Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

If your proposal for “republican” policy would be so successful then why isn’t it being implemented in any US cities?

By and large, where Republicans rule, people are permitted to carry guns.

By and large, where Democrats rule, people are not permitted to carry guns.
In my book that greedy witch Feinstein is right along there with the Master witch Hillary Clinton.

Scum of the scum both of them.
I think it depends on the community. I’d let cities and states decide how they want to regulate their gun laws

Do you believe that cities and states should decide how to regulate the first amendment too?
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.

Point on the dolly where the gun touched you.

Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

Yep, the cops are only minutes away when seconds count, at the church it was over in 6 seconds.

I think it depends on the community. I’d let cities and states decide how they want to regulate their gun laws

Should cities and states be able to set their own regulations with regard to what religions their residents are allowed to practice, or what opinions they are allowed to express, or which people are allowed to associate with which other people?
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I think it depends on the community. I’d let cities and states decide how they want to regulate their gun laws

Do you believe that cities and states should decide how to regulate the first amendment too?

They do, already. Arizona does not allow anyone other than security to enter a government building with a gun. Cities have been regulating the carrying of weapons back to Dodge City and Tombstone days. The state of Georgia does not allow sawed off shotguns, or shotguns that hold more than 3 rounds. The feds will not allow convicted felons to even have a gun in the house. The feds require that gun dealers be licensed, that that background checks be run on all sales. Some cities and states require a waiting period when purchasing a gun. Many states prohibit silencers. All of these are perfectly sound precautions. Yet, America is still the gun death capital of the world. These regulations are not enough. ALL gun sales should require a background check. Allowing 100 round drums are ridiculous.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

A legal gun owner lived next door to me. He shot a bullet through is patio door and into the common parking area of our community. A few weeks later, because the cops didn't take his gun, he shot himself.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.

Perhaps you should move your commie ass to China, they'd love you ideas there.

Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

Yep, the cops are only minutes away when seconds count, at the church it was over in 6 seconds.


And as we saw in the synagogue, you don't have to use a gun to be dangerous.
Where are the lying liberals that claim otherwise?


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Feinstein doesn’t represent ‘liberals,’ she doesn’t speak for ‘liberals.’

‘Liberals’ own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, possess guns for self-defense, defend Second Amendment case law, and oppose the notion of ‘taking away’ everyone’s guns.

The only lie is that of the thread premise.
Well there a great thing called you tube where you can go back and watch now and she is being interviewed about her assault weapon ban legislation and is clearly talking about those weapons as that’s what the discussion was about. The lie is in the OP

Yes, and even in that clip, you can see enough to make it clear what her intent was.

If you can watch that, and go on to claim that her intent was anything other than to ban all privately-held firearms if she could, then you are either delusional, or else you are flat-out lying.

And I remember watching the entire, original interview on Sixty Minutes, twenty-something years ago. Any doubt left by this clip, and whether it might be taken out of context, would be completely dispelled if you saw the whole thing. This is someone who, if she had her way, would completely deny all of us “little people” any right or ability to exercise our Second Amendment rights.

Don't forget, that this is someone who, when she was mayor of Than Fwanthithco, had the authority to grant or deny carry permits in that city. She allowed, during her term in that office, exactly one permit to be issued. To herself.


Yes, the only intent was to enact an AWB – not ‘confiscate’ all guns.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
Feinstein doesn’t represent ‘liberals,’ she doesn’t speak for ‘liberals.’
‘Liberals’ own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, possess guns for self-defense, defend Second Amendment case law, and oppose the notion of ‘taking away’ everyone’s guns.
The only lie is that of the thread premise.

I'm not hearing a lot of LIbErals openly, credibly disagreeing with her.

The closest to that that I am hearing from the left wrong is those who obviously speak with a forked tongues, paying empty lip service with one tip thereof to the Second Amendment, and even to their own supposed enjoyment of “shooting sports” and such, while, with the other tip of their forked tongue, they call for more and more violations and undermining of the right affirmed by the Second Amendment.

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