Did Aliens Drop Jews Into the ME?

Did Aliens Drop Jews Into the ME?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • It was a Sky Wizard

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Jews Existed before EVERYTHING

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Oh come now Humanity, I thought you were more neutral than the OP of this thread reveals. In some ways, it is too inflammatory to belong here, IMHO. Aliens? REALLY? Sky Fairy? REALLY?

Out of all the ancient civilizations, it is the Jews that are just now coming back to their home. The ancient Chinese still live in china, the Romans still in Italy (ancient Rome), the Greeks still in Greece, the Babylonians still live in Iraq, the Persians still in Iran, Egyptians still in Egypt, even in the western hemisphere the same holds true; the Native Americans still live in America, the Mayans, the Incas, etc.

There was ancient prophesy that said the Jews would be dispersed and then restored to their land. What is your problem with that?
Oh come now Humanity, I thought you were more neutral than the OP of this thread reveals. In some ways, it is too inflammatory to belong here, IMHO. Aliens? REALLY? Sky Fairy? REALLY?

Out of all the ancient civilizations, it is the Jews that are just now coming back to their home. The ancient Chinese still live in china, the Romans still in Italy (ancient Rome), the Greeks still in Greece, the Babylonians still live in Iraq, the Persians still in Iran, Egyptians still in Egypt, even in the western hemisphere the same holds true; the Native Americans still live in America, the Mayans, the Incas, etc.

There was ancient prophesy that said the Jews would be dispersed and then restored to their land. What is your problem with that?

It's too funny Teddy, yes, I am far more neutral than the OP suggests... Some may call it irony...

The irony is that there are far too many people here who choose a specific date, that suits their 'argument' and decide THAT is the start of civilisation, of history! Clearly deluded!

Some even suggest that because the Jews first WROTE about the region, never seen any evidence of that mind you, that, well, the land has ALWAYS been Jewish!

As you well know, I have no issues with Israel existing... Unlike some here... The British and, to an extent, the French, created a monster in the ME... A monster that is sustained by Britain, America and several other western countries...

Israel is there, accept it and move on to find a solution for everyone... Israel is not faultless in the mess that exists in the ME...

The issues I have are with those here who feel it necessary to repeat over and over THEIR version of history, forgetting that, yes, there were people in the region BEFORE the Jews!
"Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Palestinians maintain Jewish customs, including mourning rituals, lighting Shabbat candles and even wearing tefillin."

Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Which, if true, only confirms my point that the Jewish people are the oldest, surviving, culturally recognizable people in the territory. And that the Jewish people most definitely have the oldest connection to the territory. And that those who now identify as Arab Muslim Palestinians are the result of the original Jewish people mixing with a group of colonizers and invaders who moved into the territory and brought with them new language, new religious faiths, new customs, new laws and family celebrations and holidays and new stories and myths.

You are essentially saying that the reason we know that the "Palestinians" have been there the longest is because they are culturally Jewish. Which cuts a really, really large hole in your "Jews are Europeans" argument.

These "Jewish people" you speak of... Where did they come from?

Did they just suddenly appear en mass in the region out of nowhere??

That is my point...

There were people BEFORE the Jews dropped from the sky!
Thought I would start this thread rather than receiving an infraction on a loosely related topic...

It appears that must pro Israelis have issues with history and how it works...

Selecting dates that suit your own personal views is pretty pointless... History is timeless....

Judaism isn't! Neither is Israel...

There really WAS history in the middle east BEFORE Jews arrived....

There has to be a basic acceptance that there was life before Judaism before there can be any sensible discussion!

If that is not possible then, zionuts around the world must accept that aliens dropped Jews onto the planet, AS Jews...

Seems a bit far fetched? Well, reading some, MOST, pro Israeli posts you would think that life did not exist in the ME UNTIL Jews arrived!

Of course there was. There is no question of that. The Jews were the first to actually WRITE down history for that region though. That sets them apart from everyone else....

Jews and Sumerians wrote their history at around the same time.
Eridu, a Sumerian city, was founded in 5,400 BC confirmed by archeological/scientific analysis. Thousands of years before the other civilizations, Chinese,Greeks and Jews included. There's a reason why the area is called the cradle of civilization.
According to the Old Testament the tribes of Israel were from SAUDI ARABIA. Who woulda thought!
Eridu, a Sumerian city, was founded in 5,400 BC confirmed by archeological/scientific analysis. Thousands of years before the other civilizations, Chinese,Greeks and Jews included. There's a reason why the area is called the cradle of civilization.

