Did a right winger kill Kennedy???

Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!
If the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSDB, struck the back of President Kennedy's head at a downward angle, where is the exit wound that would be in his face???

He was shot in the temple (just like Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff shows after talking to the Parkland doctors)


And the back of his head was blown out, just like Dr. McClelland shows in the sketch he drew and the picture, along with about 20 other Parkland doctors, nurses and medical assistants saw.


ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD: "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been shattered...so that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." (WC--V6:33)



First of all it is only assumption that the exit wound would be on his face.

Second of all there is also no entrance wound on his face or temple as is clearly seen in all photographs taken after the assassination. This proves Kilduff was simply wrong.


In addition when these doctors at Parkland claim they closely examined his head wound they being subjective.

They all universally agree Kennedy remained on his back until after he was declared dead and his body was wrapped up to be placed in a casket.

The truth is none of them examined his head wound closely it was not important to their duties.

These doctors were emergency room doctors whose expertise and job was to save his life. To perform life saving measures.

They were not experts in bullet wounds and pathrology who were expected to examine details to determine precisely how he was wounded

This is what autopsies are for and the autopsy clearly established and proved that the entrance wound was in the back.

This is why the doctors at Parkland gave honest opinions about a " large " wound but this does not prove an exit or entrance wound only a LARGE wound.
The bullet wa
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!

The bullet was not pristine and in fact it was damged and missing mass in a manner perfectly consistent with hitting two bodies.

The reason you believe it is pristine is because virtually every conspiracy theory writer ( who wishes you to believe in magic bullet theories ) only publishes select photographs which show the side of the bullet which is less damaged.

Otehrs who are more honest will show you the other side and the back end where the damage and missing fragments are located.

The reason this is on the back end of the bullet rather than the tip is because the bullet in question was a tumbler. This is something well documented long before Kennedy was shot. Bullet performance is studied in detail and published for competitive shooters year after year and long before 1963 this type and lot of ammunition was recognized as such ( tumblers ). A tumbler will simply begin spinning end over end after striking anything. Therefore it is no surprise that the back end of the bullet struck Connaly's wrist causin g heavy damage to the bullet even as the tip had just penetrated Kennedy and the bullet passed through soft tissue.

Nothing at all magical about it and in fact the bullet followed a normal ballistic path which is nearly a straight line. The curvers swerves and zigzags all dreamed up by conspiracy theorists such as Stone and Garrison. The lie is theirs not the Warren Commission and once again asseting their conclusion is false proves nothing, you have yet to specify what is wrong about their report and why.
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

Yes it does make sense.

Oswald did not go Awol he was discharged from the Marines before emigrating to the Soviet Union.

Marina Oswald's father was not a KGB officer that part is pure fiction.

Her biological father died when she wa a child her Step Father was a supervisor for the Minsk police department.

Yes many assume that Oswald was a CIA puppet but that is ASSUMPTION without a shred of suppprting evidence.

On the other hand the details of his emigration to the USSR and return to the USA are backed up by reams of evidence
Truth : Oswald was a communist.
But how many of you still believe Kennedy was killed by a right winger?

Slate calls a letter to Kennedy's press secretary warning JFK not to visit Dallas because he might be killed by a right-wing mob “eerily prophetic ...
Did the Tea Party Kill JFK? - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

In the early 1960s, a small but vocal subset of the Dallas power structure turned the political climate toxic, inciting a right-wing hysteria that led to attacks on visiting public figures. In the years and months before Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson; his wife, Lady Bird; and Adlai E. Stevenson, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, were jostled and spat upon in Dallas by angry mobs. In sermons, rallies, newspapers and radio broadcasts, the city’s richest oil baron, a Republican congressman, a Baptist pastor and others, including the local John Birch Society, filled Dallas with an angry McCarthyesque paranoia. …
NYTimes: ?Right-wing hysteria? killed JFK | TheBlaze.com

Using Dan Rather as his expert, ex-CBS and current ABC reporter Byron Pitts perpetuated the myth that right-wing hate was somehow responsible for what occurred in Dallas: “Nowhere in Texas did the jagged edge of segregation cut deeper, anti-Kennedy sentiment spew any stronger. This flyer [“Wanted for Treason”] greeted the President when he arrived.”

