Dictatorship: Filmmaker D'Souza Says Obama Vindictive; IRS Attack Political Payback..

He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.



you were never a Republican; more like a left-wing dolt; why lie?
YAWN; more idiotic left-wing stupitidy. it's really funny watching a left-wing loser cry that people blame everything on obama; considering obama himself acts like a helpless baby and is still blaming things on Bush in his sixth year; and so are his lemming supporters like you
Some people are not very intelligent but they are smart enough to keep their mouth closed to hide their ignorance. Other people are not very intelligence and can't stop themselves from announcing it to the world.
You are in the second group.

seriously; is this the best you got?
No! I have better but why waste them on you?
Now, go back to sleep!!!!
You are more likable when you are asleep.
He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.


If he broke the law it will be proven by evidence presented that he did. If the law is vague and it cannot be proven that what he did was illegal then they don't have a case. It will be one or the other. I do understand that most people do not say I did it, I broke the law. I believe that D'nesh is a man of integrity though and if he says he is innocent - I'm inclined to believe him. I would like to see what they find after reviewing everything. note* I always did like Perry Mason!
He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.


hilarious really; left-wing nutjob says the Republican Party left him when it decided to worship greed...etc

this from a left-wing idiot who supports the Jackazz Party that has more than doubled the spending of Bush years already
Obama didn't buy his house. Nahdmi Auchi - the iraqi billionaire who stole the oil for food money after Saddams fall - paid for it. He gave the money to Tony Rezko who was broke at the time - for the purchase of the Hyde Park house and the vacant lot next to it. Rezko's wife was the realtor.
It would be helpful if you are going to post something like this if you provided a link to prove your statement. And yes, I could look it up myself but I am not your research assistant. If you want me to believe your post you need to provide proof rather than an unsupported statement.
He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.



you were never a Republican; more like a left-wing dolt; why lie?
I was a registered republican for about 30 years. My signature is absolutely correct and I will tell you something else, I AM NOT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN WHO HAS FLED THE CURRENT REPUBLICAN PARTY. There are many more who feel exactly as I do. Read the following and weep!!! You might want to read the whole article. It has a spiffy little chart that shows republican membership as declining as independents are increasing.

"January 8, 2014
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

Republican identification lowest in at least 25 years

by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008."
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents
He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.


If he broke the law it will be proven by evidence presented that he did. If the law is vague and it cannot be proven that what he did was illegal then they don't have a case. It will be one or the other. I do understand that most people do not say I did it, I broke the law. I believe that D'nesh is a man of integrity though and if he says he is innocent - I'm inclined to believe him. I would like to see what they find after reviewing everything. note* I always did like Perry Mason!
You have more faith than I do. I do not know if he broke the law or not but more and more I have a difficult time taking a person's word when they are accused of a crime. And just to be clear, I am a "non-partisan cynic."
Now if Holder's "Justice Department" can just restrain their propensity to fabricate evidence and ignore anything that won't further their agenda.......
Good point. I agree that the jury is not in. However, when was the last time a person committed a crime and said "I did it. I broke the law?" If memory serves the last time I saw that was in 1966. I remember it well. It was in a Perry Mason episode.



you were never a Republican; more like a left-wing dolt; why lie?
I was a registered republican for about 30 years. My signature is absolutely correct and I will tell you something else, I AM NOT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN WHO HAS FLED THE CURRENT REPUBLICAN PARTY. There are many more who feel exactly as I do. Read the following and weep!!! You might want to read the whole article. It has a spiffy little chart that shows republican membership as declining as independents are increasing.

"January 8, 2014
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

Republican identification lowest in at least 25 years

by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008."
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

....and the you wised up and voted for Obama.

(rolling eyes)
The 'Chicago Way' i guess. Such dark days for our Nation. So few are standing up against tyranny. These kinds of abuses of power should not go unpunished. This President's IRS attacks are Impeachable offenses in my opinion. It's worse than Nixon's abuses. It's worse because it's being done so brazenly, without fear of accountability. Where have the Checks & Balances gone? What has happened to our Country?

Dinesh D'Souza The Kelly File Speculates on Retribution. Vindictive Obama Sees Critics as Enemies - YouTube

Dinesh D'Souza absolutely destroyed...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09i2YvLPZuE]Bill Maher Takes On Dinesh D'Souza Over Anti-Obama Documentary 2016 - YouTube[/ame]

You got your chicago on the potomac.

You want it. You got it. I hope you starve to death. I'm cool. I'm ready for anything. I hope you die starving to death loving your "leader".

You embrace yourselves.

You are not 'cool'. You are septic with hate. It will consume you...I feel sorry for you. A domesday prepper...FEAR is in full control...
You are not 'cool'. You are septic with hate. It will consume you...I feel sorry for you. A domesday prepper...FEAR is in full control...

Congratulations! Your New Messiah HAS achieved producing a profound sense of justified fear in Americans who bitterly cling to the obsolete concepts of freedom and liberty.

