Did a right winger kill Kennedy???

Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?
I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?

Oh please, everyone left work that day. You are grabbing a straws to believe a lie. Why?

I never stated I thought Oswald innocent, however I do not think he acted alone. I do not know and you don't either, if Oswald even fired a gun that day.

You have to look at the entirety of the event.

How do you explain Oswald's many ties to the CIA?
How do you explain Oswald's easy return to the USA after defecting to the USSR?
How do you explain Oswald being seen with Ruby, Ferrie, and Guy Bannister?
How do you explain Oswald's relationship with George de Mohrenschildt?
How do you explain the shell casings found at Tippit's shooting that differ from Oswald's gun?
How do you explain the unbelievably lax security that day in Dallas?
How do you explain Ruby's easy access to Oswald the day he shot him?
How do you explain Parkland doctors initial statements of entrance wounds in front and exit wounds in back?
How do you explain the presence of SS agents behind the fence, after the shooting, when no SS agents were there?
I could go on and on and on....

The Zapruder film proves without a doubt that he was shot from the front. Jackie would never had to grab JFK's brain matter off the rear of the limo, if he were shot from the rear.

Gipper,the wise thing to do is put agent candyass on ignore.this troll goes to SEVERAL message boards everywhere trolling night and day posting lies about 9/11,the JFK assassination and everything else.He defends the governments version of events of government corruption no matter HOW absurd it is.He is just seeking attention and here to waste you time.dont feed the troll.He knows the CIA killed kennedy,he knows 9/11 was an inside job. dont bother with him.

He has no answers for ANY of those points you brought up and as you can see,he is forced to lie when confronted with facts defending the lies of the warren commission like oswald was the only one that left the building when its well known that SEVERAL left the building.:cuckoo:

what he cant explain and get around is that the SS agents committed treason that day with the driver stopping to allow the head shot instead of speeding up like he is suppose to and kellerman did as well not at least withdrawing his revolver they carry. the agents committed treason in the fact Johnsons secret service agents protected him shielding him when the shots rang out,where Kennedys did not. He also blatantly ignores facts all the time that the warren commission members all should have gone to jail for treason as well in they altered many witnesses testimonys.

Many of them have said over the years the testimony that was printed,that they twisted their words and altered their testimonys. The agent can only sling shit in defeat like the moneky troll he is.:lol::lol::lol: they sure pay him well for his constant ass beatings he gets here everyday.
There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so.
Factually incorrect.

After shedding his jacket and getting his gun...it points to someone who was left in the lurch more than someone who was innocent.

Sounds too fishy to be just a coincidence...totally agree with you there.

Here is where you get silly. His head actually goes forward momentarily then back and to the left. Anyone whose body was going limp in the back of a vehicle that stopped then gunned the engine likely would react similarly. There was no second shooter.

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.

Oswald was the shooter. Else, where is the rifle he ordered except in police custody and where are these curtain rods he said he had brought?

You have to introduce a "them" or "they" into it to explain it which is always a giveaway that it's unexplainable. No doubt in my mind he was the lone gunman. Also no doubt in my mind there is more to this than just a guy going off the deep end.

It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?

Silly? Really? When someone is shot in the back of the head, their brains and skull fragments do land behind them. So, you are misinformed. Parkland doctors who administered to JFK said he had an EXIT wound in the BACK of his head. JFK's head does NOT go forward...it goes back and to the left.

We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

as always,candyass proves he ditched junior high school science classes.:lol:

It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?
Well, yes, he didn't beam him self out of the building as they do on Star Trek...got me on that one Kirk.

You need to look at the Zapruder film in slow motion to see what happens at the point of impact. His head goes back and to the left after the momentum from the automobile starts up again.
We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes you are. You have no evidence yet you claim there is ambiguity. There is a photo of him with the murder weapon. There is a receipt for his purchase of the murder weapon. There is no evidence of his bringing "curtain rods" into the building outside of him saying so.

And when you factor in his actions post-shooting...he adds color to the portrait of guilt that is already far to clear to any one who actually looks at the evidence.[/QUOTE]

Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.