Rather had warned: “Everybody knew, if there was going to be trouble anywhere, it would be in Dallas.”
ABC and Dan Rather Perpetuate Myth Right Wing Hate Killed Kennedy | NewsBusters

Oswell was a communist you fucking idiot.
The bullet wa
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!

The bullet was not pristine and in fact it was damged and missing mass in a manner perfectly consistent with hitting two bodies.

The reason you believe it is pristine is because virtually every conspiracy theory writer ( who wishes you to believe in magic bullet theories ) only publishes select photographs which show the side of the bullet which is less damaged.

Otehrs who are more honest will show you the other side and the back end where the damage and missing fragments are located.

The reason this is on the back end of the bullet rather than the tip is because the bullet in question was a tumbler. This is something well documented long before Kennedy was shot. Bullet performance is studied in detail and published for competitive shooters year after year and long before 1963 this type and lot of ammunition was recognized as such ( tumblers ). A tumbler will simply begin spinning end over end after striking anything. Therefore it is no surprise that the back end of the bullet struck Connaly's wrist causin g heavy damage to the bullet even as the tip had just penetrated Kennedy and the bullet passed through soft tissue.

Nothing at all magical about it and in fact the bullet followed a normal ballistic path which is nearly a straight line. The curvers swerves and zigzags all dreamed up by conspiracy theorists such as Stone and Garrison. The lie is theirs not the Warren Commission and once again asseting their conclusion is false proves nothing, you have yet to specify what is wrong about their report and why.

Okay...pristine is not the correct word, as it was VERY slightly damaged. Impossible!

These 8 photographs are of Commission Exhibit 399, the so-called "magic bullet." According to the Warren Commission, this mildly flattened but otherwise undamaged bullet passed through Kennedy's back/neck and then broke a rib and shattered the wrist of Governor Connally. The gouge in the nose and base were created by the FBI when extracting samples for testing.

Photos - NARA Evidence - Magic Bullet
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

Yes it does make sense.

Oswald did not go Awol he was discharged from the Marines before emigrating to the Soviet Union.

Marina Oswald's father was not a KGB officer that part is pure fiction.

Her biological father died when she wa a child her Step Father was a supervisor for the Minsk police department.

Yes many assume that Oswald was a CIA puppet but that is ASSUMPTION without a shred of suppprting evidence.

On the other hand the details of his emigration to the USSR and return to the USA are backed up by reams of evidence

So you are saying the "Gipper" type CT must fudge and fabricate "facts" in order to justify his particular CT?
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!
another nutter falsehood:

that bullet is anything but pristine....what a douche nozzle
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!
another nutter falsehood:

that bullet is anything but pristine....what a douche nozzle

No bullet looks like that, after hitting what the WC claimed it did.

Wake up!
The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!
another nutter falsehood:

that bullet is anything but pristine....what a douche nozzle

No bullet looks like that, after hitting what the WC claimed it did.

Wake up!
it's the bullet...and it did look like that.
so did all the bullets shot in the recreations...O delusional one.
Truth : Oswald was a communist.
But how many of you still believe Kennedy was killed by a right winger?

