Did Acosta Cut A 'Sweet Deal' With Epstein To Protect Slick Willey?

You defend a career sexual deviant by saying he ONLY had parties with the sex trafficker at Mar-a-Lago and Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse multiple times... and that makes it ok, according to you?

28 Women Reportedly Sent to Mar-a-Lago in 1992 for VIP Party of Two—Trump and Jeffrey Epstein

Nice story, but you omit the part where Trump banned Epstein from his resorts for acosting a little girl about a decade ago...while Slick Willy was riding the 'Pedo Express' to Epstein's Pedophile Island...
Fake story. Back it up.
Acosta KNEW 2008, that Mr. Epstein had a residence in New York and traveled to other jurisdictions, so he KNEW that it was conceivable that there could be an investigation of whether he committed federal crimes in other districts.

Acosta KNEW that Epstein's attorneys were vigorously demanding a non-prosecution deal that would cover any federal prosecution in any federal district in the United States.

They KNEW that Mr. Epstein faced exposure in other districts if he conducted the alleged activities in those districts.

Acosta and the Judge that approved this deal KNEW when they approved this non-prosecution agreement, that someday Mr. Epstein's lawyers would argue that it barred prosecution in another district.

Acosta's agreement contains a general promise by the United States -- not limited by district -- not to prosecute Mr. Epstein's co-conspirators.

Acosta did not take any of the steps required by the U.S. Attorney's Manual to secure the approval of other districts to bind them.

These entitled bastards, all of them. They ALL need to be brought to justice.
Best buddies.



Sure. Asking another Democrat for campaign donations is not the same as hosting a serial rapist at your Florida compound with 28 girls.

...and Mara Lago is extremely different than the Sex Trafficker's private 'Pedo Plane' and numerous flights out to his private Pedophile Island, snow flake...
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Trying to ingratiate himself with the Clintons?

UGH: Trump Labor Sec. Alex Acosta Defends DOJ Epstein Deal As Dems Demand Resignation.
Instead of demanding 'justice' on the guy who put Epstein in jail, why don't Democrats and Snowflakes demand justice of their 'hero', Slick Willy, who was flying 26 times in 2 years on Epsyein's private plane and screwing little girls on Epstein's private 'Pedophile Island'?
Embrace the power of AND.

Who are the State Prosecutors that wanted zero time?
Why did Cyrus Vance get his Level one Sex Offender Status (most dangerous) reduced to Level 3 (least dangerous)?
Who is this Judge that signed off on the deal that left a serial rapist out to continue raping young girls?

As for Acosta, his story is not believable to me.

He claims it was a roll of the dice that Epstein would be convicted. But given the number of underage victims involved, this story had national outrage written all over it even back then. Acosta made a deal on their behalf and, in violation of the law, didn’t even tell them about it. The longer this case remained unresolved, the more certain conviction would be as more victims came forward and told their story. These crimes call for a life sentence. Recently a guy was sentenced to 7 years or transporting ONE underaged girl over ONE state line, ONE time, for sexual purposes.

Epstein had 60 victims, as of then, crossing multiple state lines, multiple time and he gets 56 Saturday nights in jail? Acosta, and many others, look like they were part of a coverup that allowed a serial rapist of young teenage girls to continue his rape and likely blackmailing career.

Acosta let Epstein plead guilty to a couple of prostitution charges as if the Middle School and High School age girls he was raping were nothing more than hookers. Epstein got off the hook as well as all of his co-conspirators who might have flipped on him if real pressure had ever been applied.

...none of which proves the deal was NOT made in part to spare SENATOR Clinton and her disgraced Impeached perv ex-President husband from a very nasty public trial exposing Slick Willy's flights on the 'Pedo Plane' and his screwing kids...
While Trump transition team was vetting Acosta, he'd cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007 that put a hard stop to a separate federal investigation of sex crimes with minors and trafficking.

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.​

That sounds like bullshit concocted by Acosta to explain away his horrid sweetheart plea deal for Epstein and preserve his chances of becoming Trump’s pick at Labor.

Despite Epstein’s own fame as a wealthy investor, no one seems to know exactly how he made his money. Apart from one person, his client list has been a secret for decades. How he insinuated himself into the company of the likes of Bill Clinton remains unclear.

He may have made his $millions through extortion.

And in a 2015 court filing, Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre stated that U.S. authorities were in possession of footage of her having sex with members of Epstein’s elite friend group.