I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

And comments on the Zapruder film is complete foolishness. As soon as the bullet heads JFK's head it explodes and he falls back and left. Clearly from a shot fired from the front.[/QUOTE]

as i just said,candyass clearly proves he ditched junior high school science classes.hee hee.He cant get around that the secret service violated all standard protocals that day that you go through a city where the president was given innumerable death threats to him in the previous months,that you go there days in advance and seal manhole covers and make sure that the windows are closed-for a city "where you had previous many death threats just to make myself clear here." that you dont allow windowns to go up and you sure as hell dont take violate normal proptocal not having the ss agents ride the running boards and tell teh motorcylce officers to go against standard protocal riding behid the rear bumper instead of flanking him on the sides whihc they DID do in fort worth and in houston but conveinetly not in dallas.:cuckoo:

they evade those facts saying crap knowing they are cornered that none of that happend or .:cuckoo:

the secret service agents hated Kennedy.They were a bunch of red neck racists who hated him because he was the first president to hire a black person to the detail. That black agent matter of fact transferred out of the white house because they were always making racist comments about him.He remembers them saying many times over the tiem he was there the agents saying-I would never take a bullet for that ****** lover Kennedy.

and sure enough,they did not.They liked Johnson because even though he passed the civil rights act,he was actually a racist redneck as well and he did it reluctantly only because he had lots of powerful friends in congress in his days as senate majority leader who blocked that bill of Kenendys he tried to pass.Kennedy was able to get some civil rights legistlaation through but not that one.

Johnson used his powerful connections in the senate to block kennedys civil rights act bill he tried to pass because he knew the CIA had plans to kill him and he would be the new president that would be able to pass that bill so he could have his place in history as president.He had to do something really good in 64 to make sure he get elected in the election and that was what did it for him.Its very well known that in his days in congress and in the senate,he hated blacks and minoritys and people that knew him,said he awalsy referred to them as *******. The secret service knowing johnson was a racist redneck like him,they made due on their words never to protect kennedy so their boy Johnson would get to be in office.

anyone who says oswald did it is a retard because oswald had nothing to gain by it or a motice.Johnson on the other hand,had more to gain from the assassination than ANYBODY so effectively shit down an independent investigation from congress that they were formulating to have an independent investigation by appointing the members of the warren commission himself to thrwart an investigation by congress.It was a joke that Johnson was never investigated since he had more to gain than anybody and should have been investigated as a PRIME SUSPECT.:cuckoo:
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Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?
I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?

Oh please, everyone left work that day.
I imagine they did; I don't imagine they took a bus, cab, shed their jacket, went home got a gun, shot a cop, entered a theater without paying.... Immediately after they allegedly shot the President.

You are grabbing a straws to believe a lie. Why?
What lie am I supposedly beliving? That Oswald shot the President? Show me his rifle in his house instead of the TSBD...the "curtain rods" he says he brought to work with him...

I never stated I thought Oswald innocent,
Then you seem to be "believing the lie" too.

however I do not think he acted alone. I do not know and you don't either, if Oswald even fired a gun that day.
His palm print is on the murder weapon. I have that card in my hand.

Lets see your cards.

The Zapruder film proves without a doubt that he was shot from the front.
It does no such thing.

Jackie would never had to grab JFK's brain matter off the rear of the limo, if he were shot from the rear.

The car moving forward caused the brain matter to be moving toward the rear. As if you were sitting in the back seat and threw a ball straight up into the air; if the car was moving forward, the ball lands behind where you threw it.

You have to look at the entirety of the event.
How do you explain Oswald's many ties to the CIA?
How do you explain Oswald's easy return to the USA after defecting to the USSR?
How do you explain the unbelievably lax security that day in Dallas?
I can't. You're preaching to the choir on this one.


How do you explain Oswald being seen with Ruby, Ferrie, and Guy Bannister?
What proof do you have of this? I would like to see it; not sure why there is a big deal about this but I would like to see the evidence.

How do you explain Oswald's relationship with George de Mohrenschildt?

How do you explain the shell casings found at Tippit's shooting that differ from Oswald's gun?
Not sure they differ.

