Did a right winger kill Kennedy???

conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Not to go conspiracy whackjob on you but if you were going to kill the POTUS, wouldn't you have had a better plan than he had immediately after the shooting?

I have no doubt Oswald was the lone gunman. But the actions after the killing leave me wondering about his motivations/motivators. That and he was able to defect from the US to the USSR, then back again. He had to be one of a very few who was ever able to do that during the cold war. And THEN the presidential motorcade just happens to go buy a building where he worked?

Seems incredible to me.
If I had been Oswald ,after making the shot ,I'd have casually made my way out of the area or had a car parked near by....
then you've just proven your idiocy , only someone in denial would claim Lincoln's murder was not a conspiracy!
that's gotta go on the dumbest remarks ever made list!
thanks for the laugh!

You are a fool.

Lincoln's murder was fully and justly defined and prosecuted. JFK's was not. See the difference? guess not...
nice dodge! sorry but that's effect not cause...

Lets review...you claimed anyone who considers the JFK assassination as conspiracy, sees conspiracy in EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING....REALLY? I completely destroyed your foolish and childish theory by citing many examples where I do not see a conspiracy. You ignored that you lost the first debate by picking out my listing the Lincoln murder as an example of an event that I do not see a conspiracy, at least one that is unsolved. Funny...you see a conspiracy in the Lincoln murder, but not JFK...strange. And comparing the Lincoln murder to JFK's is dumb. One was solved. The other was not.
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You are a fool.

Lincoln's murder was fully and justly defined and prosecuted. JFK's was not. See the difference? guess not...
nice dodge! sorry but that's effect not cause...

Lets review...you claimed anyone who considers the JFK assassination as conspiracy, sees conspiracy in EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING....REALLY? I completely destroyed your foolish and childish theory by citing many examples where I do not see a conspiracy. You ignored that you lost the first debate by picking out my listing the Lincoln murder as an example of an event that I do not see a conspiracy, at least one that is unsolved. Funny...you see a conspiracy in the Lincoln murder, but not JFK...strange. And comparing the Lincoln murder to JFK's is dumb. One was solved. The other was not.
the false assumption is strong with this one..
btw I never said there was no conspiracy in the JFK assassination..you assumed that.
but than again you are under the delusion that you destroyed something....oh yeah I always ignore the massive pretense and hubris of tin asshats!
No, Lee Harvey Oswald was a bona fide Commie.What self respecting Conservative would spend his time bouncing back and forth between the Russian and Cuban Consulates in Mexico City?
C'mon, do the world a favor and give those funny irregularly shaped non cylindrical cigarettes and the nose candy a rest. Your nasal turbinates will thank you while the rest of you is catching up to reality.
No, Lee Harvey Oswald was a bona fide Commie.What self respecting Conservative would spend his time bouncing back and forth between the Russian and Cuban Consulates in Mexico City?
C'mon, do the world a favor and give those funny irregularly shaped non cylindrical cigarettes and the nose candy a rest. Your nasal turbinates will thank you while the rest of you is catching up to reality.
conservatives don't do drugs, now that is funny!
The left is desperate to turn history around and accuse "the vast right wing conspiracy" (sound familiar?) of JFK's death but it seems that they are stuck with a left wing traitor who renounced his citizenship. The question that nobody seems to ask is why was Oswald invited back into the US during the JFK administration?
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Not to go conspiracy whackjob on you but if you were going to kill the POTUS, wouldn't you have had a better plan than he had immediately after the shooting?

I have no doubt Oswald was the lone gunman. But the actions after the killing leave me wondering about his motivations/motivators. That and he was able to defect from the US to the USSR, then back again. He had to be one of a very few who was ever able to do that during the cold war. And THEN the presidential motorcade just happens to go buy a building where he worked?

Seems incredible to me.

There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so. Then merely takes a bus home and then supposedly goes to the theater, but kills Tippet along the way...murder a police officer in broad day light, then sit in a movie theater....WTF!

