Dianne Feinstein: The Constitution still protects the rich and powerful!

Ah yes, and don't forget to address her as SENATOR,, not Ma'am, she, "worked so hard for that title"
then there's Pelosi, Waters, Lee, Schultz, Wilson,,,,,,where do these embiciles come from?? The Democrat Party attracts them like shit attracts flies!

wrong Senator.....try Boxer....
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

So actually voting for the demopublicans is like shooting yourself in the foot.


Both choices do suck but going back to the 18th century isn't a option. ;) A good middle ground we will have!

no one wants to go back to the 18th century Matt.....
Feinstein is so stupid it hurts...I'll never forget her hand wringing over Warrantless Wiretapping and now shes "upset" the CIA was spying on them.

Everyone but Frankenfeinstein saw that coming

Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.

And Lovebear is right. Dems still vote for her over and over. Kinda shows that the Dems have a big tent because someone who bucks the party like her wouldnt last 1 second in the GOP.

So yes, lovebear is finally right except not the way she thought
Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.


SAN FRANCISCO -- Dianne Feinstein has long been one of the Senate's strongest advocates for gun control. But few people may know that the California D.."

According to Dianne Frankenstein, if you're not among the elite, the Constitution does not apply to you:

1st Amendment:
Only a salaried agent, working for an elite Media organization are considered journalists:
Feinstein: You?re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary - Illinois Review
Dianne Feinstein: Reporter shield law should only apply to ?real reporters? | WashingtonExaminer.com

A real reporter, declared Madame Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, is “a salaried agent” of a media company like the New York Times or ABC News, not a shoestring operation with volunteers and writers who are not paid.

Feinstein voiced her concern “that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren’t really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications,” like bloggers and citizen journalists.

2nd Amendment:
Unless you're among the elite, with bodyguards at your home and protecting your children, or corporate behemoths hiring mercenaries overseas, have are not allowed to own firearms. Since she is part of the elite, she has a concealed carry permit! Woah!

"If I could have got 51 votes in the Senate for the United States for an outright ban, I would have done it --- the votes weren't there."

3rd Amendment:
She stands by Obama's military occupation of Boston to catch a severely injured terrorist, who was found by a regular citizen anyway (as if all those people and dogs were unable to locate and follow his blood-trail LOLOLOLOLOL).

4th Amendment:
The NSA has the right to invade yoru person, home and effects, unless you're part of the elite!
Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

"I have asked for an apology, and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by this oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither," Feinstein said. "Besides the constitutional implications, the CIA search violated the Fourth Amendment, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as [an executive order], which bars the CIA from conducting domestic surveillance."

5th Amendment:
She supported Obama's denial of the right to remain silent to the Boston Bomber (who was also instrumental in transgressing the Third Amendment, as noted above), but she fully supports IRS Lerner's right to remain silent! Lerner is part of the elite!

9th Amendment:
Does she believe you're born with unalienable right, or that you should worship her for even extending the privilege of which rights you may still enjoy?

Obviously, she believes that the Elite are born with their rights, and are sacrosanct. However, if you're a Peon, you have none unless she decides you may have them.

10th Amendment:

For a person who champions a Unitary Government and despises States rights, she certainly believes in State's rights when it suits her, and here elite buddies: Nullification of Federal Drug Laws and Gay Marriage.

Normally, I'd a say a broken clock is right twice a day, the federal government has no business regulating the consumption and trade/sale/barter of agricultural products, nor the regulation of marriage, but she claims to abhor Thoma Jefferson's interpretation f States rights, yet she is the most avid practitioner of it. LOLOL well I guess it's because she's an elite, therefore she is born with the unalienable right to nullify federal laws she doesn't like.

How can anyone take a Leftist leader seriously? They are part of the 1%, they are chauffeured around in SUVs, and they depend on firearms to protect themselves. Why would they not be pushing the same for everyone else??
Is there anyone so stupid that they think the rich and powerful are exempt from Constitutional protection?
Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.

