Biden let's Russian ships roam around our hemisphere

Déjà vu:

Advanced Russian warship armed with cruise missiles docks in Havana's harbor
One of the Russian Navy’s most advanced warships has docked at a port in Havana’s harbor.

Armed with cruise missiles, air deference systems and other weapons, the Admiral Gorshkov -- which pulled into Cuba's capital Monday -- is the first ship in a new class of frigates intended to replace aging Soviet-era destroyers to project power far away from Russian shores.

Déjà vu:

Advanced Russian warship armed with cruise missiles docks in Havana's harbor
One of the Russian Navy’s most advanced warships has docked at a port in Havana’s harbor.

Armed with cruise missiles, air deference systems and other weapons, the Admiral Gorshkov -- which pulled into Cuba's capital Monday -- is the first ship in a new class of frigates intended to replace aging Soviet-era destroyers to project power far away from Russian shores.

More or less advanced than the Moskva?
And when did Trump confront the Russian navy?
Trump doesn't have to be confrontational with Russia. Trump is suave, he can charm the pants off Putin. Trump tells Putin what to do and Putin does it.
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

Everyone says it is a Putin flex. I think it is Putin trying to get his fleet away from Ukraine before they’re all sunk.
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

If they even sneeze wrong they'll be on the bottom of the ocean faster than they can swallow a bowl of borscht.... and they know it.
biden is going down hill faster than Franz Klammer
I’m thinking Vinko Bogataj
I joined the Navy in 1978. The Russians have been doing this since before then. We have also. In 1985, my guided missile cruiser was sent through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles into the Black Sea to conduct surveillance operations on the Soviet Fleet. They knew we were coming because you have to declare your passage and receive permission from the Turks. While we were there, Konstantin Chernenko died. We declared ourselves out of there, and headed back to the Med. Shortly thereafter, their aircraft carrier Kiev left port in the Black Sea and headed for the Med. We spent the next month or so tailing it all around the Med all the way to a known Soviet anchorage off Libya. I spent many hours riding in their carriers wake, watching their VTOL Yak Forger aircraft landing from directly underneath. This is old stuff, and nothing new.

A year and a half prior, I flew with a Navy P-3 squadron out of Jacksonville NAS down the coast to locate a Soviet intelligence ship had been sitting off Cape Canaveral likely intercepting telemetry from the space shuttle. Flying about 100 feet off the water we scared the hell out of a lot of large pleasure craft off the Florida coast. Apparently the Moma-class AGI had headed north after the launch to monitor our subs leaving Kings Bay, GA, a port where a few years earlier a similar ship had monitored my submarine as we left on a deterrent patrol.

In my three deployments to the Mediterranean, Black, and Red Seas, we were constantly overflown by Soviet aircraft, always being intercepted by our carriers.

I can assure you that this is nothing new, and is much ado about nothing, Same shit! Different day!

Every time my sub left port she was followed by a Russian trawler. At least until they couldn't find us.
Exactly. it is international waters and cuban territorial water. Countries can claim up to 12 nautical miles of territorial sea. That is it.

US and NATO has troops in Ukraine which is right next to Russia.

I would bet that US has ships in international waters close to Russia. Thus the Russians do the same thing. It just a cat and mouse game. They do and the US is going to do it.

its a game and beside it is sound strategy to have ships in close proximity in case war breaks out. If they do then we do it and that is deterrence.

Unsubstantiated claims.
I can’t help it that you’re totally brainless, you pathetic shitstain.

A blockade to prevent Russian missiles from being placed 90 miles off our shore is fucking fire.

But nuclear missile enabled submarines which are already within easy striking distance of our land is not exactly a picnic in the park, you chimp.

Adults are talking here. Go to your room.
They have always been there. no one cares. Where do you think our subs are?
I blame Trump

Obama normalized relations with Cuba opening up trade and tourism.

Trump tore up the deal as soon as he became President

Looks like Russia is filling the void

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