Did Brett Kavanaugh Uphold the Obamacare Mandate?

Indeed, today's Democrats are not at all liberal, they are "anti-liberal," anti-free speech, totally authoritarian, almost like the Spanish King during the Inquisition....
Name ONE THING W did that was "conservative."

Start the Jeopardy! music....

Killed a shitload of radical Muslim terrorist shitheads.

That's a good start. Or would you rather he'd gave them "innocent until proven guilty" and all that?
Killed a shitload of radical Muslim terrorist shitheads.

As I suspected, the total sellout of America to the cause of Zionism is the new SUB HUMAN definition of "conservative."

And this was NOT a "controlled demolition..."

and nobody Islamic had anything to do with 911. There was nothing "conservative" at all about W, the worst traitor in US history.
To summarize, George W Bush did NOTHING that was "conservative."

He took over a superpower with a surplus and a strong economy. He sold out American lives and the US military to the ISRAEL lobby for money, favorable media coverage, and his daughter becoming a talking head on TV. He wrecked the US economy by outspending LBJ, including threatening the actuary who did the cost estimate for the socialization of senior drugs to "shut up or else." He conspired with the traitors who murdered thousands on 911. He started two wars over complete lies he knew were lies. He did nothing good for the United States. He did more harm to the US than his 42 predecessors summed together. Barack Obama is part of W's legacy, as if W governed as a conservative and a patriotic American, Obama never gets near the WH....

Every W apologists should be set on top of the next steel framed skyscraper to be demo-ed, right before it is demo-ed.

Killed a shitload of radical Muslim terrorist shitheads.

As I suspected, the total sellout of America to the cause of Zionism is the new SUB HUMAN definition of "conservative."

And this was NOT a "controlled demolition..."

and nobody Islamic had anything to do with 911. There was nothing "conservative" at all about W, the worst traitor in US history.


What's with this "Zionism" shit? Israel is the best ally we have in the Middle East. They're an oasis of civility smack dab in the middle of a medievel shithole whose inhabitants still think it's the Crusades.

Granted GW did some things that could be considered in this day and age "conservative", woul;d you have rather had Al Gore or John Kerry, who ran against him in 2000 and 2004?

Can you imagine what would have happened to this country, had either of those fucksticks been elected? You and I would be speaking Farsi by now and kneeling on our prayer rugs
LaDexter's definition of conservative places one to the right of Goldwater somewhere.
LaDexter's definition of conservative places one to the right of Goldwater somewhere.

Of course we are. In a time when the liberals, progressives, and Democrats keep moving further and further toward full-blown Marxism, do you expect us to stay where we were?

This is not the time to be a wish-washy moderate. Those in the middle of the road tend to get ran over.
Everyone in this country is more conservative than Huma Abedin

and that "proves" W was "conservative," even as he socialized senior drugs (by lying about the cost) and outspent, outporked, and outsocialized LBJ...

I'll allow that. GW did fit the description of a "conservative" for that particular point in time, but the description has changed since then.

Just as the Democrats have changed from "liberal" to "socialist" to "communist." over the years.

Who is a "commie"?

On the other hand, the cultural fascism of the far right in America is a dangerous reality.
and that "proves" W was "conservative," even as he socialized senior drugs (by lying about the cost) and outspent, outporked, and outsocialized LBJ...

I never voted for W, but I supported the Bush tax cuts, his judicial nominees, his opposition to the so-called "fairness doctrine," his support of Israel, and a few other issues.

The hardcore reactions to Kavanaugh show why ardent libertarians, conservative purists, John Birchers, etc., can't govern and will never win majority support. You can't attack and reject people who agree with you 60-80% of the time.
LaDexter's definition of conservative places one to the right of Goldwater somewhere.

Of course we are. In a time when the liberals, progressives, and Democrats keep moving further and further toward full-blown Marxism, do you expect us to stay where we were?

This is not the time to be a wish-washy moderate. Those in the middle of the road tend to get ran over.
While there are no commies, certainly a cultural fascism in America is in full bloom on the far right.
LaDexter's definition of conservative places one to the right of Goldwater somewhere.

Of course we are. In a time when the liberals, progressives, and Democrats keep moving further and further toward full-blown Marxism, do you expect us to stay where we were?

This is not the time to be a wish-washy moderate. Those in the middle of the road tend to get ran over.
While there are no commies, certainly a cultural fascism in America is in full bloom on the far right.

How can the right be considered "cultural fascists"? I mean considering how leftists like antifa are the ones vandalizing, burning, assaulting, and depriving people of their right to free speech?

Your definition and my definition of "fascism" must be different.
Cultural fascism in America includes uber nationalism (think of the Alt Right rioting at Charlottesville), nativism, ethnocentrism, white supremacy, antidemocracy, etc., JGalt.

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