Dick and Bibi Do Syria


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Proving yet again the old adage "shit clumps", a pair of rich war whores are planning on a oil and gas grab in Golan after "freeing" Syria:

"IN A POTENTIAL new source of contention between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel has reportedly granted a U.S. energy firm with heavyweight political connections a license to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights.

"The company is a local subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy Ltd. The Strategic Advisory Board of another subsidiary, Genie Oil and Gas, includes former Vice President Dick Cheney, media magnate Rupert Murdoch, and former Republican Rep. Jim Courter.

"It also includes several prominent investment managers, such as Jacob Roths*child, chairman of the J. Rothschild group, and Michael Steinhardt, a major contributor to Jewish and Zionist causes, notably Birthright Israel, a multi-million-dollar program to bring young Diaspora Jews to Israel.

"The granting of the license by Israel’s Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, which was initially reported by Dow Jones Feb. 21, comes amid continuing civil war in Syria, which has demanded the return of the Heights since Israel took them in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war."

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Israeli License to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm on Golan Heights Raises Eyebrows

Rothschild, Netanyahu, Cheney...(RNC) helping turn Golan into Fallujah?
Obama gonna be mad `bout Syria crossin' dat red line an' usin' chemical weapons after he tol' `em not to...
Syria Fighting Rages, More Chemical Attacks Reported
May 27, 2013 — Heavy fighting raged around the strategic Syrian border town of Qusair and the capital Damascus on Monday and further reports surfaced of chemical weapons attacks by President Bashar al-Assad's forces on rebel areas.
The Syrian military pounded eastern suburbs of Damascus with air strikes and artillery and loud explosions echoed around al-Nabak, 80 km (50 miles) north of the capital, where fighting has cut the highway running north to the central city of Homs, the pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said. Government offensives in recent weeks are widely seen as a campaign to strengthen Assad's negotiating position before a proposed international peace conference sponsored by the United States and Russia and planned for next month.


A photo distributed by Syria's national news agency SANA, May 22, 2013, shows detainees described by SANA as "terrorists fighters", a term commonly used to describe rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, Qusair, near Homs.

Opposition activists said Syrian troops backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters were pressing a sustained assault on Qusair, a town long used by insurgents as a way station for arms and other supplies from Lebanon. For Assad, Qusair is a crucial link between Damascus and loyalist strongholds on the Mediterranean coast. Recapturing the town, in central Homs province, could also sever connections between rebel-held areas in the north and south of Syria. Each side gave conflicting accounts of the fighting.

The Homs branch of the National Defense Forces, formed of pro-Assad militiamen, said on its Facebook page that government forces had now divided Qusair into four sectors and had made major gains in all but the one that includes the town center. “All of the mercenaries' supply routes were cut off completely,” it said, referring to the rebels. Islamist rebel groups, including the Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, said they had sent reinforcements to Qusair. But one opposition activist said these were stuck on the outskirts and had yet to link up with the town's defenders. “So far they are just fighting and dying, their assault hasn't resulted in much yet, unfortunately,” the activist said. Rebels posted a video of fighters in what they said was central Qusair. “We will keep fighting to the last man here who can say 'there is no god but God',” one insurgent said.


The inside of a damaged mosque in Dahra Abd Rabbo village, Aleppo

Hezbollah's deepening involvement in Qusair has raised the prospect of renewed civil war in neighboring Lebanon, where two rockets hit the Shi'ite Muslim movement's stronghold in south Beirut on Sunday and one was fired from south Lebanon towards Israel. The rockets struck hours after Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah promised that his anti-Israel guerrillas, fighting alongside Assad's forces, would win whatever the cost. A Lebanese security source said another 107mm rocket, which did not go off, had been aimed at Beirut airport. The launch sites were near Aitat, in the hills just south of the capital. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced “deep concern” at Hezbollah's admitted combat role and the risk that the Syrian conflict will spill into Lebanon and other neighboring states.

‘Chemical attack’ affects dozens

See also:

EU Amends Syria Embargo to Allow Arming Rebels
May 27, 2013 - British Foreign Secretary William Hague says the 27-nation EU has agreed to amend an arms embargo on Syria to allow the arming of Syrian rebels trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
Hague announced the agreement in Brussels Monday, at the end of marathon EU negotiations that exposed internal divisions about how much support to provide the rebels.

Britain and France have been the main advocates of arming the Syrian rebels, while Austria and other nations had resisted such a move, fearing it could worsen Syria's civil war.

In an apparent British concession to Austria, Hague said London has "no immediate plans" to send weapons to the rebels after the amended embargo takes effect on Saturday. He said the current embargo's ban on weapons transfers to the Syrian government will remain in force, as will other EU sanctions against Damascus.

EU Amends Syria Embargo to Allow Arming Rebels
Obama gonna be mad `bout Syria crossin' dat red line an' usin' chemical weapons after he tol' `em not to...
Syria Fighting Rages, More Chemical Attacks Reported
May 27, 2013 — Heavy fighting raged around the strategic Syrian border town of Qusair and the capital Damascus on Monday and further reports surfaced of chemical weapons attacks by President Bashar al-Assad's forces on rebel areas.
The Syrian military pounded eastern suburbs of Damascus with air strikes and artillery and loud explosions echoed around al-Nabak, 80 km (50 miles) north of the capital, where fighting has cut the highway running north to the central city of Homs, the pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said. Government offensives in recent weeks are widely seen as a campaign to strengthen Assad's negotiating position before a proposed international peace conference sponsored by the United States and Russia and planned for next month.


A photo distributed by Syria's national news agency SANA, May 22, 2013, shows detainees described by SANA as "terrorists fighters", a term commonly used to describe rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, Qusair, near Homs.