How do you explain Ruby's easy access to Oswald the day he shot him?
There were dozens of people in the basement...everyone had easy access. You're grabbing at straws to forward a lie; why?

How do you explain Parkland doctors initial statements of entrance wounds in front and exit wounds in back?
Initial observations are often wrong. I recall hearing 10-20 thousands were surely dead in the WTC.

How do you explain the presence of SS agents behind the fence, after the shooting, when no SS agents were there?
What is your proof of this?

I could go on and on and on....

Oswald was the lone gunman. The sooner you accept it; the happier you'll be since you'll join those who have correctly assessed the evidence and stopped imagining what they think is proof.
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Did a right winger kill Kennedy???

Conspiracy theories aside, an American communist shot Kennedy.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Really Jake? How did Oswald get that bolt action rifle to fire off the last 2 shots almost simultaneously?

1) Numerous witnesses including Secret Service Agents and local lawmen said the cadence of the shots was:

BANG.........................BANG BANG.

The last two shots were almost simultaneous. IMPOSSIBLE with the 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano. And the particular weapon recovered was not a fast acting rifle. According to one of the Warren Commission testers: "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"

2) Prior to November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was a nobody. Please tell me WHY a month before the assassination someone visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald?
Its amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.

seriously,people need to wake up already and stop defending the lies and fairy tales of the government.

yep oswald killed kennedy alright.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Quite correct - Oswald killed Kennedy.

Aside from not introducing any pertinent evidence to further your claim, you instead regurgitate every long debunked "theory" you can slap together. Oswald did it - I know it's boring, but the truth actually is sometimes.
Its amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.

seriously,people need to wake up already and stop defending the lies and fairy tales of the government.

yep oswald killed kennedy alright.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Quite correct - Oswald killed Kennedy.

Aside from not introducing any pertinent evidence to further your claim, you instead regurgitate every long debunked "theory" you can slap together. Oswald did it - I know it's boring, but the truth actually is sometimes.

Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone is either clueless of all the evidence to the contrary or is a big government dupe.

Most of the evidence proving a conspiracy has NEVER been debunked...but some big government dupes think otherwise. Sad...very sad...

Government whether by monarch, dictator, or elected dunce has always lied to the people. Sadly many CHOSE to the believe the lies.
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Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone is either clueless of all the evidence to the contrary or is a big government dupe.

Most of the evidence proving a conspiracy has NEVER been debunked...but some big government dupes think otherwise. Sad...very sad...

Government whether by monarch, dictator, or elected dunce has always lied to the people. Sadly many CHOSE to the believe the lies.

... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.
Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone is either clueless of all the evidence to the contrary or is a big government dupe.

Most of the evidence proving a conspiracy has NEVER been debunked...but some big government dupes think otherwise. Sad...very sad...

Government whether by monarch, dictator, or elected dunce has always lied to the people. Sadly many CHOSE to the believe the lies.

... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.

Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.
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Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone is either clueless of all the evidence to the contrary or is a big government dupe.

Most of the evidence proving a conspiracy has NEVER been debunked...but some big government dupes think otherwise. Sad...very sad...

Government whether by monarch, dictator, or elected dunce has always lied to the people. Sadly many CHOSE to the believe the lies.

... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.

Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.
all have been asked and answered ....
... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.

Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.
all have been asked and answered ....

You are incapable of refuting anything 'gipper' posted , my guess is you haven't got a clue as to what he's talking about - in fact you appear to be totally clueless, yet pathetically arrogant, on any thread I find you.

Daws, you simple minded Hollywood-humping socialist, you truly are a clear and present danger to social sanity. You sir are a virus. Can you for once post something other than mindless whore shit .

You challenged me to an intellectual 'duel' in a private message, probably because you were too much of a pussy ass cum guzzler to do so in public - yet you haven't posted anything beyond one liners and asinine mindless comments in days.
Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone is either clueless of all the evidence to the contrary or is a big government dupe.

Most of the evidence proving a conspiracy has NEVER been debunked...but some big government dupes think otherwise. Sad...very sad...

Government whether by monarch, dictator, or elected dunce has always lied to the people. Sadly many CHOSE to the believe the lies.

... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.

Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.

Because you would of course believe anything I had to say, right? No, you would come back at me with still "more questions," because no matter how many times conspiracy nuts get hosed, they bounce back with the same debunked garbage time after time.

Homework, eh? I'll pass for now - I actually work for a living.
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... And anyone at this point who still believes in the cow-pie that the Gubm'nt ordered JFK dead is an out-of-touch attention whore who can not accept the fact that these conspiracy's are almost always baseless crap.

It's ALL been debunked - every stupid piece of it. I can force you to believe it, though.

Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.

Because you would of course believe anything I had to say, right? No, you would come back at me with still "more questions," because no matter how many times conspiracy nuts get hosed, they bounce back with the same debunked garbage time after time.

Homework, eh? I'll pass for now - I actually work for a living.

Do you believe Oswald acted alone?
Why to you continue to spout foolishness?

This threads and others have exposed the lies of the Warren Commission and the silly belief that Oswald was a nut job who acted alone. Anyone who has bothered to study the event KNOWS of the numerous contradictions and misinformation.

Please debunk just the following:
1. Why did several doctors at Parkland who administered to JFK, state on the record that he had an exit wound in the back of his head?
2. How does Oswald immigrate to the USSR,only to easily and without scrutiny return to the USA and all at the height of the Cold War?
3. How does Oswald become involved with so many people with ties to the CIA?
4. How does Ruby get easy access to the Dallas PD to shoot Oswald?
5. How do you explain Rose Cherami?
6. How do you explain the unbelievable lax security in Dallas the day of the shooting?
7. How do you explain men found behind the fence immediately after the shooting, claiming they were SS agents, when no SS agents were there?
8. How do you explain JFK's brain matter falling behind him, if he was shot from the rear?

I could go on and on, but lets see you debunk these points first.

Because you would of course believe anything I had to say, right? No, you would come back at me with still "more questions," because no matter how many times conspiracy nuts get hosed, they bounce back with the same debunked garbage time after time.

Homework, eh? I'll pass for now - I actually work for a living.

Do you believe Oswald acted alone?

Yes, I do. I believe that their was no conspiracy and the whole JFK assassination has been very easily explained ad nausium.

^^^^ There you go, folks - the "impossible" to replicate "magic bullet" fully replicated.
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Because you would of course believe anything I had to say, right? No, you would come back at me with still "more questions," because no matter how many times conspiracy nuts get hosed, they bounce back with the same debunked garbage time after time.

Homework, eh? I'll pass for now - I actually work for a living.

Do you believe Oswald acted alone?

Yes, I do. I believe that their was no conspiracy and the whole JFK assassination has been very easily explained ad nausium.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZRUNYZY71g]JFK Assassination Magic Bullet Test (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]

^^^^ There you go, folks - the "impossible" to replicate "magic bullet" fully replicated.

I bet you believe Obama when he said ad nauseum...."We will keep this promise to the American people … if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period."

I bet you believe you have an account at the Social Security Administration waiting to pay for your retirement.

I bet you believe the Federal Reserve is a bank run by the federal government.

I bet you believe LBJ when he escalated the Vietnam War after the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

I bet you believe the US Government is NOT spying on Americans.

I bet you believe the bailouts of Wall Street saved America and the world from certain economic catastrophe.
Do you believe Oswald acted alone?

Yes, I do. I believe that their was no conspiracy and the whole JFK assassination has been very easily explained ad nausium.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZRUNYZY71g]JFK Assassination Magic Bullet Test (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]

^^^^ There you go, folks - the "impossible" to replicate "magic bullet" fully replicated.

I bet you believe Obama when he said ad nauseum...."We will keep this promise to the American people … if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period."

I bet you believe you have an account at the Social Security Administration waiting to pay for your retirement.

I bet you believe the Federal Reserve is a bank run by the federal government.

I bet you believe LBJ when he escalated the Vietnam War after the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

I bet you believe the US Government is NOT spying on Americans.

I bet you believe the bailouts of Wall Street saved America and the world from certain economic catastrophe.

