Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

You’re cherry picking big cities that have completely different issues to deal with than the rest of America. That’s not an honest argument

Considering the amount of violent crime in big cities, it would seem that those jurisdictions should be eager to permit citizens to carry. Why do many of them (controlled by Democrats) make it so difficult to obtain a conceal-carry permit?

I correctly pointed out that it's difficult to obtain such a permit in Democratic-controlled jurisdictions. You then accuse me of "cherry picking", which is no argument at all. Yes, Democrats do NOT want citizens to be able to have guns, let alone carry guns.
Well many people find guns dangerous and don’t think arming more people is the best way to reduce gun violence. Especially in cities with a high concentration of people.

which large republican controlled city would you point to as an example to showcase your point
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.

Sorry but think again. You are the minority. If you want to live in a communist country then move to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. Also the so called minority will be the ones saving your ass when things get out of control.

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Well there a great thing called you tube where you can go back and watch now and she is being interviewed about her assault weapon ban legislation and is clearly talking about those weapons as that’s what the discussion was about. The lie is in the OP

Yes, and even in that clip, you can see enough to make it clear what her intent was.

If you can watch that, and go on to claim that her intent was anything other than to ban all privately-held firearms if she could, then you are either delusional, or else you are flat-out lying.

And I remember watching the entire, original interview on Sixty Minutes, twenty-something years ago. Any doubt left by this clip, and whether it might be taken out of context, would be completely dispelled if you saw the whole thing. This is someone who, if she had her way, would completely deny all of us “little people” any right or ability to exercise our Second Amendment rights.

Don't forget, that this is someone who, when she was mayor of Than Fwanthithco, had the authority to grant or deny carry permits in that city. She allowed, during her term in that office, exactly one permit to be issued. To herself.

Wrong. There are lots of gun owners in NY, NJ and other Demtard controlled areas. So don’t make up things you know nothing about. You just like to whine and lie.

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Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

A legal gun owner lived next door to me. He shot a bullet through is patio door and into the common parking area of our community. A few weeks later, because the cops didn't take his gun, he shot himself.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.

Moron. Ronin also will always have Guns. Your to stupid to argue with. Anywhere that has banned guns, violence had gone up. When someone breaks into your house you go right ahead and tell him to leave before he shots you and your family. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard. Do more research. Guns save more lives then they take. Fact.

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Upon further inspection this app seems to be overrun with teenage girls.
Must be what K9 faps to.

Sick fuck.

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Your a pathetic brainwashed liberal scumbag. Fact

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Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

A legal gun owner lived next door to me. He shot a bullet through is patio door and into the common parking area of our community. A few weeks later, because the cops didn't take his gun, he shot himself.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.

Moron. Ronin also will always have Guns. Your to stupid to argue with. Anywhere that has banned guns, violence had gone up. When someone breaks into your house you go right ahead and tell him to leave before he shots you and your family. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard. Do more research. Guns save more lives then they take. Fact.

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She is a documented liar. Like most Democrats. Lying to push your agenda. You on the other hand are just he the same even worse because you believe there lies. You might want to go back and do that fact checking you talked about.

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Well, one thing is for sure. If Feinstein is going to take that position, nobody down here in Arizona is going to vote for her!
Do you realize this video clip is from 1994 and is about an assault weapons ban that she passed and as since expired?

Do you realize that Feinstein represents California, and NOBODY is Arizona votes for California congressmen?
I'll ask again.

If liberals aren't interested in taking your guns, why then is it nearly impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in jurisdictions that they control?

Wrong again. I live in Pima County AZ, which is represented by a democratic congressman, and you do not need any kind of permit to carry a weapon, not even a concealed weapon. In fact, you don't even have to demonstrate that you know what a safety switch is. I feel so privileged being surrounded by totally untrained people with guns at Walmart!
Wrong again. I live in Pima County AZ, which is represented by a democratic congressman, and you do not need any kind of permit to carry a weapon, not even a concealed weapon. In fact, you don't even have to demonstrate that you know what a safety switch is. I feel so privileged being surrounded by totally untrained people with guns at Walmart!

I'm not claiming that every Democratic-controlled jurisdiction bans conceal-carry. I AM contending that many prominent, Democratic jurisdictions (New York, Chicago, San Fran, etc.) make it very difficult for a citizen to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
which large republican controlled city would you point to as an example to showcase your point

According to Wiki, San Diego is the largest city with a Republican mayor. They too have strict gun-control laws. The next largest city with a Republican mayor is Jacksonville, however, I understand that the state sets the gun laws for the entire state.

Let me flip that same question to you. Which large city, that is and has been run by Democrats and which has the authority to issue its own gun laws, is a "shall-issue" jurisdiction?
Well many people find guns dangerous and don’t think arming more people is the best way to reduce gun violence. Especially in cities with a high concentration of people.

So you agree that vulnerable people should not have the means to defend themselves from a 6'5, 240 pound, violent thug, right?
[QUOTE="elongobardi, post: 23776610, member: 69038]
Wrong. There are lots of gun owners in NY, NJ and other Demtard controlled areas. [/QUOTE]

And there are plenty of people in Democratic jurisdictions that are not permitted to carry a gun.

Is it your claim that Democrats SUPPORT gun ownership and carrying guns?
which large republican controlled city would you point to as an example to showcase your point

According to Wiki, San Diego is the largest city with a Republican mayor. They too have strict gun-control laws. The next largest city with a Republican mayor is Jacksonville, however, I understand that the state sets the gun laws for the entire state.

Let me flip that same question to you. Which large city, that is and has been run by Democrats and which has the authority to issue its own gun laws, is a "shall-issue" jurisdiction?
kudos for doing some research but why are you flipping the question? If your proposal for “republican” policy would be so successful then why isn’t it being implemented in any US cities?

Im not making the case that Dems want to make it easy to carry a gun... especially in crowded cities so I don’t know why flipping the question to me makes sense.
Well many people find guns dangerous and don’t think arming more people is the best way to reduce gun violence. Especially in cities with a high concentration of people.

So you agree that vulnerable people should not have the means to defend themselves from a 6'5, 240 pound, violent thug, right?
No not at all. Why would you say that?

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