“Based on my knowledge of Epstein and his organization, as well as discussions with the FBI, it is my belief that federal prosecutors likely possess videotapes and photographic images of me as an underage girl having sex with Epstein and some of his powerful friends,”
Giuffre claimed that Epstein “debriefed her” after she was forced into sexual encounters so that he could possess “intimate and potentially embarrassing information” to blackmail friends into parking their money with him.
Sure. Asking another Democrat for campaign donations is not the same as hosting a serial rapist at your Florida compound with 28 girls.

...and Mara Lago is extremely different than the Sex Trafficker's private 'Pedo Plane' and numerous flights out to his private Pedophile Island, snow flake...
Yeah - there were no Secret Service agents at Mara-Lago.
If Epstein was pimping out underaged girls to fabulously wealthy men and filming it, there’s no limit to how much money he might have made off of them.

Epstein’s “business” might have involved really wealthy people who were facing very severe consequences if their sex with minors was found out. He could have named his price.

That feeds into the “intelligence asset” theory: If Epstein had life-destroying evidence against powerful men abroad, that would be of use potentially to U.S. intelligence. It might also explain how Epstein managed to avoid being killed by any of these powerful blackmailed men. He may have let it be known to his blackmail targets that he’d already shared the evidence with U.S. intel and any attempt to harm him would result in them using it.
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Trying to ingratiate himself with the Clintons?

UGH: Trump Labor Sec. Alex Acosta Defends DOJ Epstein Deal As Dems Demand Resignation.
Instead of demanding 'justice' on the guy who put Epstein in jail, why don't Democrats and Snowflakes demand justice of their 'hero', Slick Willy, who was flying 26 times in 2 years on Epsyein's private plane and screwing little girls on Epstein's private 'Pedophile Island'?
Embrace the power of AND.

Who are the State Prosecutors that wanted zero time?
Why did Cyrus Vance get his Level one Sex Offender Status (most dangerous) reduced to Level 3 (least dangerous)?
Who is this Judge that signed off on the deal that left a serial rapist out to continue raping young girls?

As for Acosta, his story is not believable to me.

He claims it was a roll of the dice that Epstein would be convicted. But given the number of underage victims involved, this story had national outrage written all over it even back then. Acosta made a deal on their behalf and, in violation of the law, didn’t even tell them about it. The longer this case remained unresolved, the more certain conviction would be as more victims came forward and told their story. These crimes call for a life sentence. Recently a guy was sentenced to 7 years or transporting ONE underaged girl over ONE state line, ONE time, for sexual purposes.

Epstein had 60 victims, as of then, crossing multiple state lines, multiple time and he gets 56 Saturday nights in jail? Acosta, and many others, look like they were part of a coverup that allowed a serial rapist of young teenage girls to continue his rape and likely blackmailing career.

Acosta let Epstein plead guilty to a couple of prostitution charges as if the Middle School and High School age girls he was raping were nothing more than hookers. Epstein got off the hook as well as all of his co-conspirators who might have flipped on him if real pressure had ever been applied.

...none of which proves the deal was NOT made in part to spare SENATOR Clinton and her disgraced Impeached perv ex-President husband from a very nasty public trial exposing Slick Willy's flights on the 'Pedo Plane' and his screwing kids...
While Trump transition team was vetting Acosta, he'd cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007 that put a hard stop to a separate federal investigation of sex crimes with minors and trafficking.

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.​

That sounds like bullshit concocted by Acosta to explain away his horrid sweetheart plea deal for Epstein and preserve his chances of becoming Trump’s pick at Labor.

Despite Epstein’s own fame as a wealthy investor, no one seems to know exactly how he made his money. Apart from one person, his client list has been a secret for decades. How he insinuated himself into the company of the likes of Bill Clinton remains unclear.

He may have made his $millions through extortion.

And in a 2015 court filing, Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre stated that U.S. authorities were in possession of footage of her having sex with members of Epstein’s elite friend group.

“Based on my knowledge of Epstein and his organization, as well as discussions with the FBI, it is my belief that federal prosecutors likely possess videotapes and photographic images of me as an underage girl having sex with Epstein and some of his powerful friends,”
Giuffre claimed that Epstein “debriefed her” after she was forced into sexual encounters so that he could possess “intimate and potentially embarrassing information” to blackmail friends into parking their money with him.

Good post...and we know Epstein's 'elite friend group' included Bill Clinton, who flew numerous times on his Pedo Plane - without his Secret Service ... and traveled numerous times to Pedophile Island....

Considering all the crimes and things the Clintons committed / have done, Slick Willy having an illegitimate child ranks near the BOTTOM of the list of things ...

And after demanding every woman be believed, the fact that some Clinton apologist hypocrite like Dragonlady now attacks Slick Willy's victims - like Hillary did for years - is pathetic.

Slick Willy sexually harasses women - snowflakes defend him.

Slick Willy sexually assaults women - snowflakes defend him.