I bet you believe you are smarter than and see clearer than everybody else.
Because you would of course believe anything I had to say, right? No, you would come back at me with still "more questions," because no matter how many times conspiracy nuts get hosed, they bounce back with the same debunked garbage time after time.

Homework, eh? I'll pass for now - I actually work for a living.

Do you believe Oswald acted alone?

Yes, I do. I believe that their was no conspiracy and the whole JFK assassination has been very easily explained ad nausium.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZRUNYZY71g]JFK Assassination Magic Bullet Test (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]

^^^^ There you go, folks - the "impossible" to replicate "magic bullet" fully replicated.

Can you explain how Oswald was able to fire the last two shots almost simultaneously using a bolt action 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target," according to one of the Warren Commission testers?

If Oswald acted alone, can you explain why a month and a half before Oswald acted 'alone', an imposter showed up at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald...?

Phone call between FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the new President Lyndon Johnson. This call occurred at 10:01 AM on the morning of November 23, 1963, less than 24 hours after the assassination, while Oswald was still alive in a jail cell in Dallas. The most explosive portion of this transcript is reproduced below:

LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico in September?

Hoover: No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.
Can you explain how Oswald was able to fire the last two shots almost simultaneously using a bolt action 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target," according to one of the Warren Commission testers?

If Oswald acted alone, can you explain why a month and a half before Oswald acted 'alone', an imposter showed up at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald...?

Phone call between FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the new President Lyndon Johnson. This call occurred at 10:01 AM on the morning of November 23, 1963, less than 24 hours after the assassination, while Oswald was still alive in a jail cell in Dallas. The most explosive portion of this transcript is reproduced below:

LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico in September?

Hoover: No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.

What exactly do you know about the bolt action 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle? My guess is nothing and you are banking on the fact that I know nothing either so that you can come across as some kind of "expert."

Comment from YouTube video -

The simple fact that Oswald used a crappy cheap-ass Carcano proves that it wasn't a Gov't conspiracy. They would have supplied him with a decent rifle like a Mauser 1909 Argentino. Oswald was dirt poor so that was all he could get. That shows how much of a joke he was as an assassin. He just made a lucky shot.

If Oswald acted alone, can you explain why a month and a half before Oswald acted 'alone', an imposter showed up at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald...?

I think that this person was incorrectly identified as Oswald after the fact.

11.2 seconds

Within hours of John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, the Kodak film exposed by Abraham Zapruder became the most important home movie ever made. The 26 seconds-long moving picture, it was thought, captured in full the shooting and death of a president. Or as Life magazine (which purchased the rights to the Zapruder film) put it in 1966, “Of all the witnesses to the tragedy, the only unimpeachable one is the 8-mm movie camera of Abraham Zapruder, which recorded the assassination in sequence.” (1)

The truth turns out to be more complicated. Yes, Zapruder filmed the death, but he did not capture the entire shooting sequence for posterity. It is fallacious to conflate the film with everything that happened, to believe that the rifle fire commenced only after the Dallas dressmaker decided to turn on his camera.

It is indisputable that the Zapruder film graphically depicts, in so-called “Z” frames that have become iconic, the second and third shots Lee Harvey Oswald fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. By frame Z 225, John Kennedy and Texas governor John Connally are reacting violently, and within milliseconds of one another, to being wounded by Oswald’s second shot as the presidential limousine emerges from behind a sign that briefly obscured Zapruder’s view. (2) About 4.9 seconds later, Z 313 captures, in all its gore, the third and fatal shot that opened up Kennedy’s head as if a small stick of dynamite had been placed in his right ear. (3)

The majority of ear- and eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza, however, heard three shots, and Dallas lawmen found three expended cartridge cases afterward in the assassin’s perch. Accordingly, the Zapruder film has always been pored over, as if it were a Rosetta stone, by students of the assassination looking for equally persuasive visual evidence that would reveal the timing of the pesky first shot. (4) The presidential limousine was much closer to Oswald’s rifle during the first shot, yet paradoxically, this bullet missed everything.

