Did "authorities" protect the police station and let Ferguson burn?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It was obvious that law-enforcement could not protect citizens of L.A. during the Rodney King riots. They might have made the tactical decision to let the mobs burn Ferguson rather than engage the criminals and cause even more bloodshed. The sad fact is that even if you face arson and threats to your life the police may decide not to help you. What do you do in that case?
Yes they did. In August the public was outraged....not in that the cops kept the riots under control to the point that no one died and only one building burned....but that (GASP) they wore scary uniforms and had big armored trucks.

The thugs were shooting at UNARMED firemen. So fire command retreated.

The choice was let SWAT and National Guard do an offensive and slaughter the thugs in a gunfight....or....stand down and let the animals do what they do.

You cant stop a riot with hugs.

You cant ask cops to go into a modern urban gunfight and riot dressed like Andy Griffith.

Fuck em.
Weren't you paying attention when the Mayor said that the national guard would only protect the police station?

Of course Ferguson was allowed to burn. What would you have the police do, inflame the rioters by stopping the riot?
I think it's the best way to deal with this kind of crap since shooting em is a no,no.
Contain them in their own neighborhoods and let em go wild.
And you damn sure dont let em use tax dollars to fix a single thing.
I think an answer is needed as far as why did the governor call up the National Guard which was the right call
then not have them there the first night where they were needed most.

Was pressure brought to bear from the WH....
And I don't mean Obama.
The real power....

Valerie Jarrett...
There were no National Guard in Ferguson that night, they were in Clayton protecting gov buildings which was where the GJ decision was announced.
The cops did not let Ferguson burn. They and the FD were getting shot at. The cops did not fire once during all of this. It is my understanding that Gov Nixon asked for them to move in and the National Guard were ready but someone (higher up) stopped them. So the cops did not let the city burn, someone higher up did and it wasn't Nixon.

What I learned was I cannot count on my gov to protect me and family. We will do it ourselves. We are locked and loaded!
BTW, Obama is sending money to Ferguson businesses so they can rebuild....scumbag.
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Right now there are several businesses down the street from me that are not being guarded by immediate police presence nor national guard. I don't expect them to be looted or burned down because there aren't a bunch of incited black racist thug arsonists and burglars mulling around. Now let's do the math.
It was obvious that law-enforcement could not protect citizens of L.A. during the Rodney King riots. They might have made the tactical decision to let the mobs burn Ferguson rather than engage the criminals and cause even more bloodshed. The sad fact is that even if you face arson and threats to your life the police may decide not to help you. What do you do in that case?

If they did; they made the right call.

Critical infrastructure is what gets protected in mass violence.

As far as safety goes....if your life is in danger, the police will respond. If your house is on fire, they may not.

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