Did Biden cut the navy funds?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2023
I read that China has 150 more naval ships than usa and that biden cut the navy funding. Is this true?
It does not appear to be true, but you are free to seek your own research.
I hear that a lot of Ukraine funding is coming from the .mil budget now that the House said no to Billions for Ukraine Friday. I guess the Pentagon siphons it off a bit here and a bit there....Given that they are all-in on the endeavor you hear very little about it.
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I hear that a lot of Ukraine funding is coming from the .mil budget now that the House said no to Billions for Ukraine Friday. I guess the Pentagon siphons it off a bit here and a bit there....Given that they are all-in on the endeavor you hear very little about it.
Any idea how that works? It sounds like two different things. I wasn't even aware the Republican House had passed a new budget or much of anything else of significance, for that matter. I thought FY 23 was funded last year. Am I just not keeping up again? I really don't remember a new budget since the first week of January and that federal funding was already in place through September 30. Feel free to get me up to speed.
So do democrats usually do military cuts and when they do does it hurt our chances with China or Russia wars?
I read that China has 150 more naval ships than usa and that biden cut the navy funding. Is this true?
Lol you think that military funding goes any direction other than up? The Pentagon doesn't even have to pass audits. Go look at what those extra ships China has look like. If you stick a military registration on a fishing boat, does that make it a threat?
Any idea how that works? It sounds like two different things. I wasn't even aware the Republican House had passed a new budget or much of anything else of significance, for that matter. I thought FY 23 was funded last year. Am I just not keeping up again? I really don't remember a new budget since the first week of January and that federal funding was already in place through September 30. Feel free to get me up to speed.
Remember when the dem House and neocon fellow travelers ran "special emergency Ukraine funding" and "continuing budget resolutions" where billions were earmarked for Ukraine? That's over.

What happened was most of the Omnibus money is "portable" (can be moved around) when in the past (like when Trump was POTUS) they (dems and RINOs both) made sure it wasn't.

That's why it was like pulling teeth to get his wall funding and they could fight him at every turn.

Now Tater's bunch and the neocons moves it to suit them...Like that 2.6B they allotted the other day.

Your guess is as good as mine to where that came from.
I read that China has 150 more naval ships than usa and that biden cut the navy funding. Is this true?
Of course it is true. Potatohead is the Chicom's Man in the White House. You don't think they gave the Potatohead family that billion dollar investment for nothing, do you?
We have a seaborne capability of over two thousand miles, China is not able to do much.
They are gaining. And have the resources to do so. To keep them close to their territory is due to the fortunate landmasses we have a say in around them. Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, etc. At some point they are getting closer to being a woman with huge tits wearing a bra made for smaller ones. They will leave the coastal areas at their will and with no interference. Growing up with the old Soviet Union supposedly being all that, and they were formidable. They just did not have the economy. China has the economy and endless people willing to work cheaper than anywhere else as they are the product masters to the world.
They are gaining. And have the resources to do so. To keep them close to their territory is due to the fortunate landmasses we have a say in around them. Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, etc. At some point they are getting closer to being a woman with huge tits wearing a bra made for smaller ones. They will leave the coastal areas at their will and with no interference. Growing up with the old Soviet Union supposedly being all that, and they were formidable. They just did not have the economy. China has the economy and endless people willing to work cheaper than anywhere else as they are the product masters to the world.
let me correct you.......they are the cheap shit product masters to the world........
Remember when the dem House and neocon fellow travelers ran "special emergency Ukraine funding" and "continuing budget resolutions" where billions were earmarked for Ukraine? That's over.

What happened was most of the Omnibus money is "portable" (can be moved around) when in the past (like when Trump was POTUS) they (dems and RINOs both) made sure it wasn't.

That's why it was like pulling teeth to get his wall funding and they could fight him at every turn.

Now Tater's bunch and the neocons moves it to suit them...Like that 2.6B they allotted the other day.

Your guess is as good as mine to where that came from.
Hmmm. I couldn't find back up info on what you're saying, except for the 2.6B and the head of House Intelligence talking about overwhelming support among the American people for funding Ukraine's resistance to the Russian invasion. You know I support fund Ukraine, but that is not the point. You know I am a fiscal conservative, that portability BS sounds like a slippery accounting slope to me. I like things on budgetary line and paragraph, locked in. You saw me bitching and raising hell when Donny took the money for the military high schools, and rebuilding the naval air station after the hurricane near where I vacation, along with the money to fix the damn undrinkable water and polluting waste water plants on military bases and diverted it from what Congress approved and he agreed to on the budget he signed, to then go over congress, steal the money and fund his wall. Now, you say, they are into "portable" funds. That sounds like little or no budget at all, to me.
Hmmm. I couldn't find back up info on what you're saying, except for the 2.6B and the head of House Intelligence talking about overwhelming support among the American people for funding Ukraine's resistance to the Russian invasion. You know I support fund Ukraine, but that is not the point. You know I am a fiscal conservative, that portability BS sounds like a slippery accounting slope to me. I like things on budgetary line and paragraph, locked in. You saw me bitching and raising hell when Donny took the money for the military high schools, and rebuilding the naval air station after the hurricane near where I vacation, along with the money to fix the damn undrinkable water and polluting waste water plants on military bases and diverted it from what Congress approved and he agreed to on the budget he signed, to then go over congress, steal the money and fund his wall. Now, you say, they are into "portable" funds. That sounds like little or no budget at all, to me.
It's nothing new, it's really called discretionary spending. It just depends on how congress sets it up, usually in a Omnibus.....The dems/rinos knew Trump wanted around 11B to build the wall so they locked him (the executive branch) out.

So are you saying we have the most boats? My research says otherwise.

The most really does not matter. On paper, Russia was one of the largest nations when it comes to tanks and aircraft. How much has that helped them in Ukraine?

China does have more ships, but one has to remember that they do not operate them like a "real navy". In practice, it runs them more like an upgunned Coast Guard.

Then one has to consider the ships they use. The US Navy does not consider any ships below Destroyer as being significant, so has none. And a hell of a lot of the Chinese navy are Frigates, Corvettes, and Missile Boats. We have not had Frigates since 2015 when the Oliver Hazard Perry class were retired. They also have Corvettes, which is a class the US has not used since WWII.

However, as China primarily uses its Navy as a Coast Guard and includes ships comparable to the USCG, then when doing an equal comparison one should add the ships of the USCG to the USN.

Having the most means little in military terms. China has no idea what it takes to have a "real navy", and has never used their navy like it was a navy. And not many give their performance in a conflict very good odds.

So do democrats usually do military cuts

In general for the last 5 decades, yes.

I first put on the uniform when Reagan was in office, and recently took it off after serving my seventh President. And in all those years one thing was pretty predictable.

First, that Democrats would cut our budget and numbers, and it would generally be a famine era for the military. And Republicans would reverse that, increase our numbers again and finally let us replace our old crap.

However, at this time the military is going through its longest famine era, as it has been going on for over 14 years. This is not me getting involved in politics, but I always saw President Trump as a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. And as much as he talked, force numbers during his entire 4 years in office remained as they were after the start of the Obama Administration. And no real projects of note were launched during his administration.

So as far as the military saw, he was just another Democrat and there was none of the "Republican Funding" that had been seen in the past. Everything for his entire term just coasted at the levels his predecessor set.

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