Estimates as to which Zapruder frame coincided with the first shot have gyrated over the decades. The moment the first shot occurred also dictates, of course, the total amount of time Oswald had to fire all three shots, and how much time elapsed between them. Now, after more than 43 years, there may finally be a rational explanation that squares with the most important and salient facts.

The first federal panel to investigate the assassination, the Warren Commission, actually chose not to hazard a guess about when the first shot occurred, emphasizing instead that there had to be at least 2.3 seconds between shots. (5) Ultimately, the Commission’s cautious arithmetic suggested the entire shooting might have taken as long as 8.3 seconds, or as little as 5.6 seconds. (6) Some 15 years later, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), which was much more certain about which shot of Oswald’s was the errant one, estimated that the first shot might have been fired as early as Z 158, making the entire shooting sequence assassination approximately 8.5 seconds long. (7)

In what is considered by many to be the definitive account of the assassination, Gerald Posner, in his 1993 book Case Closed, posited that the errant first shot was fired at Z 160, which put the entire shooting sequence at 8.4 seconds. (8) In the 13 years since Posner’s book, several highly respected students of the assassination have weighed in with reputable analyses of the first shot’s timing. Their estimates lead to total elapsed times of around 8.8, 8.4, and 8.6 seconds.

As the timing of the first shot wanders, though, the Zapruder film begins to resemble a Rorschach test rather than a Rosetta stone. (9) More to the point, it turns out that all of these estimates, regardless of their underlying rationale, rest on a common and unexamined premise: that since the second and third shots were captured by the Zapruder film, the first one must have been, too. (10)

We believe that is not the case.

Zapruder’s 26-second movie actually has two distinct segments. Seven seconds or 132 frames after he began filming, Zapruder abruptly stopped because all he was recording was Dallas police “motor jockeys” driving by. He did not restart his Bell & Howell “Zoomatic” until what professional photographers call the “money shot,” the president’s limousine, was clearly in view. Thus, the first Zapruder frame to show the dark blue Lincoln was Z 133—a frame exposed several seconds after the limousine had completed the sharp, slow turn onto Elm Street from Houston, and, we contend, after the first shot had already been fired.

Any theory involving a first shot even as early as Z 150 faces an insurmountable problem. It directly contradicts the earwitness testimony of dozens of Dealey Plaza observers, including such notables as then-Dallas mayor Earle Cabell and then-U.S. Senator Ralph Yarborough, both of whom were experienced hunters. “There was a longer pause between the first and second shots than there was between the second and third shots,” testified Cabell. (11) In an affidavit, Yarborough recalled, “ . . . to me there seemed to be a long time between the first and second shots, a much shorter time between the second and third shots.” (12) All told, a sizeable majority of earwitnesses swore that the second and third shots were bunched closer together than the first and second shots. (13) Yet a shot at Z 150 (not to mention a later one) must ignore all this testimony, because Z 150 necessarily means that the interval between the first and second shots was appreciably shorter than the interval between the second and third. (14) A shot that occurred before Zapruder was filming, however, would neatly correspond with what so many earwitnesses heard.

On top of what so many heard, one must consider what so many saw. A number of key eyewitnesses, including Howard Brennan, the Dallas construction worker who looked up and saw Oswald firing from the sixth floor, and James Jarman, Jr., a Book Depository employee who was looking down on the motorcade from the fifth floor, testified that the first shot occurred a short distance down Elm Street, just after the president’s limousine turned left from Houston. “And after the president had passed my position,” Brennan testified, “I really couldn’t say how many feet or how far, a short distance I would say, I heard this crack that I positively thought was a backfire.” (15) Jarman recalled, “After the motorcade turned, going west on Elm, then there was a loud shot, or backfire, as I thought it was then.” (16) Both these accounts coincided with the testimony of Wesley Frazier, another Book Depository employee, who was standing on the steps at the entrance. “ . . . just right after [the president] went by—he hadn’t hardly got by—I heard a sound,” Frazier said in sworn testimony. (17)