And Lovebear is right. Dems still vote for her over and over. Kinda shows that the Dems have a big tent because someone who bucks the party like her wouldnt last 1 second in the GOP.

So yes, lovebear is finally right except not the way she thought

yea Feinstein is a righty....thats why she wins over all her Liberal opponents in this State....give me a fucking break....
Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.

And Lovebear is right. Dems still vote for her over and over. Kinda shows that the Dems have a big tent because someone who bucks the party like her wouldnt last 1 second in the GOP.

So yes, lovebear is finally right except not the way she thought

That's odd because Ca keeps reelecting her. Are you saying the lefties love her out there because she is so conservative? What an odd paradox.
Yet the democrats still vote her in for how many years now??

Her constitutents are Calfornians. Need i say more?

im a Californian and i cant stand the woman and have never voted for her and i know many more who feel the same way...even some Democrats....

Sounds like the outrage by all the blacks in Chicago when they said "Who voted for Rahm Emanuel"

They all shouted back:

Not me!

True fact, Democrips rig all elections, even in black communities. They can't even win the black vote without fraud anymore.
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Is she the only available candidate to run as a Democrat there? There are a lot of Democrats that are actually Blue Dogs. The people that run as Democrats in my state are all old time Republicans.
Terry Gilliam's great, but under appreciated movie, "Brazil", is about a government bureaucracy that crushes people. It's about the US in a dystopic future. The name Brazil was chosen because Brazil conducted terrorism on its own people in order to justify the creation of a massive surveillance state. Of course, surveillance was needed merely to protect the elite from the citizenry, whose freedom and privacy were a threat to those in power.

When Bush created The War on Terrorism, he vastly expanded the State's power to intervene in the lives of the people. The Patriot Act is quite possibly the most anti-Constitutional legislation ever created. During the Bush years we even suspended habeas corpus and eroded the legal distinction between regular citizen and enemy of the state. We took steps in the direction of torture, which, once legalized, leads eventually to being used on the domestic population. This is what the Soviet Union did - they used real national security threats as a justification to create an ultra-powerful Government that eventually brutalized its own people in the name of "safety". It's a slippery slope of incramentalism. Obama has downplayed the War on Terrorism but he has not repealed any of the anti-Constitutional stuff created by Bush (like he promised). Every time he mentioned revisiting the Patriot Act, Chaney appeared on FOX news to imply that Obama was putting us in danger. I'm not saying Obama wanted to repeal these things, I'm saying that we have on party heavily invested in the continuation of all these programs and along with the entire infrastructure of the War on Terrorism.

The reason Libertarians don't like concentrated levers of power is because they understand that humans are too incompetent and corrupt to use these powers. They believe that the erosion of privacy and freedom is far more dangerous than the occasional terrorist attack, which is often unpreventable, and is the cost of freedom.

Here's the problem. We have one political party that benefits immensely from the War on Terrorism - and they are likely going to retake the White House in 2016. And then we are going to see FOX News pumping out color-coded terror alerts and scaring Americans into giving up more freedoms. If you think the first Patriot Act was scary, and if you think the Department of Homeland Security sounds like an Orwell parody, than you just wait until you see what they do after they get one more homeland attack. You saw how quickly they took over Boston. Someday we are going to see tanks routinely driving down the streets of American cities. The best way to consolidate power over a citizenry is through the manipulation of national security threats. History has proven this over and over again.
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Feinstein is brain dead. Right now, no one is fully protected by the constitution because too many assholes are ignoring it as they plunge ahead with their agenda.

Feinstein recently bitched about being spied on. She was so cool with it when it was just the people being spied on. She's the typical lib who has two different standards. People should be spied on and forced to participate in Obamacare. Congress is too good to be treated like the little people.

