Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

I don't think JoeB131 has any such loyalty to any party or ideology. It seems clear to me that he's driven by hatred and anger, more than anything else; and his only loyalty is to whatever causes he thinks are most harmful to the targets of his hatred and anger.

I do love The space I occupy in your head.

Funny thing is, I used to support Second Amendment rights, until I started having discussions with GUn Nuts and all the people they fantasize about shooting. Census workers, government officials, that kid who looked at them funny...
Hey, shit-for-brains, someone who wants to kill a lot of people can just steal or rent a truck.

I guess.... but our mass murderers use guns, not trucks.
mass murders are a small dot on the scale of violent crimes if they weren't an emotional dog-whistle for you leftist they wouldn't even register on the media. a mass shooting happens how many times versus everyday shooting?
Sorry but think again. You are the minority. If you want to live in a communist country then move to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. Also the so called minority will be the ones saving your ass when things get out of control.

Again, I'm more afraid of you gun nuts than I am of the government...

A majority has always wanted stricter gun control.

god damn dude stop the lying the only people that want stricter gun laws are people who don't have a gun or don't have a clue on the subject.
It'd be amusing to see what would happen to JoeB131 if he wound up emigrating to China. As in love as he seems to be with the idea of a totalitarian society, I don't think he'd get along too well in one unless he was the one allowed to define it. China is rather notorious for not treating people very well who don't go along with their leaders' ideas of how their society should be defined and run.

Assuming he has any organs that haven't been poisoned by years of drug abuse, it's likely that he'd soon wind up being harvested for them.

True story, bud.

We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?

If the Chinese government invited JoeB131 to be a high-ranking official in their concentration camp system, he'd be ecstatic. Remember, liberals have NO PROBLEM with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.

I'd do well no matter what the system is... I always have.

But again- China locks up 1.5 MM people. We lock up 2.1 MM. We have only a quarter of the number of people China has. 1.3 Billion people compared to our 300 million.


Maybe compared to Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit. It's not the same when compared to smaller American cities that aren't filled to the brim with the 13%.

In any event, that's all irrelevant anyway. The 2nd amendment is about permitting the citizenry to be armed in case it's necessary to remove a totalitarian government. It was never about preventing and deterring crime, although that is a nice benefit of it.

Oooh, the 13%? Is that your new way of saying the N-word without sounding racist?

Except we are closer to fascism now than we have ever been, with a government we didn't vote for throwing people into concentration camps... Guns in private ownership don't stop totalitarian government. Germans had shit loads of guns after WWI. Everyone who wanted to take home a Luger or a Gewehr did, when the German Army essentially disintegrated.

And all those Germans who had guns, who saw the SS take away their Jewish neighbors? They weren't getting involved. They were cheering them on. Kind of like the MAGA Nazis cheer on the ICE Jackboots when they haul off the Mexicans.
god damn dude stop the lying the only people that want stricter gun laws are people who don't have a gun or don't have a clue on the subject.

Most Americans don't own guns.

The only reason why more people don't support stricter gun control is that they have no clue how permissive our gun laws really are.

The main problem is that sensible people get upset about gun violence for maybe a week after a Sandy Hook or a Parkland. They legitimately ask why a nut like Lanza or Cruz was able to get a hold of military grade weapons and kill children with them. Then they get on with their lives. The gun nuts keep pressure on all the time...
You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
Then like most civilised countries you'll be left with manual long guns. But I understand the US is a barbarous land where it is not safe to walk around unarmed so you'll have to

"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.
mass murders are a small dot on the scale of violent crimes if they weren't an emotional dog-whistle for you leftist they wouldn't even register on the media. a mass shooting happens how many times versus everyday shooting?

Okay, you know you may have a point. WE SHOULD be upset about the 14,000 gun murders, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, $270,000,000,000 in economic losses, the metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills and all the other things we've accepted as "normal" thanks to the Gun Nut Culture.

That we only get upset when it's a truly awful crime like Sandy Hook or Parkland is the problem.
god damn dude stop the lying the only people that want stricter gun laws are people who don't have a gun or don't have a clue on the subject.

Most Americans don't own guns.

The only reason why more people don't support stricter gun control is that they have no clue how permissive our gun laws really are.