Slate calls a letter to Kennedy's press secretary warning JFK not to visit Dallas because he might be killed by a right-wing mob “eerily prophetic ...
Did the Tea Party Kill JFK? - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

In the early 1960s, a small but vocal subset of the Dallas power structure turned the political climate toxic, inciting a right-wing hysteria that led to attacks on visiting public figures. In the years and months before Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson; his wife, Lady Bird; and Adlai E. Stevenson, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, were jostled and spat upon in Dallas by angry mobs. In sermons, rallies, newspapers and radio broadcasts, the city’s richest oil baron, a Republican congressman, a Baptist pastor and others, including the local John Birch Society, filled Dallas with an angry McCarthyesque paranoia. …
NYTimes: ?Right-wing hysteria? killed JFK | TheBlaze.com

Using Dan Rather as his expert, ex-CBS and current ABC reporter Byron Pitts perpetuated the myth that right-wing hate was somehow responsible for what occurred in Dallas: “Nowhere in Texas did the jagged edge of segregation cut deeper, anti-Kennedy sentiment spew any stronger. This flyer [“Wanted for Treason”] greeted the President when he arrived.”

Rather had warned: “Everybody knew, if there was going to be trouble anywhere, it would be in Dallas.”
ABC and Dan Rather Perpetuate Myth Right Wing Hate Killed Kennedy | NewsBusters

Oswell was a communist you fucking idiot.
who is oswell? you fucking idiot?
your language is not very decent..
Right wingers are pretty good shots, left wingers not so much.

So yes, a right winger shot JFK.
conspiracy crap

Oswald was a commie, he did Kennedy

end of story

Really Jake? How did Oswald get that bolt action rifle to fire off the last 2 shots almost simultaneously?

1) Numerous witnesses including Secret Service Agents and local lawmen said the cadence of the shots was:

BANG.........................BANG BANG.

The last two shots were almost simultaneous. IMPOSSIBLE with the 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano. And the particular weapon recovered was not a fast acting rifle. According to one of the Warren Commission testers: "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"

2) Prior to November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was a nobody. Please tell me WHY a month before the assassination someone visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald?

The government does not have to prove anything: it has made its case.

YOU HAVE TO PROVE the alternative and questions that you have not answered fully do not refute it.

So keep going.
Truth : Oswald was a communist.
But how many of you still believe Kennedy was killed by a right winger?

Slate calls a letter to Kennedy's press secretary warning JFK not to visit Dallas because he might be killed by a right-wing mob “eerily prophetic ...
Did the Tea Party Kill JFK? - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

In the early 1960s, a small but vocal subset of the Dallas power structure turned the political climate toxic, inciting a right-wing hysteria that led to attacks on visiting public figures. In the years and months before Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson; his wife, Lady Bird; and Adlai E. Stevenson, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, were jostled and spat upon in Dallas by angry mobs. In sermons, rallies, newspapers and radio broadcasts, the city’s richest oil baron, a Republican congressman, a Baptist pastor and others, including the local John Birch Society, filled Dallas with an angry McCarthyesque paranoia. …
NYTimes: ?Right-wing hysteria? killed JFK | TheBlaze.com

Using Dan Rather as his expert, ex-CBS and current ABC reporter Byron Pitts perpetuated the myth that right-wing hate was somehow responsible for what occurred in Dallas: “Nowhere in Texas did the jagged edge of segregation cut deeper, anti-Kennedy sentiment spew any stronger. This flyer [“Wanted for Treason”] greeted the President when he arrived.”

Rather had warned: “Everybody knew, if there was going to be trouble anywhere, it would be in Dallas.”
ABC and Dan Rather Perpetuate Myth Right Wing Hate Killed Kennedy | NewsBusters

Oswell was a communist you fucking idiot.

you're the fucking idiot troll.Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI. people in both those outfits have come forward over the years and have said so.:cuckoo:
Oswald was a Marxist traitor who renounced his Country, went AWOL and defected to Russia. We were in the middle of the Cold War and communism was acknowledged to be the greatest threat to American freedom. Why the hell did the US government welcome Oswald and his new Russian wife, who was the daughter of a KGB officer, back home? It doesn't make sense. Oswald was suspected of taking a shot at a retired US Army general who was thought to have gone off his rocker so the assumption can be made that Oswald was a CIA puppet and was supposed to be a little psychotic hit man. Maybe he double crossed the CIA and maybe he followed their instructions when he killed JFK. The "grassy knoll" was just a convenient dodge so that the feds could cover their asses.