A "supposedly" known communist (a former Marine, with intelligence ties, immigrates to USSR, and magically is freely allowed back into the States without interrogation, at the height of the Cold War) is working at a building overlooking the president's motorcade route...and the SS does not check him out...the SS does not close the Book Depository...SS agents are pulled off the rear of the limo at Love Field, motorcycle cops BEHIND JFK are splattered with his blood and brains, and immediately ride up the grassy knoll looking for the shooter, Zapruder film clearly shows JFK being hit from front right....it goes on and on and on.....

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Not to go conspiracy whackjob on you but if you were going to kill the POTUS, wouldn't you have had a better plan than he had immediately after the shooting?

I have no doubt Oswald was the lone gunman. But the actions after the killing leave me wondering about his motivations/motivators. That and he was able to defect from the US to the USSR, then back again. He had to be one of a very few who was ever able to do that during the cold war. And THEN the presidential motorcade just happens to go buy a building where he worked?

Seems incredible to me.

There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so. Then merely takes a bus home and then supposedly goes to the theater, but kills Tippet along the way...murder a police officer in broad day light, then sit in a movie theater....WTF!

A "supposedly" known communist (a former Marine, with intelligence ties, immigrates to USSR, and magically is freely allowed back into the States without interrogation, at the height of the Cold War) is working at a building overlooking the president's motorcade route...and the SS does not check him out...the SS does not close the Book Depository...SS agents are pulled off the rear of the limo at Love Field, motorcycle cops BEHIND JFK are splattered with his blood and brains, and immediately ride up the grassy knoll looking for the shooter, Zapruder film clearly shows JFK being hit from front right....it goes on and on and on.....

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.

Indeed someone would have to be a retard to believe the case against oswald.:cuckoo:

Kennedy had an incredible number of death threats given to him in the state of texas in the prior months before.They spat on and struck his friend adlai stevenson over the head with a sign in his prior visit shortly before kennedys trip to dallas and the SS violated standard routine protocol.

The secret service when the president is making a trip to a city that had innumerble death threats given to him,standard protocal is you have the agents go down there in advance and scout out the area and seal manhole covers,and never allow buildings to open up windows and they place agents in those buildings ready to go to that floor at a moments notice if a window gets open,they have agents across the street with rifles ready in case a window goes up.you also dont have the motorcycles riding to the back of the year bumpers.you have them flanking him on the sides and the agents riding on the rear bumper running boards.None of that was done in dallas that day which was UNPRECEDENTED!!!!:cuckoo:

The thing that proves beyond a doubt it was a conspiracy is at his stops in fort worth and in Houston,the secret service agents WERE on the back running boards and the motorcycle officers WERE flanking him on the sides like they are suppose to.

The other thing that proves it a conspiracy is the official version by the government and media as to why he there were no motorcycle officers flanking him on the sides and no secret service agents riding the running boards is they said kennedy told the secret service not to do that which is pure b.s. His white house aides said that Kennedy went along with the secret service's recommedations and let them make the decisions all the time.

But the thing that proves that to be bullshit more than anything else that he ordered the motocycles off the sides and go the rear bumpers and to have the ss agents not ride the running boards in texas because he wanted the crowd to have an unobstructed view of him is that is bulltshit because I have a book with all kinds of photos of his visit to texas that day and prior to him entering dealy plaza,the crowds are in the THOUSANDS lined up on the streets on the curb only 10 feet away from his or so and the motorcycle officers ARE flanking him on the sides of the limo and the secret service agents ARE on the rear running boards.

He arrives in dallas and they are still flanking him on the sides of the limo and the two agents are on the rear running boards with again,the crowds lined up in the THOUSANDS,but soon as they approach dealy plaza,the two agents on the running boards are ordered off the running boards and the motorcycle officers that were flanking him on the sides are no longer flanking him on the sides anymore and are behind the rear bumpers and the crowds have THINNED OUT going from THOUSANDS to just a couple hundred or so in dealy plaza so much for the lies that Kennedy wanted them to not flank him or have agents on the running boards so the crowd could see him better.

