Dick Cheney makes a great case for prosecuting tortures

What do you think about Dick Cheney's way of thinking?

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Anything that does not result in permanent damage is not torture.
Cheney is correct, of course.
It's torture. But who cares.....let's just be honest about it.
Its not torture. And obviously many people care. And if Dems had a shred of honesty they would admit:
1) They were for the program before they were against it
2) It produced actionable intelligence. Otherwise they would have dropped it
3) The current hullabaloo is due to political considerations stemming from the ass kicking Democrats got in the last election
4) Dems don't give a shit about murdering terrorists any more than anyone else does.
liberals still all in tears about 3 sandniggers being tortured. As though any of us believe they really care about the 3 sandniggers that planned 911 were water boarded.

Then again we do know all liberals are fucking truthers and they also believe those that died on 911 were little eichmans and so they deserved to die. So maybe the left wing losers do actually care about the 3 smelly sandniggers that were water boarded.

Huh, I may need to rethink this.
It's hard to believe that the party who supports the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb and the indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians through drone attacks would be concerned about splashing water in terrorist's noses but the left has never been motivated by morals, only politics.
The host of the show, Chuck Todd, read details from the Senate report on “enhanced interrogation” and asked Mr. Cheney if he thought they amounted to torture. Rectal feeding? Keeping a man in a coffin-sized box? Handcuffing another man’s wrists to an overhead bar for 22 hours per day, for two consecutive days?


Well first off this was not a "Senate" report it was a far left report..

Next the far left propaganda NYTimes blog site is not the best for a reference when dealing such issues..

The far left made a big deal about waterboarding and only 3 people were water boarded. Including the master mind behind 9/11.

Yet the conundrum for the far left is killing without "Due Process" considering their propaganda from 2003 - 2009..
If you can accept the Assassinator - In - Chief's method of dispatching suspected terrorists by bombing the ever living shit out of the suspect and his innocent family members with his drone program, you have no right to judge anyone in the CIA.Certainly no moral authority.


Hypocrisy thy name is Liberal.
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The far right cognitively impaired drone bot Koshdoosh reveals the weakness and soullessness of his peers. Torture is torture; yes, the report is best place to find the documentation; and, yes, one can read it, unlike the droid above, before commenting limp-wristedly.
liberals still all in tears about 3 sandniggers being tortured. As though any of us believe they really care about the 3 sandniggers that planned 911 were water boarded.

Then again we do know all liberals are fucking truthers and they also believe those that died on 911 were little eichmans and so they deserved to die. So maybe the left wing losers do actually care about the 3 smelly sandniggers that were water boarded.

Huh, I may need to rethink this.
What the heck is a "sandnigger"?
I wish polls would read....

"Do you believe in torture?" And I could answer "hell no unless there was a clear and present very immediate danger to the lives of Americans AND if that danger was a dirty bomb hell's bells I'd water board people myself".

I think there are many like me who are not into torturing prisoners at all but understand that maybe just maybe it is justified in a time of war.

But I have a real hard time swallowing the fact that liberals and progressives have been for the most part silent about these indiscriminate drone raids that kill many innocents while getting their high ended knickers in a twist and their sensibilities bruised over freaking water boarding.

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