Obama has been "ruling" for over 5 years now and he's too busy trying to destroy middle class to worry about the rich and powerful. He, Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid and the other libturds are the rich and powerful, so don't expect him to fulfill his promise to his low info supporters and actually go after the rich. The middle class is taking the hit for all his goofball ideas.
According to Dianne Frankenstein, if you're not among the elite, the Constitution does not apply to you:

1st Amendment:
Only a salaried agent, working for an elite Media organization are considered journalists:
Feinstein: You?re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary - Illinois Review
Dianne Feinstein: Reporter shield law should only apply to ?real reporters? | WashingtonExaminer.com

A real reporter, declared Madame Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, is “a salaried agent” of a media company like the New York Times or ABC News, not a shoestring operation with volunteers and writers who are not paid.

Feinstein voiced her concern “that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren’t really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications,” like bloggers and citizen journalists.

2nd Amendment:
Unless you're among the elite, with bodyguards at your home and protecting your children, or corporate behemoths hiring mercenaries overseas, have are not allowed to own firearms. Since she is part of the elite, she has a concealed carry permit! Woah!

"If I could have got 51 votes in the Senate for the United States for an outright ban, I would have done it --- the votes weren't there."

3rd Amendment:
She stands by Obama's military occupation of Boston to catch a severely injured terrorist, who was found by a regular citizen anyway (as if all those people and dogs were unable to locate and follow his blood-trail LOLOLOLOLOL).

4th Amendment:
The NSA has the right to invade yoru person, home and effects, unless you're part of the elite!
Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

"I have asked for an apology, and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by this oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither," Feinstein said. "Besides the constitutional implications, the CIA search violated the Fourth Amendment, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as [an executive order], which bars the CIA from conducting domestic surveillance."

5th Amendment:
She supported Obama's denial of the right to remain silent to the Boston Bomber (who was also instrumental in transgressing the Third Amendment, as noted above), but she fully supports IRS Lerner's right to remain silent! Lerner is part of the elite!

9th Amendment:
Does she believe you're born with unalienable right, or that you should worship her for even extending the privilege of which rights you may still enjoy?

Obviously, she believes that the Elite are born with their rights, and are sacrosanct. However, if you're a Peon, you have none unless she decides you may have them.

10th Amendment:

For a person who champions a Unitary Government and despises States rights, she certainly believes in State's rights when it suits her, and here elite buddies: Nullification of Federal Drug Laws and Gay Marriage.

Normally, I'd a say a broken clock is right twice a day, the federal government has no business regulating the consumption and trade/sale/barter of agricultural products, nor the regulation of marriage, but she claims to abhor Thoma Jefferson's interpretation f States rights, yet she is the most avid practitioner of it. LOLOL well I guess it's because she's an elite, therefore she is born with the unalienable right to nullify federal laws she doesn't like.

She ought to know, she's been abusing her power and position for decades.
Feinstein is brain dead. Right now, no one is fully protected by the constitution because too many assholes are ignoring it as they plunge ahead with their agenda.

Feinstein recently bitched about being spied on. She was so cool with it when it was just the people being spied on. She's the typical lib who has two different standards. People should be spied on and forced to participate in Obamacare. Congress is too good to be treated like the little people.

Obama has been "ruling" for over 5 years now and he's too busy trying to destroy middle class to worry about the rich and powerful. He, Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid and the other libturds are the rich and powerful, so don't expect him to fulfill his promise to his low info supporters and actually go after the rich. The middle class is taking the hit for all his goofball ideas.
Feinstein is an old woman who should have retired years ago....
According to Dianne Frankenstein, if you're not among the elite, the Constitution does not apply to you:

1st Amendment:
Only a salaried agent, working for an elite Media organization are considered journalists:
Feinstein: You?re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary - Illinois Review
Dianne Feinstein: Reporter shield law should only apply to ?real reporters? | WashingtonExaminer.com

A real reporter, declared Madame Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, is “a salaried agent” of a media company like the New York Times or ABC News, not a shoestring operation with volunteers and writers who are not paid.

Feinstein voiced her concern “that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren’t really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications,” like bloggers and citizen journalists.

2nd Amendment:
Unless you're among the elite, with bodyguards at your home and protecting your children, or corporate behemoths hiring mercenaries overseas, have are not allowed to own firearms. Since she is part of the elite, she has a concealed carry permit! Woah!