And Hebrews go back 5997 B.C.
The Hebrew alphabet goes back to the 10th century.
The Sumerian's goes back to the 8th century.
According to the Old Testament the tribes of Israel were from SAUDI ARABIA. Who woulda thought!

They were all over Mesopotamia not just Saudi Arabia.

Hebrews are descendants of earlier Semites. The word "Hebrew" (Jonah 1:9, Genesis 14:13) comes from Eber (Genesis ch. 10 and 11), who was a descendant of Shem and ancestor of Abraham .
Eber was Semitic, not Canaanite (the Canaanites are from Ham, not Shem). The entire northern region of Mesopotamia, near the confluence of the Balikh and Euphrates rivers, was populated by descendants of Eber, the early Hebrews. Abraham himself was born in Ur, but his ancestors and wider family were in the northern region, as attested by several place-names.
In 1934-39, excavations were conducted at ancient Mari, a Semitic town on the northern Euphrates River. They found that ancient towns were named after the Hebrew ancestors of Abraham:
The city of Nahor was found near the city of Harran which exists to this day. Equally clear signs of early Hebrew residence appear in the names of other towns nearby: Serug (Assyrian Sarugi), Terah (Til Turakhi, "Mound of Terah"), and Peleg (Paliga, on the Euphrates near the mouth of the Habur). All these names are found in Genesis ch.11.
"Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Palestinians maintain Jewish customs, including mourning rituals, lighting Shabbat candles and even wearing tefillin."

Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Which, if true, only confirms my point that the Jewish people are the oldest, surviving, culturally recognizable people in the territory. And that the Jewish people most definitely have the oldest connection to the territory. And that those who now identify as Arab Muslim Palestinians are the result of the original Jewish people mixing with a group of colonizers and invaders who moved into the territory and brought with them new language, new religious faiths, new customs, new laws and family celebrations and holidays and new stories and myths.

You are essentially saying that the reason we know that the "Palestinians" have been there the longest is because they are culturally Jewish. Which cuts a really, really large hole in your "Jews are Europeans" argument.

These "Jewish people" you speak of... Where did they come from?

Did they just suddenly appear en mass in the region out of nowhere??

That is my point...

There were people BEFORE the Jews dropped from the sky!

They weren't dropped from the sky. They were resettled there purposefully. It is irrelevant to today and doesn't change or help the situation at all to argue about these things.
This is so stupid. What are you going to do with an entire country of people? You going to move all Jews out of the ME? :lol:
I hope that no one is promoting the eviction of any people, no matter how unjust the eviction of the Muslims and Christians from a large part of Palestine on the part of Europeans was. Two wrongs don't make a right. What is desired is justice for those evicted and their descendants. This includes returning, to the extent possible, the Christians and Muslims that want to return, to their former land and homes in what is now Israel.
Oh come now Humanity, I thought you were more neutral than the OP of this thread reveals. In some ways, it is too inflammatory to belong here, IMHO. Aliens? REALLY? Sky Fairy? REALLY?

Out of all the ancient civilizations, it is the Jews that are just now coming back to their home. The ancient Chinese still live in china, the Romans still in Italy (ancient Rome), the Greeks still in Greece, the Babylonians still live in Iraq, the Persians still in Iran, Egyptians still in Egypt, even in the western hemisphere the same holds true; the Native Americans still live in America, the Mayans, the Incas, etc.

There was ancient prophesy that said the Jews would be dispersed and then restored to their land. What is your problem with that?

According to what the "OT".
"Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Palestinians maintain Jewish customs, including mourning rituals, lighting Shabbat candles and even wearing tefillin."

Most Palestinians in Judea & Samaria were formerly Jews

Which, if true, only confirms my point that the Jewish people are the oldest, surviving, culturally recognizable people in the territory. And that the Jewish people most definitely have the oldest connection to the territory. And that those who now identify as Arab Muslim Palestinians are the result of the original Jewish people mixing with a group of colonizers and invaders who moved into the territory and brought with them new language, new religious faiths, new customs, new laws and family celebrations and holidays and new stories and myths.

You are essentially saying that the reason we know that the "Palestinians" have been there the longest is because they are culturally Jewish. Which cuts a really, really large hole in your "Jews are Europeans" argument.

These "Jewish people" you speak of... Where did they come from?

Did they just suddenly appear en mass in the region out of nowhere??

That is my point...

There were people BEFORE the Jews dropped from the sky!