Like he is really going to have them be on the running boards and the officers flanking him on the sides when the crowds are in the thousands and then have them not be flanking him and not be on the running boards so the crowds that have thinned out to less than a couple hundred in dealy plaza going from thousands ot a couple hundred,so the couple hundred or so CAN see him with no problems but the THOUSANDS cant? yeah right.:cuckoo:

then there is the motorcylce officer who ran up the grassy knoll towards the fence spotting a man in a suit and when the officer came towards him waving a gun,this man flashes the officer creditials saying he is with the secret service.Only problem is all secret servicemen were ALL in the motocade and all went to the hospital and did not come back till like 45 minutes later.

So who was impersonating these secret servicemen?:cuckoo: CIA covert operation officers obviously. Plus many people that served in the marines with oswald and even former CIA officers said oswald was working for the CIA and navy intelliegence.going to ignore those people?:cuckoo:

Here is what I was talking about on the secret service and how they violated protocols that day.

here it is. the only conspiracy CRAP is the crap trolls keep saying that oswald was a commie who killed kennedy.:cuckoo:

Vince Palamara: Secret Service-JFK Fact Sheet

as you can see from the video below,the secret service agent was appalled that he was being told by his superiour here not to ride the running boards going into dealy plaza.yep no conspiracy by our government.:cuckoo:
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Its amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.

seriously,people need to wake up already and stop defending the lies and fairy tales of the government.

yep oswald killed kennedy alright.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Its amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.

seriously,people need to wake up already and stop defending the lies and fairy tales of the government.

yep oswald killed kennedy alright.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Some people "want' to believe their government. They do not want to accept that their government has lied to them. So those you accept the government's version of the JFK murder, clearly are delusional. History clearly shows government whether by dictator, monarch, or democrat lies with impunity.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Not to go conspiracy whackjob on you but if you were going to kill the POTUS, wouldn't you have had a better plan than he had immediately after the shooting?

I have no doubt Oswald was the lone gunman. But the actions after the killing leave me wondering about his motivations/motivators. That and he was able to defect from the US to the USSR, then back again. He had to be one of a very few who was ever able to do that during the cold war. And THEN the presidential motorcade just happens to go buy a building where he worked?

Seems incredible to me.

There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so.
Factually incorrect.

Then merely takes a bus home and then supposedly goes to the theater, but kills Tippet along the way...murder a police officer in broad day light, then sit in a movie theater....WTF!

After shedding his jacket and getting his gun...it points to someone who was left in the lurch more than someone who was innocent.

A "supposedly" known communist (a former Marine, with intelligence ties, immigrates to USSR, and magically is freely allowed back into the States without interrogation, at the height of the Cold War) is working at a building overlooking the president's motorcade route...and the SS does not check him out...the SS does not close the Book Depository
Sounds too fishy to be just a coincidence...totally agree with you there.

...SS agents are pulled off the rear of the limo at Love Field, motorcycle cops BEHIND JFK are splattered with his blood and brains, and immediately ride up the grassy knoll looking for the shooter, Zapruder film clearly shows JFK being hit from front right....it goes on and on and on.....
Here is where you get silly. His head actually goes forward momentarily then back and to the left. Anyone whose body was going limp in the back of a vehicle that stopped then gunned the engine likely would react similarly. There was no second shooter.

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.

Oswald was the shooter. Else, where is the rifle he ordered except in police custody and where are these curtain rods he said he had brought?

You have to introduce a "them" or "they" into it to explain it which is always a giveaway that it's unexplainable. No doubt in my mind he was the lone gunman. Also no doubt in my mind there is more to this than just a guy going off the deep end.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Yep, just one crazy guy with a gun and a Secret Service that was told to "stand down".