The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!
yeah like you said,it was IN near pristine condition.these people need to get glasses.:lol:
Truth : Oswald was a communist.
But how many of you still believe Kennedy was killed by a right winger?

Slate calls a letter to Kennedy's press secretary warning JFK not to visit Dallas because he might be killed by a right-wing mob “eerily prophetic ...
Did the Tea Party Kill JFK? - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

In the early 1960s, a small but vocal subset of the Dallas power structure turned the political climate toxic, inciting a right-wing hysteria that led to attacks on visiting public figures. In the years and months before Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson; his wife, Lady Bird; and Adlai E. Stevenson, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, were jostled and spat upon in Dallas by angry mobs. In sermons, rallies, newspapers and radio broadcasts, the city’s richest oil baron, a Republican congressman, a Baptist pastor and others, including the local John Birch Society, filled Dallas with an angry McCarthyesque paranoia. …
NYTimes: ?Right-wing hysteria? killed JFK | TheBlaze.com

Using Dan Rather as his expert, ex-CBS and current ABC reporter Byron Pitts perpetuated the myth that right-wing hate was somehow responsible for what occurred in Dallas: “Nowhere in Texas did the jagged edge of segregation cut deeper, anti-Kennedy sentiment spew any stronger. This flyer [“Wanted for Treason”] greeted the President when he arrived.”

Rather had warned: “Everybody knew, if there was going to be trouble anywhere, it would be in Dallas.”
ABC and Dan Rather Perpetuate Myth Right Wing Hate Killed Kennedy | NewsBusters

Oswell was a communist you fucking idiot.

you're the fucking idiot troll.Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI. people in both those outfits have come forward over the years and have said so.:cuckoo:

He could have worked for the Girl Scouts, and he still would have shot Kennedy.
The bullet wa
The WC got much wrong or failed to investigate interesting events surrounding the assassination.

The Magic Bullet theory is but one. Hitting JFK and Connolly, yet the bullet was found to be pristine. Impossible!

The bullet was not pristine and in fact it was damged and missing mass in a manner perfectly consistent with hitting two bodies.

The reason you believe it is pristine is because virtually every conspiracy theory writer ( who wishes you to believe in magic bullet theories ) only publishes select photographs which show the side of the bullet which is less damaged.

Otehrs who are more honest will show you the other side and the back end where the damage and missing fragments are located.

The reason this is on the back end of the bullet rather than the tip is because the bullet in question was a tumbler. This is something well documented long before Kennedy was shot. Bullet performance is studied in detail and published for competitive shooters year after year and long before 1963 this type and lot of ammunition was recognized as such ( tumblers ). A tumbler will simply begin spinning end over end after striking anything. Therefore it is no surprise that the back end of the bullet struck Connaly's wrist causin g heavy damage to the bullet even as the tip had just penetrated Kennedy and the bullet passed through soft tissue.

Nothing at all magical about it and in fact the bullet followed a normal ballistic path which is nearly a straight line. The curvers swerves and zigzags all dreamed up by conspiracy theorists such as Stone and Garrison. The lie is theirs not the Warren Commission and once again asseting their conclusion is false proves nothing, you have yet to specify what is wrong about their report and why.

Okay...pristine is not the correct word, as it was VERY slightly damaged. Impossible!

These 8 photographs are of Commission Exhibit 399, the so-called "magic bullet." According to the Warren Commission, this mildly flattened but otherwise undamaged bullet passed through Kennedy's back/neck and then broke a rib and shattered the wrist of Governor Connally. The gouge in the nose and base were created by the FBI when extracting samples for testing.

Photos - NARA Evidence - Magic Bullet

you just took paid trolls soupnazi,thanatoes,dawgshit,and jake to school handing their asses to them on a platter.and non paid troll whitehall as well.whitehall always reveals he is a non paid troll because he always runs off everytime he is cornered,the others always come back and play dodgeball ignroing these facts and change the subject and make up lies to avoid defeat.:lol:

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