Did ACORN steal the election for President Obama?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jason Linkins

How badly are Republican voters taking the results of the 2012 election? Pretty badly, according to the latest numbers from Public Policy Polling. Fully one-quarter of the Republicans they surveyed want their state to secede from the Union, "compared to 56% who want to stay and 19% who aren't sure." That's a real blow for patriotism, and it also indicates that the word hasn't gotten out about the GOP's successes in redistricting. But if there's one part of the poll that sums up what a terrible place Republican voters are in, emotionally, it's this:

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the election for President Obama. We found that 52% of Republicans thought that ACORN stole the 2008 election for Obama, so this is a modest decline, but perhaps smaller than might have been expected given that ACORN doesn't exist anymore.​

More: Republican Voters Pretty Sure 2012 Election Was Stolen By Non-Existent Organization
You would think they would remember after dancing on the grave of the organization they murdered with false propaganda.
You would think they would remember after dancing on the grave of the organization they murdered with false propaganda.

All that "spin" has left them terribly "dizzy".

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Never underestimate the stooopidy of rw voters.

Seriously. There are those who actually believe the silly shit fux spoon feeds them every day. Even something as impossibly idiotic as this.
This is not surprising that they live in a world of denial about a non-existent organization stealing the vote for Obama.

Their candidate was barely in existence either as well as the majority of their brain cells.

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