Just watch the first 40 seconds of this video from the original press film of the motorcade before it reached Dealey Plaza, then go put your head back in the sand.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8]JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown - YouTube[/ame]
Wow. I entered this thread just out of curiosity for a goofy title, but now I am more educated about Kennedy's assassination than I was in the last 26 years in America. and it only took less than 2 minutes. somehow TV managed not to show it from the right angle to notice it.
Not to go conspiracy whackjob on you but if you were going to kill the POTUS, wouldn't you have had a better plan than he had immediately after the shooting?

I have no doubt Oswald was the lone gunman. But the actions after the killing leave me wondering about his motivations/motivators. That and he was able to defect from the US to the USSR, then back again. He had to be one of a very few who was ever able to do that during the cold war. And THEN the presidential motorcade just happens to go buy a building where he worked?

Seems incredible to me.

There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so.
Factually incorrect.

After shedding his jacket and getting his gun...it points to someone who was left in the lurch more than someone who was innocent.

Sounds too fishy to be just a coincidence...totally agree with you there.

...SS agents are pulled off the rear of the limo at Love Field, motorcycle cops BEHIND JFK are splattered with his blood and brains, and immediately ride up the grassy knoll looking for the shooter, Zapruder film clearly shows JFK being hit from front right....it goes on and on and on.....
Here is where you get silly. His head actually goes forward momentarily then back and to the left. Anyone whose body was going limp in the back of a vehicle that stopped then gunned the engine likely would react similarly. There was no second shooter.

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.

Oswald was the shooter. Else, where is the rifle he ordered except in police custody and where are these curtain rods he said he had brought?

You have to introduce a "them" or "they" into it to explain it which is always a giveaway that it's unexplainable. No doubt in my mind he was the lone gunman. Also no doubt in my mind there is more to this than just a guy going off the deep end.

It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?

Silly? Really? When someone is shot in the back of the head, their brains and skull fragments do land behind them. So, you are misinformed. Parkland doctors who administered to JFK said he had an EXIT wound in the BACK of his head. JFK's head does NOT go forward...it goes back and to the left.

We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
There are too many inconsistencies and disinformation related to the government's case against Oswald. It stretches credulity.

As you say, Oswald is claimed to have murdered the president, but just mills around the Book Depository after doing so.
Factually incorrect.

After shedding his jacket and getting his gun...it points to someone who was left in the lurch more than someone who was innocent.

Sounds too fishy to be just a coincidence...totally agree with you there.

Here is where you get silly. His head actually goes forward momentarily then back and to the left. Anyone whose body was going limp in the back of a vehicle that stopped then gunned the engine likely would react similarly. There was no second shooter.

What is incredible to me, is that anyone would believe the government's case against Oswald.

Oswald was the shooter. Else, where is the rifle he ordered except in police custody and where are these curtain rods he said he had brought?

You have to introduce a "them" or "they" into it to explain it which is always a giveaway that it's unexplainable. No doubt in my mind he was the lone gunman. Also no doubt in my mind there is more to this than just a guy going off the deep end.

It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?
Well, yes, he didn't beam him self out of the building as they do on Star Trek...got me on that one Kirk.

Silly? Really? When someone is shot in the back of the head, their brains and skull fragments do land behind them. So, you are misinformed. Parkland doctors who administered to JFK said he had an EXIT wound in the BACK of his head. JFK's head does NOT go forward...it goes back and to the left.
You need to look at the Zapruder film in slow motion to see what happens at the point of impact. His head goes back and to the left after the momentum from the automobile starts up again.
We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes you are. You have no evidence yet you claim there is ambiguity. There is a photo of him with the murder weapon. There is a receipt for his purchase of the murder weapon. There is no evidence of his bringing "curtain rods" into the building outside of him saying so.

And when you factor in his actions post-shooting...he adds color to the portrait of guilt that is already far to clear to any one who actually looks at the evidence.
Factually incorrect.

After shedding his jacket and getting his gun...it points to someone who was left in the lurch more than someone who was innocent.

