, did the exceeding vast majority of the Nation or its People... Left, Right or Center.

Not everybody sees the obscure Youtube shit you hurriedly google and serve-up during your political debating (so-called).

...Dd you even know about it, or are you a lemming who didn't research the terrorists that you support.
Already answered.

And, refresh my memory... just who is it, again, that I'm supporting?
Obscure...the clipped aired on FNC...there was a debate over it. That is hardly obsucure. Just admit...you are low info.
Too late now, Junior... back to the kiddie table with you.
One of the last posters used the word "ilk", as in people of your "ilk". People of "your ILK", sounds a tad I don't know, class based and hateful. Ilk? Really? You think this a episode of Upstairs, downstairs?
What color or ideology is an ILK again? Missed that in school.

I got it. Silly of me, that is the ilk I come from.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.
Racist. Obutthurts DHS, there I said it.
Teapers always cry racism. Blackie is keeping them down. The self victimization is hilarious.
Libtards are scared of the Tea Party, because the TP is anti communisim, something libtards love.
...Your ilk APPLAUDED him...
My ilk?

What ilk is that?

And just who was it that applauded him?

...did you ever hear anyone condemn t??? Did you?...
Hell, I didn't even know the little wanker existed, nor, I venture, did the exceeding vast majority of the Nation or its People... Left, Right or Center.

Not everybody sees the obscure Youtube shit you hurriedly google and serve-up during your political debating (so-called).

...Dd you even know about it, or are you a lemming who didn't research the terrorists that you support.
Already answered.

And, refresh my memory... just who is it, again, that I'm supporting?
Obscure...the clipped aired on FNC...there was a debate over it. That is hardly obsucure. Just admit...you are low info.
Too late now, Junior... back to the kiddie table with you.
Too late for you to admit you are a low info lemming...you have already jumped in head first and are to proud to get out of the muck of white terrorism?

Glad you are honest with yourself...now back to your meeting...your grand wizard has more lies to tell you.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.
Racist. Obutthurts DHS, there I said it.
Teapers always cry racism. Blackie is keeping them down. The self victimization is hilarious.
Libtards are scared of the Tea Party, because the TP is anti communisim, something libtards love.

I am not afraid of the TP at all.

However I recognize that it poses a serious threat to the peace and stability of this nation.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.
Racist. Obutthurts DHS, there I said it.
Teapers always cry racism. Blackie is keeping them down. The self victimization is hilarious.
Libtards are scared of the Tea Party, because the TP is anti communisim, something libtards love.

I am not afraid of the TP at all.

However I recognize that it poses a serious threat to the peace and stability of this nation.
Exactly...and as long as all of the low info lemmings remain willfully ignorant...the threat will continue to grow as seen in the DHS report...and the other report done by BUSH.

If they justify teaper terrorism...so be it. But shame on the stupid when they don't even know the terrorist threats and actions made by the Tea Party. Shame on the low info when they don't even know their 'political' party has a militia that threatens civil war every time democracy doesn't go their way...an army that once threatened to use women as human shields in a stand off against hero Law Enforcement Officers.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.
obama is looking bad so we need a
for the ignorant fools to talk about
There is a purpose to this madness. While everyone is looking for the next catholic or mormon terrorist no one will be paying attention to the next Tsaranev Brothers.
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat - Washington Times

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

As I said...teapers are a greater threat to Americans than ISIS. DHS agrees with me...in both this report and the report written under BUSH's administration - so no wag the dog arguments taken seriously about how Obama is forcing this report because he is Muslim or other idiotic nonsense...this is about the white savages that are terrorizing America by killing LEO's at an alarming rate (another attack today in Minneapolis), threatening civil war, spewing hate and vitriol and threatening race wars.

All of this violence and threat of violence...all under the flag of the Tea Party.
Racist. Obutthurts DHS, there I said it.
Teapers always cry racism. Blackie is keeping them down. The self victimization is hilarious.
Libtards are scared of the Tea Party, because the TP is anti communisim, something libtards love.

I am not afraid of the TP at all.

However I recognize that it poses a serious threat to the peace and stability of this nation.
So does Obutthurt.

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