Slick Willy rapes women - snowflakes defend him.

Slick Willy gets Impeached after being held in Contempt of Court for attempting to deceive the judge and Jury in the trial against the woman he sexually harassed - snowflakes defend him.

Slick Willy screws little kids - snowflakes defend him.

Slick Willy could screw farm animals on live tv & you pathetic partisan morons would still defend him.
This list of lies is a reminder of what Rush Limbaugh advised Republicans: accuse Democrats of whatever it is you’re guilty of.
Instead of demanding 'justice' on the guy who put Epstein in jail, why don't Democrats and Snowflakes demand justice of their 'hero', Slick Willy, who was flying 26 times in 2 years on Epsyein's private plane and screwing little girls on Epstein's private 'Pedophile Island'?
Embrace the power of AND.

Who are the State Prosecutors that wanted zero time?
Why did Cyrus Vance get his Level one Sex Offender Status (most dangerous) reduced to Level 3 (least dangerous)?
Who is this Judge that signed off on the deal that left a serial rapist out to continue raping young girls?

As for Acosta, his story is not believable to me.

He claims it was a roll of the dice that Epstein would be convicted. But given the number of underage victims involved, this story had national outrage written all over it even back then. Acosta made a deal on their behalf and, in violation of the law, didn’t even tell them about it. The longer this case remained unresolved, the more certain conviction would be as more victims came forward and told their story. These crimes call for a life sentence. Recently a guy was sentenced to 7 years or transporting ONE underaged girl over ONE state line, ONE time, for sexual purposes.

Epstein had 60 victims, as of then, crossing multiple state lines, multiple time and he gets 56 Saturday nights in jail? Acosta, and many others, look like they were part of a coverup that allowed a serial rapist of young teenage girls to continue his rape and likely blackmailing career.

Acosta let Epstein plead guilty to a couple of prostitution charges as if the Middle School and High School age girls he was raping were nothing more than hookers. Epstein got off the hook as well as all of his co-conspirators who might have flipped on him if real pressure had ever been applied.

...none of which proves the deal was NOT made in part to spare SENATOR Clinton and her disgraced Impeached perv ex-President husband from a very nasty public trial exposing Slick Willy's flights on the 'Pedo Plane' and his screwing kids...
While Trump transition team was vetting Acosta, he'd cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007 that put a hard stop to a separate federal investigation of sex crimes with minors and trafficking.

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.​

That sounds like bullshit concocted by Acosta to explain away his horrid sweetheart plea deal for Epstein and preserve his chances of becoming Trump’s pick at Labor.

Despite Epstein’s own fame as a wealthy investor, no one seems to know exactly how he made his money. Apart from one person, his client list has been a secret for decades. How he insinuated himself into the company of the likes of Bill Clinton remains unclear.

He may have made his $millions through extortion.

And in a 2015 court filing, Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre stated that U.S. authorities were in possession of footage of her having sex with members of Epstein’s elite friend group.

“Based on my knowledge of Epstein and his organization, as well as discussions with the FBI, it is my belief that federal prosecutors likely possess videotapes and photographic images of me as an underage girl having sex with Epstein and some of his powerful friends,”
Giuffre claimed that Epstein “debriefed her” after she was forced into sexual encounters so that he could possess “intimate and potentially embarrassing information” to blackmail friends into parking their money with him.

Good post...and we know Epstein's 'elite friend group' included Bill Clinton, who flew numerous times on his Pedo Plane - without his Secret Service ... and traveled numerous times to Pedophile Island....

You’re obsessed with Bill Clinton. Why is that? Are you like Chris Cooper’s character in ‘American Beauty’?
Epstein could have been blackmailing powerful people selling his films of compromised men with his teenage victims to whatever intel bureau wanted it on a particular target. He could make a lot of money that way.

If that's true, how could the feds risk prosecuting him now? The revelation that the U.S. government allowed a child predator to operate with impunity in the name of entrapping its enemies sexually would be a scandal to end all scandals. The feds’ fear that Epstein would reveal all would be so enormous that they wouldn’t dare touch him. To put it another way, if Acosta was telling the truth about Epstein belonging to intelligence, what’s changed since Acosta was U.S. Attorney to make the feds feel that (a) it’s safe to charge Epstein now and (b) he won’t implicate them in his crimes?

What did Alex Acosta mean when he allegedly said that Epstein "belonged to intelligence"?

...have all been backed / substantiated with facts / links. As pointed out, the Liberal Media have already debunked snowflake claims, pointing out how Trump banned Epstein from his resorts while Slick Willy was making trips to Pedophile Island...

...but keep posting you opinions in defense of the pedophile...

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