Sounds too fishy to be just a coincidence...totally agree with you there.

Here is where you get silly. His head actually goes forward momentarily then back and to the left. Anyone whose body was going limp in the back of a vehicle that stopped then gunned the engine likely would react similarly. There was no second shooter.

Oswald was the shooter. Else, where is the rifle he ordered except in police custody and where are these curtain rods he said he had brought?

You have to introduce a "them" or "they" into it to explain it which is always a giveaway that it's unexplainable. No doubt in my mind he was the lone gunman. Also no doubt in my mind there is more to this than just a guy going off the deep end.

It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?
Well, yes, he didn't beam him self out of the building as they do on Star Trek...got me on that one Kirk.

Silly? Really? When someone is shot in the back of the head, their brains and skull fragments do land behind them. So, you are misinformed. Parkland doctors who administered to JFK said he had an EXIT wound in the BACK of his head. JFK's head does NOT go forward...it goes back and to the left.
You need to look at the Zapruder film in slow motion to see what happens at the point of impact. His head goes back and to the left after the momentum from the automobile starts up again.
We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes you are. You have no evidence yet you claim there is ambiguity. There is a photo of him with the murder weapon. There is a receipt for his purchase of the murder weapon. There is no evidence of his bringing "curtain rods" into the building outside of him saying so.

And when you factor in his actions post-shooting...he adds color to the portrait of guilt that is already far to clear to any one who actually looks at the evidence.

Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.

I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

And comments on the Zapruder film is complete foolishness. As soon as the bullet heads JFK's head it explodes and he falls back and left. Clearly from a shot fired from the front.
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It is factually correct that he "milled around" after he supposedly killed JFK. Are you not aware that Oswald was confronted by a Dallas police officer, while in the lunch room, after the shooting?
Well, yes, he didn't beam him self out of the building as they do on Star Trek...got me on that one Kirk.

You need to look at the Zapruder film in slow motion to see what happens at the point of impact. His head goes back and to the left after the momentum from the automobile starts up again.
We have no way of knowing for sure if Oswald was the shooter, yet you KNOW he was. And I am the silly one.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes you are. You have no evidence yet you claim there is ambiguity. There is a photo of him with the murder weapon. There is a receipt for his purchase of the murder weapon. There is no evidence of his bringing "curtain rods" into the building outside of him saying so.

And when you factor in his actions post-shooting...he adds color to the portrait of guilt that is already far to clear to any one who actually looks at the evidence.

Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?
I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?
Well, yes, he didn't beam him self out of the building as they do on Star Trek...got me on that one Kirk.

You need to look at the Zapruder film in slow motion to see what happens at the point of impact. His head goes back and to the left after the momentum from the automobile starts up again.

Yes you are. You have no evidence yet you claim there is ambiguity. There is a photo of him with the murder weapon. There is a receipt for his purchase of the murder weapon. There is no evidence of his bringing "curtain rods" into the building outside of him saying so.

And when you factor in his actions post-shooting...he adds color to the portrait of guilt that is already far to clear to any one who actually looks at the evidence.

Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?
I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?

Oh please, everyone left work that day. You are grabbing a straws to believe a lie. Why?

I never stated I thought Oswald innocent, however I do not think he acted alone. I do not know and you don't either, if Oswald even fired a gun that day.

You have to look at the entirety of the event.

How do you explain Oswald's many ties to the CIA?
How do you explain Oswald's easy return to the USA after defecting to the USSR?
How do you explain Oswald being seen with Ruby, Ferrie, and Guy Bannister?
How do you explain Oswald's relationship with George de Mohrenschildt?
How do you explain the shell casings found at Tippit's shooting that differ from Oswald's gun?
How do you explain the unbelievably lax security that day in Dallas?
How do you explain Ruby's easy access to Oswald the day he shot him?
How do you explain Parkland doctors initial statements of entrance wounds in front and exit wounds in back?
How do you explain the presence of SS agents behind the fence, after the shooting, when no SS agents were there?
I could go on and on and on....

