Dick Durbin May Be At It Again.....Making Shit Up About What Was Said During A closed Meeting

This seems to be a pattern of some Democrats.

They couldn't make anything up earlier this week, when the president allowed the press to stay and film a meeting.

Later during a closed door meeting Trump is supposedly calling 3rd world countries shitholes....but no evidence exists other than that of a group of Democrat supporters in the press.

This isn't the first time that Democrats lied about what took place off-camera in these private meetings.

Here's an example:


'I cannot even stand to look at you'


10/23/2013 06:23 AM EDT

Updated 10/23/2013 03:19 PM EDT

The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin, said in a Facebook post that a House Republican leader told off President Barack Obama during a negotiation meeting, and that GOP leaders are so disrespectful itā€™s practically impossible to have a conversation with them.

But Wednesday afternoon, both the White House and House speakerā€™s office denied his claims.

ā€œIn a ā€˜negotiationā€™ meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: ā€˜I cannot even stand to look at you,ā€™ā€ Durbin wrote in a post on his Facebook page over the weekend.

( Also on POLITICO: Carney: Dick Durbin quote ā€˜did not happenā€™)

Calling a government shutdown strategy from Republicans ā€œdisastrous,ā€ Durbin did not specify which leader made the comment, what the context was or how the president responded. The only time GOP House leaders met with Obama during the shutdown was on Oct. 10, a meeting that Durbin did not attend.

The Senate majority whip offered the comment as rebuttal to the Republican argument that Obama does not do enough to communicate with Republicans, essentially saying to do so is impossible.

ā€œWhat are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said something so disrespectful?ā€ Durbin wrote.

( PHOTOS: Obamaā€™s second term)

However, both the White House and the House speakerā€™s office denied Durbinā€™s account of events.

Asked about the post in the White House daily briefing, press secretary Jay Carney said he checked with a participant of the meeting in question.

ā€œI looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen,ā€ Carney said.

( PHOTOS: 25 unforgettable Obamacare quotes)

House Speaker John Boehnerā€™s spokesman also said the post was not about the top House Republican.

ā€œThe speaker certainly didnā€™t say that and does not recall anyone else doing so,ā€ Michael Steel said.

Sen. Durbinā€™s office had no comment on the post and offered no further details.

( WATCH: 10 things Obama wants you to know about healthcare law)

But the speakerā€™s office called on him to explain.

ā€œSen. Durbinā€™s accusation is a serious one, and it appears to have been invented out of thin air. The senator should disclose who told him this account of events, retract his reckless allegation immediately, and apologize,ā€ Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said in a statement sent out to reporters.​

You know someone recorded the meeting. Letā€™s have the recording and the transcript to add context.

Also, if those countries are not shitholes, why are the citizens of those countries trying to sneak into the United States.
If they did....I'm afraid they'd be breaking the law.
Some call that treason.
Those meetings are supposed to be classified.

Right, so why is any information coming out of those meetings.

Whomenever shared what POTUS said should be banned from future meetings.

I have been in countless meetings with high level corporate executives and they say some crazy shit. I never ran out of a meeting and told the press what was said.
I think it has something to do with being butthurt over a lost election.

These people are criminals.

They feel Trump is screwing up their plans.
This seems to be a pattern of some Democrats.

Not a single Republican who was at the meeting has come forward to say that Trump didn't call those countries shitholes.

And yes- Trump's remarks seems to be a pattern of Trumps.
This seems to be a pattern of some Democrats.

They couldn't make anything up earlier this week, when the president allowed the press to stay and film a meeting.

Later during a closed door meeting Trump is supposedly calling 3rd world countries shitholes....but no evidence exists other than that of a group of Democrat supporters in the press.

This isn't the first time that Democrats lied about what took place off-camera in these private meetings.

Here's an example:


'I cannot even stand to look at you'


10/23/2013 06:23 AM EDT

Updated 10/23/2013 03:19 PM EDT

The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin, said in a Facebook post that a House Republican leader told off President Barack Obama during a negotiation meeting, and that GOP leaders are so disrespectful itā€™s practically impossible to have a conversation with them.

But Wednesday afternoon, both the White House and House speakerā€™s office denied his claims.

ā€œIn a ā€˜negotiationā€™ meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: ā€˜I cannot even stand to look at you,ā€™ā€ Durbin wrote in a post on his Facebook page over the weekend.

( Also on POLITICO: Carney: Dick Durbin quote ā€˜did not happenā€™)

Calling a government shutdown strategy from Republicans ā€œdisastrous,ā€ Durbin did not specify which leader made the comment, what the context was or how the president responded. The only time GOP House leaders met with Obama during the shutdown was on Oct. 10, a meeting that Durbin did not attend.

