Did Aliens Drop Jews Into the ME?

Did Aliens Drop Jews Into the ME?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • It was a Sky Wizard

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Jews Existed before EVERYTHING

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
It's quite hilarious what these IslamoNazis are proposing. Jews don't belong in Israel, but Mooslems do. What a joke.
Roudy, fascinatingly enough, I always found these verses in Genesis Chapter 10 rather mind dulling until I parsed them out last night and realized how full of sh!t these revisionists are.
Notice no mention of a Palestinian or Palestinians in the OT or NT.

New Testament (Rom. 11:26; Matt. 21:5; John 12:15) that use Zion as a name for Jerusalem. First the Deliverer, Christ, is said to come back from Zion. In this text Paul also quotes from the Old Testament. (See Isa. 59:20.) The texts in Matthew and John refer to Christ's entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament text that Matthew and John quote (Zech. 9:9), we have the Hebrew parallelism: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee." The expression "daughter of Zion," which is repeated as "daughter of Jerusalem," refers evidently to the nation of Israel.
There were people before the Jewish people emerged. None of them have survived as a people (culturally intact) except the Jewish people who are, again, the oldest surviving culturally recognizable people in the region.
Seriously, I don't even understand how this thread is even a question.
Notice no mention of a Palestinian or Palestinians in the OT or NT.

New Testament (Rom. 11:26; Matt. 21:5; John 12:15) that use Zion as a name for Jerusalem. First the Deliverer, Christ, is said to come back from Zion. In this text Paul also quotes from the Old Testament. (See Isa. 59:20.) The texts in Matthew and John refer to Christ's entry into Jerusalem. In the Old Testament text that Matthew and John quote (Zech. 9:9), we have the Hebrew parallelism: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee." The expression "daughter of Zion," which is repeated as "daughter of Jerusalem," refers evidently to the nation of Israel.
Isaiah 2:1-3 explicitly mentions that the nations of the world, realizing their idolatry has been exactly that, will come to Zion to learn Torah and will admit that prophecy only comes to a prophet in Jerusalem.
So much for Isaiah prophesizing about Jesus and the nullification of the Torah.
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!
The people that were there before the Jews, ie the Canaanites mixed with the Jews and are considered extinct now. There has never been a Palestinian Arab prior to the 20th century, and there is not a single piece of archeological evidence that supports it. It is a hijacked name and a hoax.

Of course, and the Jund Filistin never existed. What a nutcase you are.

Two Identical Inscriptions from Jund Filasṭīn from the Reign of the ʿAbbāsid Caliph, Al-Muqtadir

Two Identical Inscriptions from Jund Filasṭīn from the Reign of the ʿAbbāsid Caliph, Al-Muqtadir on JSTOR
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!
The people that were there before the Jews, ie the Canaanites mixed with the Jews and are considered extinct now. There has never been a Palestinian Arab prior to the 20th century, and there is not a single piece of archeological evidence that supports it. It is a hijacked name and a hoax.

Of course, and the Jund Filistin never existed. What a nutcase you are.

Two Identical Inscriptions from Jund Filasṭīn from the Reign of the ʿAbbāsid Caliph, Al-Muqtadir

Two Identical Inscriptions from Jund Filasṭīn from the Reign of the ʿAbbāsid Caliph, Al-Muqtadir on JSTOR
Ha ha ha. What exactly does this meaningless document prove? Is that all ya got? It actually disproves your claim! Pathetic:
It means that Jund Filistin was an Arab district and that the district contained Filistins (Palestinians) you maniac.
It means that Jund Filistin was an Arab district and that the district contained Filistins (Palestinians) you maniac.
Ooooo that's 660 AD you friggin idiot and doesn't mention a people called "filistines" you liar. They were Arabs, who invaded and the reason they called it "falastine" was because the that's what the invading Romans and Christians changed the name of Israel to. Fact is once the Ottomans took over in the 1400's for the last 700 years there was no Palestine or Palestinian people. So there ya go freak, once again, keep digging...