Opposition activists said Syrian troops backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters were pressing a sustained assault on Qusair, a town long used by insurgents as a way station for arms and other supplies from Lebanon. For Assad, Qusair is a crucial link between Damascus and loyalist strongholds on the Mediterranean coast. Recapturing the town, in central Homs province, could also sever connections between rebel-held areas in the north and south of Syria. Each side gave conflicting accounts of the fighting.

The Homs branch of the National Defense Forces, formed of pro-Assad militiamen, said on its Facebook page that government forces had now divided Qusair into four sectors and had made major gains in all but the one that includes the town center. “All of the mercenaries' supply routes were cut off completely,” it said, referring to the rebels. Islamist rebel groups, including the Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, said they had sent reinforcements to Qusair. But one opposition activist said these were stuck on the outskirts and had yet to link up with the town's defenders. “So far they are just fighting and dying, their assault hasn't resulted in much yet, unfortunately,” the activist said. Rebels posted a video of fighters in what they said was central Qusair. “We will keep fighting to the last man here who can say 'there is no god but God',” one insurgent said.


The inside of a damaged mosque in Dahra Abd Rabbo village, Aleppo

Hezbollah's deepening involvement in Qusair has raised the prospect of renewed civil war in neighboring Lebanon, where two rockets hit the Shi'ite Muslim movement's stronghold in south Beirut on Sunday and one was fired from south Lebanon towards Israel. The rockets struck hours after Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah promised that his anti-Israel guerrillas, fighting alongside Assad's forces, would win whatever the cost. A Lebanese security source said another 107mm rocket, which did not go off, had been aimed at Beirut airport. The launch sites were near Aitat, in the hills just south of the capital. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced “deep concern” at Hezbollah's admitted combat role and the risk that the Syrian conflict will spill into Lebanon and other neighboring states.

‘Chemical attack’ affects dozens

See also:

EU Amends Syria Embargo to Allow Arming Rebels
May 27, 2013 - British Foreign Secretary William Hague says the 27-nation EU has agreed to amend an arms embargo on Syria to allow the arming of Syrian rebels trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
Hague announced the agreement in Brussels Monday, at the end of marathon EU negotiations that exposed internal divisions about how much support to provide the rebels.

Britain and France have been the main advocates of arming the Syrian rebels, while Austria and other nations had resisted such a move, fearing it could worsen Syria's civil war.

In an apparent British concession to Austria, Hague said London has "no immediate plans" to send weapons to the rebels after the amended embargo takes effect on Saturday. He said the current embargo's ban on weapons transfers to the Syrian government will remain in force, as will other EU sanctions against Damascus.

EU Amends Syria Embargo to Allow Arming Rebels
Do you think Obama gonna get as mad as he did at [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ3_6wRRZr8"]Media Benjamin[/ame] when she called him out on the number of Muslim children his drone strikes have killed?

One thing for sure, rich Jews, Arabs, Americans, Europeans, and Russians will continue to prosper from the private profits wrung from socializing the cost of Syrian misery:

"Moshhe Yaalon, Israeli defence minister, said on Tuesday that S-300s had not left Russia yet, seeming to contradict Israel's air force chief, who said last week the shipment of the missiles was on its way to Syria.

"Russia has been Assad's most powerful ally during the 26-month-old conflict, opposing sanctions and blocking, with China, three Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions meant to pressure the Syrian government to stop fighting.

"Russia has vehemently opposed military intervention or arming Syrian rebels while defending its right to deliver arms to the government, its long-time client - though it says it has been supplying only defensive weapons under existing contracts."

Russia to send air-defence system to Syria - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Want to get rich quick. Don't stay stupid Georgie. Buy stock in Genie.

Genie Energy - Is The Genie Finally Coming Out Of The Bottle? - Seeking Alpha
By some Kalashnikov futures, War-Whore:

"Mohammed Afar is 11 years old. The modified AK-47 assault rifle he carries stretches to nearly two-thirds his height.

"Over the top of his faded yellow jacket a Free Syrian Army vest holds three extra clips, each full with live ammunition, and a walkie-talkie. An FSA badge sits on one side and a rendering of the Islamic Shahada, in Arabic calligraphy, on the other.

"He says he does not miss school or want to stay at home with his mother and two sisters.

“'I want to stay as a fighter until Bashar is killed,' he says, referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"The fighters surrounding him, all claiming to be from Liwa al-Tawhid, pass him a sniper rifle and offer to take him to a frontline, so he can demonstrate his shooting.

“'He is a great shot,' says his father, Mohammed Saleh Afar. 'He is my little lion.'”

Are you a "great shot" or prudent investor?
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Want to get rich quick. Don't stay stupid Georgie. Buy stock in Genie.

Genie Energy - Is The Genie Finally Coming Out Of The Bottle? - Seeking Alpha

I don't need the money bad enough to hook up with these crooks.

They don't care who dies as long as they get their money.
"The flow of natural gas from Israel’s Tamar reservoir in the Mediterranean to the Ashdod reception facility was inaugurated on March 30, 2013, ushering in a new era in Israel’s energy sector. Israel will not only become independent in being able to supply its own energy needs, but it is likely to become an energy exporter as its maritime gas fields are further developed."

Israel's Leviathon and Tamar reserves of oil and gas could "Change Everything" in the Levant during the next decade. Particularly if Jew and Turk take control of Syrian and Lebanon's coast lines, thereby protecting BPs pipeline from the Caspian Sea.

In theory those income streams could fund a Semitic Union 2.0, giving Jew and Arab an equal voice in writing the laws that both nations live under. Or continue making millionaires and billionaires from the bodies of dead children...

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