Dick Clarke is an American HERO


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
His condemnations of the present Administration are balanced by his condemnations of the former. Dick Clarke sincerely believes in national security and defense. He's not so sure about American offense.

Did you watch the Hardball interview tonight?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
His condemnations of the present Administration are balanced by his condemnations of the former. Dick Clarke sincerely believes in national security and defense. He's not so sure about American offense.

Did you watch the Hardball interview tonight?

I didn't see it. What makes him a hero though? Condemning others doesn't elevate someone to 'hero' status in my book. I'm not being sarcastic, just looking for an explanation on your comments.
Dick, as ostrasized and condemned as he is by his former employers and trusted colleagues both up and down the political food chain, tends to offer critisizm on both sides of the political isle. It would be a shame to discount his views as partisan or unenlightened. Wouldn't you agree?
Shouldn't some of the blame lay at old Dick's feet? Since he was in charge of counter terrorism and all..........
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Dick, as ostrasized and condemned as he is by his former employers and trusted colleagues both up and down the political food chain, tends to offer critisizm on both sides of the political isle. It would be a shame to discount his views as partisan or unenlightened. Wouldn't you agree?

To discount his views based on those reasons, yes, I would agree that would be a shame. I think people are discounting his 'testimony' based on his own prior words.

But back to the topic of the thread. I think our veterans are hero's. I think our entire military is hero's for sacrificing themselves for the better of others. I think some policemen are hero's as well as some firemen. I've read some amazing stories about average citizens that risk their lives to help others, they are hero's.

Someone who is willing to speak up against another, whether it be truthful or not, is not a hero. Just my opinion.
He's a blamer. Nothing heroic about him. Like all of his type he wants to blame.Makes no difference who was in office when. Bin Laden and his cronies are to blame. The only thing the hearings should be doing is determining how to prevent it from ever happening again.

Clarke is a Clinton man and looking to sell his book, nothing more than that.
Thanks for the recognition of our Vet's, jimnyc. But can't you understand that our firemen, police and other law-abiding and enforcing people deserve the same credit? That's your problem, not mine.

As a Vet, a former Constable and a present (25 year experienced) volunteer fireman, I am confused by your comment.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Thanks for the recognition of our Vet's, jimnyc. But can't you understand that our firemen, police and other law-abiding and enforcing people deserve the same credit? That's your problem, not mine.

Psycho, you apparently didn't read my post very thoroughly!

"I think our veterans are hero's. I think our entire military is hero's for sacrificing themselves for the better of others. I think some policemen are hero's as well as some firemen. I've read some amazing stories about average citizens that risk their lives to help others, they are hero's."
No, not at all well said, gaffer. Have you evidence that Clarke is a "Clinton promoter"? His testimony would refute that. Your remarks are partisan and indicate a propensity on your part to deny anything related to a failure from your chosen political entity.

I'm a Democrat, but I readily admit that I believe they screw up sometimes and I even more readily admit that I don't agree with the apparent agendas of some of them.
I read it completely, jimnyc. That qualifier "some" that you intentionally included to the exclusion of it in the latter confused me. Carry on, my friend.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I read it completely, jimnyc. That qualifier "some" that you intentionally included to the exclusion of it in the latter confused me. Carry on, my friend.

Well, that's just my opinion. I still have a huge amount of respect for all firemen, I just don't think they are all hero's. I have an equal amount of respect for most police officers. My comments weren't meant to discredit their profession or efforts, but rather to preserve the hero status to those I believe more deserving. There are without a doubt many hero's in both professions.

Anyway, there was no harm intended on my part.
I dig it, jimnyc. But really, where do you draw the line? I've certainly met what I consider to be thugs in every line of public service and ten times that as questioned by the populace. Military, fire and police protection, even elected office, in fact especially public office. I draw the line at dishonesty with the constituency that directly effects the constituency. Many of my own decisions have been and continue to be critisized. Some of them are valid and some of them have no grounds whatsoever other than political. Can you dig it?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I dig it, jimnyc. But really, where do you draw the line? I've certainly met what I consider to be thugs in every line of public service and ten times that as questioned by the populace. Military, fire and police protection, even elected office, in fact especially public office. I draw the line at dishonesty with the constituency that directly effects the constituency. Many of my own decisions have been and continue to be critisized. Some of them are valid and some of them have no grounds whatsoever other than political. Can you dig it?

I guess each individual will draw lines based on personal experiences. Suffice to say all 3 professions are admirable and have their respective shares of hero's and bad eggs. :)
I think, jimnyc, that you can recognise that I fully understand what you say. I would go further and include crooked politicians. They are no less and in many cases even moreso dangerous thugs that have no thoughts of the betterments of our American lives. It's a self enrichment thing for them whether it be money or naked power. I include the shrub as aspiring towards both, for what reason I just can't comprehend.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I think, jimnyc, that you can recognise that I fully understand what you say. I would go further and include crooked politicians. They are no less and in many cases even moreso dangerous thugs that have no thoughts of the betterments of our American lives. It's a self enrichment thing for them whether it be money or naked power. I include the shrub as aspiring towards both, for what reason I just can't comprehend.

Although I don't share your views on Bush, we are in agreement again regarding the inclusion of politicians on the 'bad egg' list. There are quite a few knuckleheads out there from all affiliations.
Originally posted by gaffer
Clarke is a Clinton man and looking to sell his book, nothing more than that.

Not exactly true. Clarke is probably hoping Kerry will get elected because of his actions and get him a job in Washington again.
You certainly won't get an argument from me about that, jimnyc. But there remains a question of who most consistently represents common Americans, working people and their families. My experience leads me to believe in the Democratic Party. Although I've voted Republican in the past, their inconsistensies and demonstrated distain for common folk have turned me forever against their pretty arguments. Personally, I don't think I've ever gotten a dime that I didn't earn. But I didn't lie, cheat or steal to earn it. Most Republicans consider stealing to be earning and they will use religion, nationalism or whatever they think they can sell to promote the ideoly of stealing for themselves. That's my view and it is a very well researched and experienced view..
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You certainly won't get an argument from me about that, jimnyc. But there remains a question of who most consistently represents common Americans, working people and their families. My experience leads me to believe in the Democratic Party. Although I've voted Republican in the past, their inconsistensies and demonstrated distain for common folk have turned me forever against their pretty arguments. Personally, I don't think I've ever gotten a dime that I didn't earn. But I didn't lie, cheat or steal to earn it. Most Republicans consider stealing to be earning and they will use religion, nationalism or whatever they think they can sell to promote the ideoly of stealing for themselves. That's my view and it is a very well researched and experienced view..

What planet do you live on? I mean seriously I have to question people who think the party that wants people to keep their hard earned money rather than tax them to death is stealing from anyone.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You certainly won't get an argument from me about that, jimnyc. But there remains a question of who most consistently represents common Americans, working people and their families. My experience leads me to believe in the Democratic Party. Although I've voted Republican in the past, their inconsistensies and demonstrated distain for common folk have turned me forever against their pretty arguments. Personally, I don't think I've ever gotten a dime that I didn't earn. But I didn't lie, cheat or steal to earn it. Most Republicans consider stealing to be earning and they will use religion, nationalism or whatever they think they can sell to promote the ideoly of stealing for themselves. That's my view and it is a very well researched and experienced view..

I guess you like high taxes, disdain for the law and splitting the country in 2 along racial and economic lines. God bless the Democrats.

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