The Arab tribes that settled Jund Filastin after the Muslim conquest were the Lakhm, Kindah, Qais, Amilah, Judham and the Kinanah;[1] at the time of the Arab conquest, the region had been inhabited mainly by Aramaic-speaking Miaphysite Christian peasants. The population of the region did not become predominantly Muslim and Arab in identity until several centuries after the conquest. At its greatest extent, Jund Filastin extended from Rafah in the south to Lajjun in the north, and from the Mediterranean coast well to the east of the southern part of the Jordan River.
So for the last 800 years there hasn't been a Palestine or Palestinian people. Arabs called an area they conquered from the Christians by the same name doesn't add up to didly.
You are the liar and are now embarrassed because your lies were exposed.
Which lie is that. Can you show me a people and country by the name of Palestinians or Filistine? You are the liar.
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!
Can we say that the earliest settlers int he ME weren't Jews but from them came the people who later became Hebrews and subsequently Jews?

There is a big difference between archeological fact and the Jewish bible myth. There were many different people in the Levant before the Jews/Hebrews emerged. Just look up Eblaite, Nagar and Mariote for the Bronze Age people there. Shasu, Canaan and Habiru were later as were the Jews/Hebrews in the Iron Age.
From a secular point of view I suppose you might have some grounds for your rsimple opinion.

1, The bible, it seems, is far more than just a cornucopia of myths. The liberal use of eponyms to describe historical events represents a coded history that has baffled secular agents who are determined to disprove the Bible. Abraham, Cush, Noah and other characters in the OT are eponymous figures, representative of something much larger than individuals. Thus, all of the narratives surrounding these eponymous characters would have to be interpreted from that perspective. Nimrod, the first hero, for instance, is not shown on the Sumerian King's list. that is understandable since Nimrod is a collective, not an individual. But what body of people does the eponym, Nimrod, represent? I am still researching that one.

2. I am fully aware that people existed in the Levant before monotheism found it's way there. But again we have this eponymous Canaan to deal with. That eponym links Canaan to the Hebrew Ham, his father. So the father of Egypt/ Mizraim, Ham, was probably representative of what would later become Ethiopia!
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!

First of all, the Land of Israel/Judah does not make up the territory of the entire Middle East, but only a tiny fraction of it. Secondly, even Jews admit that the first Hebrew, Abraham, wasn't born in Israel but in Ur of the Chaldees and, from there, moved to the Promised Land. So the entire premise of your poll, Humanity, doesn't make any sense.
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!
Can we say that the earliest settlers int he ME weren't Jews but from them came the people who later became Hebrews and subsequently Jews?

No one has ever denied that there were people in Israel/Judea before the Hebrews/Jews. And this is especially true if you're talking about the entire Middle East. The problem is that people actually believe that the Arab Palestinians of today are descended from the ancient Canaanites. That piece of propoganda is BS.
The people of Palestine of whatever religion they adopted through the ages, are the offspring of the original people of the area. Europeans that happened to practice Judaism are not.
Islamist propaganda.

That's your zionut fascist hatred coming to the fore again roodboy!

You see, there really WERE people in the region BEFORE Jews...

Jews did NOT start history in the ME!

When you realise that you will see that most of the BS you write is, well, utter BS!
Can we say that the earliest settlers int he ME weren't Jews but from them came the people who later became Hebrews and subsequently Jews?

No one has ever denied that there were people in Israel/Judea before the Hebrews/Jews. And this is especially true if you're talking about the entire Middle East. The problem is that people actually believe that the Arab Palestinians of today are descended from the ancient Canaanites. That piece of propoganda is BS.

The origins of the Hebrews, according to the OT was Eber, one of Shem's sons.
Jacob was the eponym that became Israel. Who were the immediate ancestors of the Hebrews? Are we looking for a "race" or a cosmopolitan religious order made up of myriad races. I think I see the error of those who want to classify "Jews" as a distinct racial entity. That won't fit the ancient paradigm. Jews were bound, not by racial characteristics but by a belief system. So to say Jews were not the first people in the middle East is somewhat nebulous. we have to stop thinking of Jews as being a race... that means the earliest people in the ME could have been Jews or later converted to Judaism without regard to race. A Jew is Jew no matter what race he/she is.

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