The Zapruder film proves without a doubt that he was shot from the front. Jackie would never had to grab JFK's brain matter off the rear of the limo, if he were shot from the rear.
Oswald was found in the lunchroom by patrolman Baker only seconds after the shooting. The WC estimated it at 75 seconds after the last shot. The lunchroom is on the second floor. Oswald had to race down the stairs and act unfazed in the lunchroom. Seems a bit strange for a guy who just killed the Potus. He makes no effort to conceal himself. Why wouldn't Oswald hide rather than be out in the open to be clearly seen by the patrolman ascending the stairs? How does Oswald race across the sixth floor down the stairs to the lunchroom, yet no one sees or hears him, and there were many people in the building that day. Some even testified they were on that same stairway right after the shooting.

Baker testified the Oswald was "calm and collected." Unlikely considering he just raced across the sixth floor and down four flights of stairs....and all without being seen by anyone after committing the centuries greatest murder.
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?
I would think a guilty man would do all he could to get away as fast as he could. He would not get caught in the lunchroom. He would not take a bus home and then go to the theater. He would try to get as far from Dallas as possible as quick as possible.

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?

Oh please, everyone left work that day. You are grabbing a straws to believe a lie. Why?

I never stated I thought Oswald innocent, however I do not think he acted alone. I do not know and you don't either, if Oswald even fired a gun that day.

You have to look at the entirety of the event.

How do you explain Oswald's many ties to the CIA?
How do you explain Oswald's easy return to the USA after defecting to the USSR?
How do you explain Oswald being seen with Ruby, Ferrie, and Guy Bannister?
How do you explain Oswald's relationship with George de Mohrenschildt?
How do you explain the shell casings found at Tippit's shooting that differ from Oswald's gun?
How do you explain the unbelievably lax security that day in Dallas?
How do you explain Ruby's easy access to Oswald the day he shot him?
How do you explain Parkland doctors initial statements of entrance wounds in front and exit wounds in back?
How do you explain the presence of SS agents behind the fence, after the shooting, when no SS agents were there?
I could go on and on and on....

The Zapruder film proves without a doubt that he was shot from the front. Jackie would never had to grab JFK's brain matter off the rear of the limo, if he were shot from the rear.

the four casings are linked to oswalds 38
And then he leaves work in the middle of the day....why would he do that? Did any of his co-workers leave work in the middle of the day too?

So to you, those bizarre actions, the taking the bus (and a cab, you left that out--also shedding his jacket, collecting his revolver, entering a movie theater without paying) sound like the actions of an innocent person? If you don't think a guilty man would do that...it seems as though you're saying that these strange actions are the stuff of an innocent man?

Oh please, everyone left work that day. You are grabbing a straws to believe a lie. Why?

I never stated I thought Oswald innocent, however I do not think he acted alone. I do not know and you don't either, if Oswald even fired a gun that day.

You have to look at the entirety of the event.

How do you explain Oswald's many ties to the CIA?
How do you explain Oswald's easy return to the USA after defecting to the USSR?
How do you explain Oswald being seen with Ruby, Ferrie, and Guy Bannister?
How do you explain Oswald's relationship with George de Mohrenschildt?
How do you explain the shell casings found at Tippit's shooting that differ from Oswald's gun?
How do you explain the unbelievably lax security that day in Dallas?
How do you explain Ruby's easy access to Oswald the day he shot him?
How do you explain Parkland doctors initial statements of entrance wounds in front and exit wounds in back?
How do you explain the presence of SS agents behind the fence, after the shooting, when no SS agents were there?
I could go on and on and on....

The Zapruder film proves without a doubt that he was shot from the front. Jackie would never had to grab JFK's brain matter off the rear of the limo, if he were shot from the rear.

the four casings are linked to oswalds 38

classic.typical of a disinfo agent,when confronted with facts,evade them and change the subject.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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