"If I could have got 51 votes in the Senate for the United States for an outright ban, I would have done it --- the votes weren't there."

3rd Amendment:
She stands by Obama's military occupation of Boston to catch a severely injured terrorist, who was found by a regular citizen anyway (as if all those people and dogs were unable to locate and follow his blood-trail LOLOLOLOLOL).

4th Amendment:
The NSA has the right to invade yoru person, home and effects, unless you're part of the elite!
Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

"I have asked for an apology, and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by this oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither," Feinstein said. "Besides the constitutional implications, the CIA search violated the Fourth Amendment, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as [an executive order], which bars the CIA from conducting domestic surveillance."

5th Amendment:
She supported Obama's denial of the right to remain silent to the Boston Bomber (who was also instrumental in transgressing the Third Amendment, as noted above), but she fully supports IRS Lerner's right to remain silent! Lerner is part of the elite!

9th Amendment:
Does she believe you're born with unalienable right, or that you should worship her for even extending the privilege of which rights you may still enjoy?

Obviously, she believes that the Elite are born with their rights, and are sacrosanct. However, if you're a Peon, you have none unless she decides you may have them.

10th Amendment:

For a person who champions a Unitary Government and despises States rights, she certainly believes in State's rights when it suits her, and here elite buddies: Nullification of Federal Drug Laws and Gay Marriage.

Normally, I'd a say a broken clock is right twice a day, the federal government has no business regulating the consumption and trade/sale/barter of agricultural products, nor the regulation of marriage, but she claims to abhor Thoma Jefferson's interpretation f States rights, yet she is the most avid practitioner of it. LOLOL well I guess it's because she's an elite, therefore she is born with the unalienable right to nullify federal laws she doesn't like.

Dianne Feinstein is a rich and powerful worn out douche bag. Just like Hillary.

Men with guns protect the president
Men with guns protect the vice president
Men with guns protect the Congress
Men with guns protect the Supreme Court
Men with guns protect Judges
Men with guns protect wealthy people
Men with guns protect the Hollywood elite

Our children are protected by a sign that reads "gun free zone" and when something happens - we call men with guns

Dianne Feinstein is just like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi - dumber than dirt.

And, I might point out, it was Dianne Feinstein who was caught carrying a concealed weapon - but of course, the charges were dropped. Try that and see if they drop the charges on YOU.
the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.


SAN FRANCISCO -- Dianne Feinstein has long been one of the Senate's strongest advocates for gun control. But few people may know that the California D.."


Even when given the opportunity like you just had. You still couldnt call her a liberal. :lol: Nice try tho
the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.

And Lovebear is right. Dems still vote for her over and over. Kinda shows that the Dems have a big tent because someone who bucks the party like her wouldnt last 1 second in the GOP.

So yes, lovebear is finally right except not the way she thought

yea Feinstein is a righty....thats why she wins over all her Liberal opponents in this State....give me a fucking break....

Thanks that disproved nothing. Thats what happens when you cant disprove something...Go sarcastic and hope no one notices you dodged :badgrin:
the frightening thing is shes a genius compared to Boxer. California also has moonbeam as governor, what the hell, is going on over there? If your gonna elect a socialist nutjob, atleast elect willie brown, i disagree with everthing he says, but hes smarter than all 3 of these morons

No one in their right mind would call Feinstein a liberal. Shes so to the right all she needs to do is oppose Abortion and she'd be a republican.

And Lovebear is right. Dems still vote for her over and over. Kinda shows that the Dems have a big tent because someone who bucks the party like her wouldnt last 1 second in the GOP.

So yes, lovebear is finally right except not the way she thought

That's odd because Ca keeps reelecting her. Are you saying the lefties love her out there because she is so conservative? What an odd paradox.

Another one who couldnt disprove it so they go sarcastic. See this is where you would lay out your position on why she is liberal but you didnt....3 different people didnt.


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