Biden let's Russian ships roam around our hemisphere

Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

Ever heard of international waters?

Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

The US can't stop ships going to other countries.
JFK got praised for (as well as historically criticized for) his blockade of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.

The man had balls.

Potato has no balls and no brains.

In fairness, however, perhaps it makes more sense not to light a fuse which is likely to end in a nuclear conflagration.

The people who are "advising" Biden are America Last people, they have made it clear that they want to reduce The USA's positive influence in the world.
How about the nuclear subs Putin's sending to Cuba?

That, along with his invasion of Ukraine, really ratchets up my confidence in the Democrats and their role as the "adults" on the World Stage.

So. Fucking. Dumb.
How about the ones we have on Cuban waters
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

And when did Trump confront the Russian navy?

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