The Senate majority whip offered the comment as rebuttal to the Republican argument that Obama does not do enough to communicate with Republicans, essentially saying to do so is impossible.

ā€œWhat are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said something so disrespectful?ā€ Durbin wrote.

( PHOTOS: Obamaā€™s second term)

However, both the White House and the House speakerā€™s office denied Durbinā€™s account of events.

Asked about the post in the White House daily briefing, press secretary Jay Carney said he checked with a participant of the meeting in question.

ā€œI looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen,ā€ Carney said.

( PHOTOS: 25 unforgettable Obamacare quotes)

House Speaker John Boehnerā€™s spokesman also said the post was not about the top House Republican.

ā€œThe speaker certainly didnā€™t say that and does not recall anyone else doing so,ā€ Michael Steel said.

Sen. Durbinā€™s office had no comment on the post and offered no further details.

( WATCH: 10 things Obama wants you to know about healthcare law)

But the speakerā€™s office called on him to explain.

ā€œSen. Durbinā€™s accusation is a serious one, and it appears to have been invented out of thin air. The senator should disclose who told him this account of events, retract his reckless allegation immediately, and apologize,ā€ Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said in a statement sent out to reporters.​

LOL! Love your posts because they are always bi-assed and wrong.

Sorry, bubba:

Sen. Tim Scott: Trump's 'shithole countries' comment is 'basically accurate,' Lindsey Graham told him

Sen. Tim Scott: Trump's 'shithole countries' comment is 'basically accurate,' Lindsey Graham told him
Nobody is making anything up. Last night the White House would not even deny it was said. It was not till the fire got too hot that Trump tried to wimp out on his own words.
Shut the fuck up it looks as if his words were twisted....There are shit hole nations in the world...why do we want to deny that to ourselves? Why is it that liberals want us to live a lie? to turn our heads? To bury the truth in PC nonsense? that helps no one...


Sen. Tim Scott: Sen. Graham confirmed Trump's reported 's---hole' quote was accurate

Are you tired of winning yet? Or tired of being wrong?
Trump is the lowest kind of filth.
At least KKK members, skinheads and alt-rightists aren't hypocrites.

This seems to be a pattern of some Democrats.

Not a single Republican who was at the meeting has come forward to say that Trump didn't call those countries shitholes.

And yes- Trump's remarks seems to be a pattern of Trumps.

If they arenā€™t shitholes, why are they leaving for America?

The same reason the mega-rich are moving to Australia and New Zealand. Trump is turning this country into a shithole.
This seems to be a pattern of some Democrats.

Not a single Republican who was at the meeting has come forward to say that Trump didn't call those countries shitholes.

And yes- Trump's remarks seems to be a pattern of Trumps.

If they arenā€™t shitholes, why are they leaving for America?

The same reason the mega-rich are moving to Australia and New Zealand. Trump is turning this country into a shithole.

Thatā€™s great news.

Who is on this list?
Embrace the shithole. He's supported White Nationalism and anti-Semitism. He's everything Hillary promised you he was. Be happy.
Everyone knows the Liar in Chief said it. Then ironically he reads a scripted testimony on Martin Luther King Jr. The man is an orange hypicrite.

Mueller is watching and now realizes anything short of a testimony to the grand jury, UNDER Oath, will give Benedict Donald another opportunity unto lie and fabricate.
Again, if those nations are not shitholes, why are the residents sneaking into the US?
The point is not whether any country is a shithole, the point is that the person in the highest office in the land characterized black countries that way and always speak fondly of white countries.
Thereā€™s a definite pattern of racism in so much he says.
Not to mention his language is beneath the dignity of the presidency.
You bottoms feeders will never learn.
Nobody is making anything up. Last night the White House would not even deny it was said. It was not till the fire got too hot that Trump tried to wimp out on his own words.
Shut the fuck up it looks as if his words were twisted....There are shit hole nations in the world...why do we want to deny that to ourselves? Why is it that liberals want us to live a lie? to turn our heads? To bury the truth in PC nonsense? that helps no one...


Sen. Tim Scott: Sen. Graham confirmed Trump's reported 's---hole' quote was accurate

Are you tired of winning yet? Or tired of being wrong?
But but but theyā€™re not democrats.
Trumpanzees fall on their faces again.
Again, if those nations are not shitholes, why are the residents sneaking into the US?

Well by that standard- every country in the world is a shithole.

Since residents from virtually every country in the world 'sneak' into the United States illegally.

Of course we have Americans that 'sneak' into Canada illegally too.....

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