Dianne Feinstein: The Constitution still protects the rich and powerful!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
According to Dianne Frankenstein, if you're not among the elite, the Constitution does not apply to you:

1st Amendment:
Only a salaried agent, working for an elite Media organization are considered journalists:
Feinstein: You?re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary - Illinois Review
Dianne Feinstein: Reporter shield law should only apply to ?real reporters? | WashingtonExaminer.com

A real reporter, declared Madame Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, is “a salaried agent” of a media company like the New York Times or ABC News, not a shoestring operation with volunteers and writers who are not paid.

Feinstein voiced her concern “that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren’t really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications,” like bloggers and citizen journalists.

2nd Amendment:
Unless you're among the elite, with bodyguards at your home and protecting your children, or corporate behemoths hiring mercenaries overseas, have are not allowed to own firearms. Since she is part of the elite, she has a concealed carry permit! Woah!

"If I could have got 51 votes in the Senate for the United States for an outright ban, I would have done it --- the votes weren't there."

3rd Amendment:
She stands by Obama's military occupation of Boston to catch a severely injured terrorist, who was found by a regular citizen anyway (as if all those people and dogs were unable to locate and follow his blood-trail LOLOLOLOLOL).

4th Amendment:
The NSA has the right to invade yoru person, home and effects, unless you're part of the elite!
Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

"I have asked for an apology, and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by this oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither," Feinstein said. "Besides the constitutional implications, the CIA search violated the Fourth Amendment, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as [an executive order], which bars the CIA from conducting domestic surveillance."

5th Amendment:
She supported Obama's denial of the right to remain silent to the Boston Bomber (who was also instrumental in transgressing the Third Amendment, as noted above), but she fully supports IRS Lerner's right to remain silent! Lerner is part of the elite!

9th Amendment:
Does she believe you're born with unalienable right, or that you should worship her for even extending the privilege of which rights you may still enjoy?

Obviously, she believes that the Elite are born with their rights, and are sacrosanct. However, if you're a Peon, you have none unless she decides you may have them.

10th Amendment:

For a person who champions a Unitary Government and despises States rights, she certainly believes in State's rights when it suits her, and here elite buddies: Nullification of Federal Drug Laws and Gay Marriage.

Normally, I'd a say a broken clock is right twice a day, the federal government has no business regulating the consumption and trade/sale/barter of agricultural products, nor the regulation of marriage, but she claims to abhor Thoma Jefferson's interpretation f States rights, yet she is the most avid practitioner of it. LOLOL well I guess it's because she's an elite, therefore she is born with the unalienable right to nullify federal laws she doesn't like.
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming
Dianne there's a big difference between regulations and being against success. We as a nation should promote success!

I believe a business should be able to grow until it is harming our society.
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??
Yep. I am a hater. Every time that she opens her mouth she makes sure that we are all aware that we are mere peasants.
Ah yes, and don't forget to address her as SENATOR,, not Ma'am, she, "worked so hard for that title"
then there's Pelosi, Waters, Lee, Schultz, Wilson,,,,,,where do these embiciles come from?? The Democrat Party attracts them like shit attracts flies!
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So actually voting for the demopublicans is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Ah yes, and don't forget to address her as SENATOR,, not Ma'am, she, "worked so hard for that title"
then there's Pelosi, Waters, Lee, Schultz, Wilson,,,,,,where do these embiciles come from?? The Democrat Party attracts them like shit attracts flies!

They select these imbeciles in Harvard and yale, make them join and perform certain rituals to "prove their fealty" to the masters. Ever wonder who decides who runs as a candidate in the local/state/federal primaries? You don't! But someone does!
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So actually voting for the demopublicans is like shooting yourself in the foot.


Both choices do suck but going back to the 18th century isn't a option. ;) A good middle ground we will have!
The government has been violating the US Constitution for the past ten years. What are any of you going to do about it?
According to Dianne Frankenstein, if you're not among the elite, the Constitution does not apply to you:

1st Amendment:
Only a salaried agent, working for an elite Media organization are considered journalists:
Feinstein: You?re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary - Illinois Review
Dianne Feinstein: Reporter shield law should only apply to ?real reporters? | WashingtonExaminer.com

A real reporter, declared Madame Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, is “a salaried agent” of a media company like the New York Times or ABC News, not a shoestring operation with volunteers and writers who are not paid.

Feinstein voiced her concern “that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren’t really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications,” like bloggers and citizen journalists.

2nd Amendment:
Unless you're among the elite, with bodyguards at your home and protecting your children, or corporate behemoths hiring mercenaries overseas, have are not allowed to own firearms. Since she is part of the elite, she has a concealed carry permit! Woah!

"If I could have got 51 votes in the Senate for the United States for an outright ban, I would have done it --- the votes weren't there."

3rd Amendment:
She stands by Obama's military occupation of Boston to catch a severely injured terrorist, who was found by a regular citizen anyway (as if all those people and dogs were unable to locate and follow his blood-trail LOLOLOLOLOL).

4th Amendment:
The NSA has the right to invade yoru person, home and effects, unless you're part of the elite!
Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

"I have asked for an apology, and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by this oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither," Feinstein said. "Besides the constitutional implications, the CIA search violated the Fourth Amendment, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as [an executive order], which bars the CIA from conducting domestic surveillance."

5th Amendment:
She supported Obama's denial of the right to remain silent to the Boston Bomber (who was also instrumental in transgressing the Third Amendment, as noted above), but she fully supports IRS Lerner's right to remain silent! Lerner is part of the elite!

9th Amendment:
Does she believe you're born with unalienable right, or that you should worship her for even extending the privilege of which rights you may still enjoy?

Obviously, she believes that the Elite are born with their rights, and are sacrosanct. However, if you're a Peon, you have none unless she decides you may have them.

10th Amendment:

For a person who champions a Unitary Government and despises States rights, she certainly believes in State's rights when it suits her, and here elite buddies: Nullification of Federal Drug Laws and Gay Marriage.

Normally, I'd a say a broken clock is right twice a day, the federal government has no business regulating the consumption and trade/sale/barter of agricultural products, nor the regulation of marriage, but she claims to abhor Thoma Jefferson's interpretation f States rights, yet she is the most avid practitioner of it. LOLOL well I guess it's because she's an elite, therefore she is born with the unalienable right to nullify federal laws she doesn't like.

She went along with the Party long enough.

She has now come to her senses and is once again supporting...


Okay Dems, you can come out of the Obama closet now. It's safe.

After all, when Diane Feinstein bitch slaps Obama then that's the sign that you can, too.
The government has been violating the US Constitution for the past ten years. What are any of you going to do about it?

If we haven't done anything by now, what do you feel we are going to do about it?
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Are you actually so tone deaf to American government and politics not to realize what the CIA is being accused of doing is a hell of a lot more serious than anything the NSA did???


Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons
The CIA tortured Iraqi POWs to death in secret prisons, continues to run drone strikes on civilians across two continents, has overthrown governments, propped up genocidal dictators, funded terrorists, and lied to the American people who finance their operations.

What is so shocking about this?
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So actually voting for the demopublicans is like shooting yourself in the foot.


Both choices do suck but going back to the 18th century isn't a option. ;) A good middle ground we will have!

What 's the middle ground between life and dead? A coma?!?!?!!?

Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

Her constitutents are Calfornians. Need i say more?

im a Californian and i cant stand the woman and have never voted for her and i know many more who feel the same way...even some Democrats....

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