Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

Well there a great thing called you tube where you can go back and watch now and she is being interviewed about her assault weapon ban legislation and is clearly talking about those weapons as that’s what the discussion was about. The lie is in the OP

Yes, and even in that clip, you can see enough to make it clear what her intent was.

If you can watch that, and go on to claim that her intent was anything other than to ban all privately-held firearms if she could, then you are either delusional, or else you are flat-out lying.

And I remember watching the entire, original interview on Sixty Minutes, twenty-something years ago. Any doubt left by this clip, and whether it might be taken out of context, would be completely dispelled if you saw the whole thing. This is someone who, if she had her way, would completely deny all of us “little people” any right or ability to exercise our Second Amendment rights.

Don't forget, that this is someone who, when she was mayor of Than Fwanthithco, had the authority to grant or deny carry permits in that city. She allowed, during her term in that office, exactly one permit to be issued. To herself.


Yes, the only intent was to enact an AWB – not ‘confiscate’ all guns.

Only because she didn't have the votes for confiscation.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.
Perhaps you should move your commie ass to China, they'd love you [sic] ideas there.

It'd be amusing to see what would happen to JoeB131 if he wound up emigrating to China. As in love as he seems to be with the idea of a totalitarian society, I don't think he'd get along too well in one unless he was the one allowed to define it. China is rather notorious for not treating people very well who don't go along with their leaders' ideas of how their society should be defined and run.

Assuming he has any organs that haven't been poisoned by years of drug abuse, it's likely that he'd soon wind up being harvested for them.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
The only lie is that of the thread premise.

Riiiiiiiight. Because everyone knows that it's easy to obtain a conceal-carry permit in places like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, etc., etc., etc. You're full of shit.
CORRUPTIFORNIA: Diane Feinstein’s Husband Wins Near Billion Dollar CA High-Speed Railway Contract; Praying this has nothing to do with CA fires – Investment Watch

CHOO CHOO..............Quid Pro Quo Feinstien wants your money...............and your guns............

Hubby getting rich of the Choo Choo.

And we've passed the point where we know that the High Speed Fail system is never going to transport so much as a single paying passenger, ever, and it is still costing us money, after the billions that we've already dumped into it in vain. And the Feinswines continue to profit from it.
It'd be amusing to see what would happen to JoeB131 if he wound up emigrating to China. I don't think he'd get along too well in one unless he was the one allowed to define it.

If the Chinese government invited JoeB131 to be a high-ranking official in their concentration camp system, he'd be ecstatic. Remember, liberals have NO PROBLEM with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
The only lie is that of the thread premise.

Riiiiiiiight. Because everyone knows that it's easy to obtain a conceal-carry permit in places like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, etc., etc., etc. You're full of shit.

New York's murder rate is among the lowest of cities in the entire USA.
...after the billions that we've already dumped into it in vain. And the Feinswines continue to profit from it.

And morons like JoeB131 will continue to enthusiastically support her and those like her. As long as they're a Democrat, Joe and folks like him will support them no matter how corrupt they are. Joe's loyalty is to the party and not to average Americans.
New York's murder rate is among the lowest of cities in the entire USA.

Maybe compared to Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit. It's not the same when compared to smaller American cities that aren't filled to the brim with the 13%.

In any event, that's all irrelevant anyway. The 2nd amendment is about permitting the citizenry to be armed in case it's necessary to remove a totalitarian government. It was never about preventing and deterring crime, although that is a nice benefit of it.
New York's murder rate is among the lowest of cities in the entire USA.

Maybe compared to Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit. It's not the same when compared to smaller American cities that aren't filled to the brim with the 13%.

In any event, that's all irrelevant anyway. The 2nd amendment is about permitting the citizenry to be armed in case it's necessary to remove a totalitarian government. It was never about preventing and deterring crime, although that is a nice benefit of it.

Which evidence do you have for guns lowering crime?
Do you believe that cities and states should decide how to regulate the first amendment too?
depends on the issue and the regulation

And what other explicitly-stated Constitutional rights are you willing to allow states and cities to regulate away?

What, even, is the point of having the Bill of Rights, if states and cities are free to disregard it in the manner that you advocate?
And morons like JoeB131 will continue to enthusiastically support her and those like her. As long as they're a Democrat, Joe and folks like him will support them no matter how corrupt they are. Joe's loyalty is to the party and not to average Americans.

I don't think JoeB131 has any such loyalty to any party or ideology. It seems clear to me that he's driven by hatred and anger, more than anything else; and his only loyalty is to whatever causes he thinks are most harmful to the targets of his hatred and anger.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

A legal gun owner lived next door to me. He shot a bullet through is patio door and into the common parking area of our community. A few weeks later, because the cops didn't take his gun, he shot himself.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.
He would have just stole the guns from the police
Law Enforcement’s Lost and Stolen Gun Problem
It takes about 10 seconds to fact check and look up context. Next time you should take 10 seconds before posting stuff like this.

NRA leader mangles Feinstein quote about taking guns

I remember seeing and hearing the remark, in the full context in which she made it, on Sixty Minutes, twenty-some years ago.

In the article which you linked, Mr. Greenberg is flat-out, willfully, knowing lying. In the original context, it was very, very clear what Dianne Feinswine meant; even more so when you consider much of the rest of her history regarding this issue.
Well there a great thing called you tube where you can go back and watch now and she is being interviewed about her assault weapon ban legislation and is clearly talking about those weapons as that’s what the discussion was about. The lie is in the OP

You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
Then like most civilised countries you'll be left with manual long guns. But I understand the US is a barbarous land where it is not safe to walk around unarmed so you'll have to

That's a fantasy. The only way you can guarantee that is the ultimate police state. Of course we could then trust the police as the only ones with guns.

Japan had all of four gun murders last year. Privately owned guns have been illegal since the Meiji Restoration.

Nice job not responding to any of my fucking points you mouth breathing dirt bait.

You don't have a point, buddy. You never do. The rest of us are sick and tired of you gun nuts holding the rest of us hostage.
Sorry but think again. You are the minority. If you want to live in a communist country then move to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. Also the so called minority will be the ones saving your ass when things get out of control.

Again, I'm more afraid of you gun nuts than I am of the government...

A majority has always wanted stricter gun control.


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