Several agents in the Secret Service car tail-gating the presidential limousine made remarkably similar observations. “As we completed the left turn and on a short distance, there was a shot,” recalled agent Samuel Kinney, driver of the follow-up Cadillac, in his written account. (18) “Just prior to the shooting the presidential car turned left at the intersection and started down an incline . . . . After a very short distance I heard a loud report which sounded like a firecracker,” wrote agent George Hickey.(19) The “president’s car and the follow-up car had just completed their turns and both were straightening out,” wrote agent Paul Landis in his November 1963 report. “At this moment I heard what sounded like the report of a high-powered rifle from behind me, over my right shoulder.” (20)

Contacted just a few days ago, Paul Landis reiterated his clear recollection that the first shot occurred before the presidential limousine had traveled very far down Elm. (21) No one’s memory was more exacting, though, than that of T.E. Moore, a Dallas County clerk who was standing on Elm Street. As Moore recalled in Larry Sneed’s outstanding book No More Silence, a 1998 compilation of oral histories about the assassination, “There was a highway markersign right in front of the Book Depository, and as the president got around to that, the first shot was fired.” (22)

If one drops the illusion that the Zapruder film depicted the assassination in full, it has the added virtue of resolving two bewildering puzzles that have always defied explanation. The first one is, why didn’t Oswald shoot before Z 150, when the president was a closer target? The answer is that Oswald did. He fired the first bullet from his Mannlicher-Carcano within an instant of Kennedy’s back becoming squarely visible, which occurred well before Z 133, the moment Zapruder turned his camera back on.

The second puzzle, which has been even more exasperating to resolve, is how did Oswald, who would promptly hit President Kennedy in the back at a distance of around 190 feet, and then in the head at a distance of 265 feet, manage to be so inaccurate on the first and closest of his shots? A first shot earlier than anyone has posited finally gives a plausible answer to that question, too.

Approximately 1.4 seconds before Zapruder restarted his camera at frame 133, a horizontal traffic pole or arm extending over Elm Street momentarily obscured Oswald's bead on his target. (23) That traffic pole has never been examined for a dent or metallic copper residue by any of the official investigations into the assassination. Yet if the first shot inadvertently clipped this arching metal pole, it would certainly explain how Oswald missed not only JFK, but the entire limousine. (24) Telling photos taken shortly after November 22 reveal that the “highway marker sign” cited by T.E. Moore was just a few feet west of the traffic light’s vertical pole (the marker sign has long since been removed). (25)

One irony here is that the Warren Commission, early in its investigation, recognized that the first shot could well have taken place before Zapruder restarted his Zoomatic. Buried deep in the supplementary volumes to the Warren Report is a reference to what the Commission staff labeled “Position A.” (26) It was defined as a moment that did not appear on the Zapruder film, but represented the “first point at which a person in the sixth floor window of the Book Building . . . could have gotten a shot at the president[‘s back] after the car had rounded the corner.” (27)According to our calculations, Oswald realized what the Warren Commission labeled "Position A," and squeezed off his first shot, just as the horizontal traffic pole fleetingly obscured the president's body at 1.4 seconds prior to Z 133. (28) A first shot at this juncture means that Oswald fired three shots in an elapsed time of approximately 11.2 seconds, with intervals of around 6.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds between the shots. (29) The Warren Commission might be faulted here, but only for failing to pursue an early insight to its logical conclusion, and neglecting to mention “Position A” in its final report. (30)

The traffic light still located on northwest corner of Elm and Houston is, by all appearances, fundamentally identical to the pole-and-arm combination that was there in 1963. (31) (According to Dallas city archivist John Slate, relevant maintenance records typically only go back three to five years). (32) If the arm extending over Elm is intact, it might not be too late for an expert inspection by a metallurgist. And even if the results are short of conclusive because of the passage of time, what transpired in Dealey Plaza has, at last, a truly plausible explanation.

Notwithstanding this belated correction to our understanding, the Zapruder film will undoubtedly remain the most scrutinized and saddest movie ever made. Upon viewing it, one will continue to hope that this time, somehow, the president makes it through Dealey Plaza unscathed. But Kennedy will
still "die anew before our eyes every time," as the critic David Lubin once put it. (33)

It is no small irony, then, that we can only sort out what happened when we overcome the spell cast by Abe Zapruder's film, and adopt a new
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