See, there has been one success!
This President's use of the IRS to target his 'Enemies', is chillingly criminal. More Americans need to stand up and demand accountability. And that needs to include both Republicans and Democrats. These abuses go far beyond petty Democrat vs. Republican squabbles.
I have not seen one shred of evidence that Obama has used the IRS to investigate anyone. What I have seen is one idiot after another making such a claim and then finding out after a closer examination that the claim was false. It is called "throwing mud."

Remember when the gop was screaming about the IRS investigating tax-exempt groups that contributed to the gop? Do you then remember when an investigation showed more Democratic groups than gop groups were investigated?
He says he's innocent. He hasn't gone to court yet. Let's hold off until then.

No, he hasn't even claimed that he's innocent.

He's said that he didn't know what he was doing was illegal. Which isn't anything close to the same thing.
You are not 'cool'. You are septic with hate. It will consume you...I feel sorry for you. A domesday prepper...FEAR is in full control...

Congratulations! Your New Messiah HAS achieved producing a profound sense of justified fear in Americans who bitterly cling to the obsolete concepts of freedom and liberty.

See, there has been one success!

Obama has done nothing to create the overwhelming FEAR you right wing turds are infested with. Take PERSONAL responsibility for your ignorance, and question the faux news, Limbaugh propaganda you swallow 24/7...
Again we see liberals belief that nobody can have an opinion formulated on their own. Understandable, given that which pass off as original is naught more than recitation of the DNC Talking Points Memo du jour.
This President's use of the IRS to target his 'Enemies', is chillingly criminal. More Americans need to stand up and demand accountability. And that needs to include both Republicans and Democrats. These abuses go far beyond petty Democrat vs. Republican squabbles.
I have not seen one shred of evidence that Obama has used the IRS to investigate anyone. What I have seen is one idiot after another making such a claim and then finding out after a closer examination that the claim was false. It is called "throwing mud."

Remember when the gop was screaming about the IRS investigating tax-exempt groups that contributed to the gop? Do you then remember when an investigation showed more Democratic groups than gop groups were investigated?

called "throwing mud."
Remember when the gop was screaming about the IRS investigating tax-exempt groups that contributed to the gop

You need to substantiate this one liar.
This has been debunked once the full hearing transcripts were released by Democrats on the committee.

Full Transcript Reveals That Darrell Issa Lied About Obama Involvement In IRS Scandal

By releasing the full transcript of interview with the IRS Screening Group manager, Rep. Elijah Cummings has proven that Rep. Darrell Issa lied about Obama’s involvement in the IRS scandal.

Rep. Cummings absolutely destroyed Issa’s conspiratorial claims that Obama was masterminding the IRS scandal:

This interview transcript provides a detailed first-hand account of how these practices first originated, and it debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases. Answering questions from Committee staff for more than five hours, this official—who identified himself as a “conservative Republican”—denied that he or anyone on his team was directed by the White House to take these actions or that they were politically motivated.

you were never a Republican; more like a left-wing dolt; why lie?
I was a registered republican for about 30 years. My signature is absolutely correct and I will tell you something else, I AM NOT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN WHO HAS FLED THE CURRENT REPUBLICAN PARTY. There are many more who feel exactly as I do. Read the following and weep!!! You might want to read the whole article. It has a spiffy little chart that shows republican membership as declining as independents are increasing.

"January 8, 2014
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

Republican identification lowest in at least 25 years

by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008."
Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

....and the you wised up and voted for Obama.

(rolling eyes)
Yes, I voted for Obama twice and I do not question either vote.
When McCain ran I was horrified by his choice of palin as his running mate. It became clear very early that she had intelligence of an ant and the idea that she would be a heartbeat away from the presidency scared the crap out of me. When someone is asked what magazines they read on a regular basis and they cannot even come up with a lie we are speaking of someone of low intelligence and imagination. Her record in public office also did not speak well of her. There she is standing in front of the American people praising the teaching of abstinence and her unwed and pregnant daughter is standing by her. Please!!!!!!!!!!
I might mention that I was bothered by McCain's lack of knowledge. During the days when the stock market was crashing McCain was loudly proclaiming that the economy was sound. Here we are heading for a major depression and McCain has his eyes closed.
When Romney ran I was bothered by the fact that he clearly was unable to identify with the vast majority of Americans. Yes he knew NASCAR owners, heads of major corporations, and the leaders of Wall Street but he had no clue of the problems of ordinary people. A major problem for many is how they would feed, clothe, and protect their families. A major problem for Romney was his car elevator. Many college students are forced to borrow large sums of money to pay for their education. The Romney's suffered also except their solution was to cash in some of their stock. I'm sorry, but Romney had no clue who the American people were and how he could make their lives better.
And finally, is Obama the Chosen One or the Messiah? OF COURSE NOT! No president is all good and no president is all bad. The best of president will make mistakes and the worst of presidents will occasionally pass great legislation. Anyone who sees Obama is all bad is just as stupid as one who sees Obama as all good. I approve of some of what Obama has done and a do not approve of some of the things he has done.

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