The main problem is that sensible people get upset about gun violence for maybe a week after a Sandy Hook or a Parkland. They legitimately ask why a nut like Lanza or Cruz was able to get a hold of military grade weapons and kill children with them. Then they get on with their lives. The gun nuts keep pressure on all the time...
An estimated 150 million Americans own at least 1 gun
Lanza didn't own any guns he stole them
Cruz was protected by obama's department of education rules for handling teenagers. Without those rules Cruz would have had his guns confiscated
I'll keep my better than military Grade firearms
"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK, France- are not "Dictatorships". They have strict gun laws. They have only a fraction of the crime we have.
Sure they are dictatorships
You can be a dictatorship without government mass executions create laws that are legislated against certain groups.
Can a parent take their child to another country if that child needs medical care and the government denies it? UK
mass murders are a small dot on the scale of violent crimes if they weren't an emotional dog-whistle for you leftist they wouldn't even register on the media. a mass shooting happens how many times versus everyday shooting?

Okay, you know you may have a point. WE SHOULD be upset about the 14,000 gun murders, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, $270,000,000,000 in economic losses, the metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills and all the other things we've accepted as "normal" thanks to the Gun Nut Culture.

That we only get upset when it's a truly awful crime like Sandy Hook or Parkland is the problem.
I'm not upset about your lies
I don't give a fuck about a person who kills themselves
I do however stay armed all the time so I'm not concerned about the crime
You sons of bitches whine about mass murders like they are a common occurrence
An estimated 150 million Americans own at least 1 gun

Nowhere near that.

30% of Adult Americans own guns. That's about 75 million out of a population of 310 million.

Lanza didn't own any guns he stole them

They were his mother's guns, and she made no effort to deny him access to them.

Cruz was protected by obama's department of education rules for handling teenagers. Without those rules Cruz would have had his guns confiscated

Cruz was an adult and no longer a student when he bought his guns. Why would he have had his gun "consfiscated" when he was never brought to trial or convicted of anything?

I'll keep my better than military Grade firearms

And what are you going to do WHEN they are banned, shoot the ATF agent who comes to collect them? Just asking.
Sure they are dictatorships
You can be a dictatorship without government mass executions create laws that are legislated against certain groups.
Can a parent take their child to another country if that child needs medical care and the government denies it? UK

Um, no, guy, that's a law that everyone agreed upon being fair. Taking a dead meat puppet to another country isn't a right.
Sure they are dictatorships
Another deplorable idiot who's never seen a dictionary in his life.

dictator noun
1 a ruler with complete and unrestricted power.
someone who behaves in a dictatorial manner.
in ancient Rome: a person given complete authority in the state for a period of six months at a time of crisis.
adj characteristic of, like or suggesting a dictator; fond of using one's power and authority and imposing one's wishes on or giving orders to other people.
dictatorially adverb.
noun 1 the position of dictator. 2 a state ruled by a dictator.
"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
Is Japan a dictator run country? I don't think anyone would argue it is not civilised. That you can't accept your own barbarism is not my fault.
Sure they are dictatorships
Another fucking deplorable idiot who's never seen a dictiona

y in his life.
Don't chop up my post how do you like it when it's done?

"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

You can be a dictatorship without government mass executions create laws that are legislated against certain groups.
Can a parent take their child to another country if that child needs medical care and the government denies it? UK
I do however stay armed all the time so I'm not concerned about the crime
If you're not concerned about crime w
hy do you

I'm not upset about your lies
I don't give a fuck about a person who kills themselves
I do however stay armed all the time so I'm not concerned about the crime
You sons of bitches whine about mass murders like they are a common occurrence
I told you not to chop up my post
An estimated 150 million Americans own at least 1 gun

Nowhere near that.

30% of Adult Americans own guns. That's about 75 million out of a population of 310 million.

Lanza didn't own any guns he stole them

They were his mother's guns, and she made no effort to deny him access to them.

Cruz was protected by obama's department of education rules for handling teenagers. Without those rules Cruz would have had his guns confiscated

Cruz was an adult and no longer a student when he bought his guns. Why would he have had his gun "consfiscated" when he was never brought to trial or convicted of anything?

I'll keep my better than military Grade firearms

And what are you going to do WHEN they are banned, shoot the ATF agent who comes to collect them? Just asking.
You are wrong not all gun owners admit to owning a gun.
Some gun owners buy privately or make their own firearms.
It's kind of hard to stop someone from getting a gun when you're dead.
Cruz would have had his name added to the cannot buy a gun list if it had not been for that obama education rule that prevented the police from recording altercation that had with children
and I will not be alone.

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