You are so ignorant it's scary.
Adam was NOT Jewish; God did not want a limited number of free will humans to show their appreciation by setting their own egos aside and permeating every aspect of their lives with God's presence.
But the experiment FAILED and God returned everything back to formless water and began anew with Noach and his family.
The experiment failed again except for Avraham.
And God GIVES reasons for why that particular piece of real estate originally called Canaan (grandson of Ham who dishonored his father Noach) was too holy for the descendents of Ham to possess.
And by the way, Ham's descendants conquered that land from the descendants of Shem, the ancestor of Avraham.
So if you want to be historically correct, which you CAN'T because you know diddly squat, that land REALLY belongs to the spiritual descendants of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.

In case I forgot...You are so ignorant it's scary.
Oh come now Humanity, I thought you were more neutral than the OP of this thread reveals. In some ways, it is too inflammatory to belong here, IMHO. Aliens? REALLY? Sky Fairy? REALLY?

Out of all the ancient civilizations, it is the Jews that are just now coming back to their home. The ancient Chinese still live in china, the Romans still in Italy (ancient Rome), the Greeks still in Greece, the Babylonians still live in Iraq, the Persians still in Iran, Egyptians still in Egypt, even in the western hemisphere the same holds true; the Native Americans still live in America, the Mayans, the Incas, etc.

There was ancient prophesy that said the Jews would be dispersed and then restored to their land. What is your problem with that?

According to what the "OT".

If you know the "OT" so well, quote a section of verses RIGHT NOW and we'll discuss it.
You won't, and CAN'T, because you know NOTHING.
Thought I would start this thread rather than receiving an infraction on a loosely related topic...

It appears that must pro Israelis have issues with history and how it works...

Selecting dates that suit your own personal views is pretty pointless... History is timeless....

Judaism isn't! Neither is Israel...

There really WAS history in the middle east BEFORE Jews arrived....

There has to be a basic acceptance that there was life before Judaism before there can be any sensible discussion!

If that is not possible then, zionuts around the world must accept that aliens dropped Jews onto the planet, AS Jews...

Seems a bit far fetched? Well, reading some, MOST, pro Israeli posts you would think that life did not exist in the ME UNTIL Jews arrived!

Of course there was. There is no question of that. The Jews were the first to actually WRITE down history for that region though. That sets them apart from everyone else....

Jews and Sumerians wrote their history at around the same time.

Yes, that is true. Different geographic areas, but similar in time.
Eridu, a Sumerian city, was founded in 5,400 BC confirmed by archeological/scientific analysis. Thousands of years before the other civilizations, Chinese,Greeks and Jews included. There's a reason why the area is called the cradle of civilization.

The Minoan civilization go's back at least that far as well. No one is claiming the Jews are the first to write their history. They are the first to write history for the region of JERUSALEM. Kind of supports the claim that they originated there ...eh?
I said real archeological findings, not Jewish Bible fairytales.

Yes, real archeological findings support the Bible in almost every case. I can't think of a single case where the Biblical record has been shown wrong when the area in question has been studied in depth.
Thought I would start this thread rather than receiving an infraction on a loosely related topic...

It appears that must pro Israelis have issues with history and how it works...

Selecting dates that suit your own personal views is pretty pointless... History is timeless....

Judaism isn't! Neither is Israel...

There really WAS history in the middle east BEFORE Jews arrived....

There has to be a basic acceptance that there was life before Judaism before there can be any sensible discussion!

If that is not possible then, zionuts around the world must accept that aliens dropped Jews onto the planet, AS Jews...

Seems a bit far fetched? Well, reading some, MOST, pro Israeli posts you would think that life did not exist in the ME UNTIL Jews arrived!

Of course there was. There is no question of that. The Jews were the first to actually WRITE down history for that region though. That sets them apart from everyone else....

Jews and Sumerians wrote their history at around the same time.

Thought I would start this thread rather than receiving an infraction on a loosely related topic...

It appears that must pro Israelis have issues with history and how it works...

Selecting dates that suit your own personal views is pretty pointless... History is timeless....

Judaism isn't! Neither is Israel...

There really WAS history in the middle east BEFORE Jews arrived....

There has to be a basic acceptance that there was life before Judaism before there can be any sensible discussion!

If that is not possible then, zionuts around the world must accept that aliens dropped Jews onto the planet, AS Jews...

Seems a bit far fetched? Well, reading some, MOST, pro Israeli posts you would think that life did not exist in the ME UNTIL Jews arrived!

Of course there was. There is no question of that. The Jews were the first to actually WRITE down history for that region though. That sets them apart from everyone else....

Jews and Sumerians wrote their history at around the same time.

Yes, that is true. Different geographic areas, but similar in time.

No the jews or Hebrews copied from the Sumerians, Sargon.

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